UK Migration Newswire Archive
Two more deaths of asylum seekers
12-08-2008 11:33
Nadir Zarebee from Iran hanged himself in a Manchester park on Tuesday 5 August after being asked to leave his home in Trafford by Home Office's NASS-appointed 'accommodation provider' MNQ.Mohammad Hussain from Iraq died last Sunday 3rd August. He had stomach cancer that went undetected and untreated while he was detained in Lindholme IRC.
Two more deaths of asylum seekers
11-08-2008 17:30
Iranian refugee Nadir Zarebee hanged himself after NASS- appointed accommodation made him homeless.Mohammad Hussain, Iraqui refugee and activist for asylum rights died of cancer, wich went undetected and treated while he was detained at Linbdholme IRC.
RIP Mohammad Hussain
11-08-2008 17:13
Mohammad Hussain dies of cancer following 8 years struggling to gain refugee status
What is Global Citizenship?
11-08-2008 14:59
Global Citizenship is largely undefined as there are multiple global experiences and identities such as multinational employees and immigrants. It is argued that the concept of Global Citizenship is far removed from a tangential definition.Amdani Juma: Bail Hearing Monday 11th August
08-08-2008 18:05

Government cuts student funding to spend it on ID cards
08-08-2008 15:29
Government is cuttting student funding to spend it on ID cards.Around the Campaigns Friday August 8th 2008
08-08-2008 11:51

3 years 2 days since the last - Mauritania has a coup.
06-08-2008 20:19
At first glance the news that the 147th richest (or 36th poorest) state on the planet with less than 4 million population has had yet another coup d'etat might not seem newsworthy. Until you realise that current European migration & "drug war" policies hinge on the amenability of the regime in the desert state.Although the EU has only set aside €156 million of aid for 2008-2013 or roughly 54 million sterling a year - a myriad of agreements made since the last coup d'etat have allowed for the EU to start their southern border against migration in the buffer zone just the other side of our 2,720 km long security fence for Africa.
Ndeh Family Must Stay! Solidarity Gathering
06-08-2008 11:37

11:00am - 1:00pm
Sheffield Peace Gardens
With Troops on the street, the Fascists must be in power.
05-08-2008 18:46
There has been the usual mix of resigned reactions and utterly vile apologism in English language media globally today to news that 3,000 Italian soldiers are patrolling Rome, Naples & Milan with that states police in the latest measure to "stop crime" which according to Berlusconi and crew is all caused by illegal migrants, gypsies or people who carry the gene for premature balding yet inexplicably still have a full head of virile hairy hair.Oh yes. Especially those ones.
For so long people used the wicked word "Fascist" to describe the Italian right that it has now lost all its proper power to shock. What next they asked too many times.
So we no longer read the question marks after Camps? Striped Pyjamas? Caged Ghettoes?
Please help Qin Wang and Jian Qi Lin
05-08-2008 08:38

Please help Qin Wang and little Jian Qi Lin
04-08-2008 18:02

HO Reference number: W1066923
The Home Office have detained and plan to send a single mum and her two year old son back to China just one day before the start of the Olympic Games.
Fire in French Migrant Detention Centre.
02-08-2008 18:04
17h30 today a fire broke out within the migrant detention centre at Mesnil-Amelot. Spokespeople for SOS sans-papiers have said they believe there are injured inside the centre. The same collective had been peacefully protesting France's criminalisation of migrant workers this afternoon between 16h00 and18h30._____________________________
Meanwhile migrant acitivists in Belgium have stopped their occupation of a scaffold at Béguinage church this afternoon but sporadic occupations of construction cranes continue.
Demonstrate Against Britain's Racist Immigration Laws
02-08-2008 17:36
Show solidarity with asylum seekers and immigrantsTUESDAY 5 AUGUST 1 – 2PM
Outside the UK Immigration Service Communications House
210 Old Street, London , EC1V 9BR
(nearest tube – Old Street )
Around the Campaigns Friday 25th July 2008
25-07-2008 13:15
Elizabeth, Hilary & John - Still detained, Still facing removalAnd
Anselme Noumbiwa - Back in Middlesbrough where he belongs
No Borders demo call out: Freedom of Movement for all
25-07-2008 09:41

France: Immigrants strike for the right to work
22-07-2008 14:32
“They work here, they live here, they stay here!”French immigrants strike for the right to work—and win.
By Marie Kennedy and Chris Tilly
Please help Phiona and Bradley
21-07-2008 23:38

Protest against the abuse of asylum seekers in Leeds.
21-07-2008 12:18
A demonstration was held outside Waterside Court Home Office Reporting Centre in Leeds on Friday in response to a report published on Monday 14th July outlining 300 cases of abuse by immigration staff.