UK Migration Newswire Archive
Immigration - A real average case.
02-07-2004 20:29
An open letter to all those that feel that asylum seekers and immigrants to this country have it easy, i.e please forward to any Daily Mail reader.Refugee Solidarity in Glasgow
23-06-2004 22:17
Film screening to kick-start campaign.Hundreds of refugees are being put of their flats with no benefits and no right to work. Unable to return to their countries they're in a stateless limbo on Glasgow's streets. Camcorder Guerillas film, WELCOME, tells the story of three homeless refugees.
21-06-2004 20:47

organising a uk no one is illegal network?
21-06-2004 19:14
In September, 5 people wrote a no one is illegal manifesto. They have organised a meeting in Manchester, July 24th, to bring interested groups together, discuss the manifesto and further steps. One of them could be participation and/or helping to organise a meeting of European migration related groups to take place in London in September, to coordinate for the European Social Forum. Info on the September meeting:
Birmingham Indymedia screening Thurs 17th June
16-06-2004 22:09

17th June 2004 8:35pm @ the mac – Midlands Arts Centre in Birmingham
Birmingham Indymedia presents an evening of films during Refugee Week drawing out the links between the (heavily subsidised by the West) arms trade, people displaced by war and occupation, and their resistance. We will be discussing the films with the film-maker of “My Dear Olive Tree” whose first experience of political dissent in Britain was the DSEi Arms fair protest in September 2003.
Refugee Week Sheffield Events
15-06-2004 20:01

Refugee Film Festival-Full Programme
14-06-2004 21:26
VII Leeds Underground Film FestivalCelebrating National Refugee Week
‘Refugees and Us, No One is Illegal’
15 and 17 June- 6-9 pm
Lecture Theatre 2- City Campus-Leeds Metropolitan University.
Free Entry- All Welcome-
Groups and political parties welcome to have a stall.
14-06-2004 12:33

Association are organising an overnight 'sleep out' from 6.00pm, Monday 14
June, in the grounds of Birmingham Cathedral on Colmore Row for Refugee
Barcelona Sin Papeles: art/activism
13-06-2004 21:09

The picture shows people scribbling their demands on a 25 meter roll of paper cellotaped on the marble stones of Placa Catalunya. The following text describes how this simple action developed.
European march of sans-papiers from Brussels to Paris
12-06-2004 15:36
More than 80 "sans-papiers" from France walk from Brussels (headquarters of the European Union in Belgium) to Matignon (the residence of the French Prime Minister in Paris) to protest against the policies of Fortress Europe and to inform the people they meet on their way about the situation of sans-papiers in Europe.Sudanese children need your help
11-06-2004 10:57
You can save hundreds of children.300 thousand Sudanese people are facing death - you can help them.
£30 can keep (or at least help saving) around 130 Sudanese children alive for about 3 months...
Hungerstrike against deportations in Germany
10-06-2004 13:19
44 people from Togo and Cameroun were deported from Amsterdam under participation of Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, France and the UK. Here's an update about solidarity actions.Barcelona Sans Papiers call for Night of Reflection
10-06-2004 12:28
After having been evicted from Barcelona Cathedral on Sunday morning 6 june, the Sin Papeles held a demonstration yesterday and are now calling for a night of reflections tomorrow, friday 11. june. More info on Sin Papeles Manifesto
10-06-2004 10:42
Many of the demands of the Barcelona Sin Papeles also apply to people without papers in the UK (or other European countries). Here is their manifesto, originally published on May 23rd.'Refugees and Us: No One is illegal' two days of events
08-06-2004 21:07
Two days of actions and events in solidarity with refugeesBarcelona Sans Papiers need (indy)media support
08-06-2004 21:00

Refugee Play at Printworks Social Centre, Glasgow
08-06-2004 12:59
Friday 18th June at 7:30pmThis is the final chance to see the play, Washing Line of Wishes, which is an original drama devised with volunteers from refugee communities in Glasgow. The play challenges racism, discrimination and shows the human reality behind the media frenzy.
Camcorder Guerrillas film screening - Welcome - at GFT
08-06-2004 12:23
First screening of hard-hitting new film on the scandal of refugees in Glasgow being made homeless and destitute. Evicted by the council, with no right to housing, work or benefits, unable or too terrified to return to their homeland, refugees are abandonded by the state. This film aims to raise awareness of the growing crisis, and explores ways in which you can get involved in campaigning and practical solidarity.Barcelona Forum 2004: "sans-papiers" in cathedral forced to evacuate it
06-06-2004 14:28
Barcelona Forum 2004: "sans-papiers" in cathedral forced to evacuate it with violence by the policeAfter the demostration of this sameday afternoon, 2 occupations, the church "Esglesia del Pi" and the Barcelona Cathedral. Cathedral has been disloged, the other resist. We don't know if all the arrested people is free now.
Birmingham Indymedia Refugee Week Screening: No One is Illegal - 10th June
06-06-2004 11:23

"No one is illegal"
7.30 Thursday, June 10th, Decoy, 22 Green St, Digbeth (opposite Custard Factory, behind Peugeot dealership)

Suggested donation: £4 / £2 (no one turned away for lack of funds)
Any profits will be given to B-MAG's Asylum Seekers' Destitution Fund.

B-MAG's Asylum-seekers’ Destitution Fund was established in 2003 to assist the increasing numbers of asylum-seekers in and around Birmingham whose support and accommodation from the National Asylum Support Service (NASS) have been terminated, or who otherwise become destitute.
Please help us promote the event by printing out the attached pdf file