UK Migration Newswire Archive
Defend Asylum Seekers - Protest at Communications House, London
09-01-2008 11:11

'Ethnic Charter flights' = 'Hamburg International Airlines'
08-01-2008 18:35
A deportee has positively identified 'Hamburg International Airlines' as the charter flight he was put on taking him and 30 others to Afghanistan.Alex Belongs to Bristol
08-01-2008 11:12

Support The Harmondsworth 4! Demonstrate Monday 14th January 2008
07-01-2008 14:30
9:30am onwardsSouthwark Crown Court
1 English Grounds
(off Battlebridge Lane)
London SE1 2HU
(nearest tube London Bridge)
Friends of Therese & Ngalieuk
07-01-2008 08:46

Small Kitchen @ Sumac on Friday 11th & 25th + Putting Down Roots
06-01-2008 12:16

Harmondsworth 4 Trial Adjourned
05-01-2008 06:27
- No demonstration at Southwark Crown Court on Monday 7th JanuaryIraqis face lack of services
05-01-2008 01:05
Farid, like millions of other Iraqis who fled the bombs and ambushes in 2006 and 2007, is choosing between the rising costs of displacement and the painful memories of home.Around the Campaigns Friday 4th January 2008
04-01-2008 20:24
There was no let up by the Home Office over the 'Festive Season and New Year' to dispense misery to those 'Sans Papiers' in the UK; families were cruelly torn apart and families/individuals uprooted from their communities.Harmondsworth 4 Trial Adjourned
04-01-2008 17:49
- No demonstration at Southwark Crown Court on Monday 7th JanuaryUS military recruiting "illegal aliens"
04-01-2008 11:36
Civil activist Ildefonso Ortiz Cabrera told reporters that US military officers use young men of Latin American origin to recruit for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.Defend asylum seekers - demonstrate next Tuesday 8 January 1-2pm
03-01-2008 10:36
No detentions, no deportations, for the right to work.Fight back against the racist Labour government's immigration and asylum laws.
Solidarity with the Harmondsworth 4!
Called by London FRFI. All individuals and organisations invited to participate.
France: Revolt in foreigners camps
03-01-2008 08:58
In France, in 2 "centres de rétention" (one of the types of detention centers for migrants, where they are held before deportation) in Paris region, a strong protest movement has been going since Dec 20, 2007. Migrants went on hunger strike to try to alert public opinion on detention, which they characterize as "shameful and arbitrary".Third attempt to remove Comfort Adefowoju and Family
02-01-2008 07:59

Paul Gassa Belongs to Leicester
31-12-2007 18:32

Obscurity and confinement for migrants in Europe
31-12-2007 13:17
There are now 224 detention camps scattered across the European Union; altogether they can house more than 30,000 people - asylum-seekers and 'illegal' immigrants awaiting deportation - who are often held in administrative detention for as long as 18 months. In a number of EU countries, there is no limit on detention length.Two Years Too Many - London Demo - Kader Must Stay
30-12-2007 21:07

In London, demonstrate at the Canadian High Commission, west side of Trafalgar Square, at 1pm.
On 1 January 2006 Algerian Abelkader Belaouni (Kader) took refuge in St. Gabriel's Church in Montreal to avoid deportation from Canada. Despite an outpouring of support, he has remained a prisoner in the church ever since, unable to leave for fear of being arrested and deported. That's two years too many!
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Northern Anti-Racist March calls for support on 19th January
30-12-2007 14:53

Stop Criminalising Immigrants! Freedom to Work! Freedom to Stay!
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Refugees in Calais ignored by France government
30-12-2007 12:32