UK Migration Newswire Archive
Demonstration about treatment of asylum seekers in Leeds
21-03-2006 18:23

Tues: Solidarity Vigil outside Judicial Review for ex-UK residents in Guantanamo
20-03-2006 16:19
The Judicial Review into British government ministers’ responsibility towards 3 former-British residents held at the US base in Guantanamo Bay will be held at the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand, from tomorrow (Tues 22nd) to Thursday 24th March, starts at 9.30am each day. Supporters are gathering outside from tommorrow morning. Please come to show your solidarity.New Detention Centre at Gatwick Airport
20-03-2006 15:10
A new detention centre is to be built at Gatwick Airport to replace the Oakington centre, in Cambridgeshire, which is due to be closed this September.ASSIST Benefit
19-03-2006 12:21
Fundraising benefit for ASSIST (Asylum Seekers Support Initiative Short Term)Big Party / Bigger cause
16-03-2006 12:57
The campign to free Judith and Mariah is gaining momentum.Last week we succesfully stopped Judith's deportaion to Uganda. It's not ofter you get a chance ot party hard for a good cause, and the occupied social centre has got it all...
Demo Night Sat 18th March - Raising Funds for Destitue Refugees
16-03-2006 01:35

Bands, DJ’s, acoustic acts, Drumming, Art, even Fair Trade Tea coffee Cakes & chocolate, and …..issues of Refugees Facing Destitution in Nottingham.
Proseeds going to Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum

please read on....
Demonstrate Against Deportation in Norwich
15-03-2006 21:12
Djillali Held At Norwich Police StationThere will be a demonstration at Bethel Street police station tomorrow morning (16th) at 8:30am.
Stop eviction, stop deportations: Glasgow urgent call-out
15-03-2006 12:31
Urgent call for help in Glasgow, Thursday 16th MarchSTOP THIS EVICTION – THE BAJAJ FAMILY MUST STAY!
Please come to stop the Sheriff’s Officers, and support this No Borders campaign.
Olive's deportation stopped!
15-03-2006 12:07
Olive Mukarugwiza and family's deportation from Gatwick Airport to Rwanda did not go ahead on 14 March. On the same day, their solicitor won a judicial review and Dallas Court informed the airline, who prevented the family boarding. The escorts apparently were very cross (!) and threatened the solicitor with action! The solicitor will try to get the family out asap. Thanks to all who supported Olive and her family by phoning and sending faxes.Call out to stop eviction of asylum seeker family
14-03-2006 23:15
An elderly asylum seeker and his family are going to be made homeless on Thursday unless we can delay the Sheriff Officers - please come along to show your supportIran under the Islamic Republic is not a safe country. No Iranian asylum seekers
13-03-2006 22:35
Iran under the Islamic Republic is not a safe country. No Iranian asylum seekers"We're not here for benefits. Let us work!"
12-03-2006 16:48

No Borders Gathering
12-03-2006 13:03
This is my first post on Indymedia. This weekend there has been for the first time a gathering of No Borders groups, with people coming from groups in Cardiff, Leeds, Sheffield, Birmingham and London. Very exciting and hopefully the start of a movement that will put an end to immigration control!Ukrainian noborder activists call for solidarity actions
11-03-2006 02:29
10 or 11 refugees from Uzbekistan applied for asylum in Ukraine. Ukrainian authorities arrested them and handed them over to Uzbekistan's government infamous for its use of tortures and death penalty. It's the latest, but not a unique, case of such a deportation. Ukrainian activists ask comrades from other countries for help.Friday 10th March // No Borders Benefit @ The Square
10-03-2006 00:58

NO BORDERS NO NATIONS Benefit for London No Borders Network
THE SQUARE Occupied Social Centre // 21 Russell Square London WC1
Judith and Mariah's deportations cancelled!
08-03-2006 12:53
Great news: Both Judith and Mariah's deportation dates have been cancelled. Judith's removal was due on the 7th of March. Andy Love MP has 'made furthur representations' to Immigration Minister McNulty on civil claims grounds. However, they are not free yet. It is a short term victory, now we need to make it more permanent. Thanks a lot to everybody who wrote letters or took to the streets! Keep doing, it is working! The campaign to free Mariah and Judith continues!Updated map of detention camps for foreigners in Europe and Mediterranean
08-03-2006 09:52

Ali Noori temporarily released
07-03-2006 20:56
Ali Noori - the 20-year-old Afghani detained for deportation last week - has been temporarily released pending judicial review of his case.Support needed for threatened asylum legal advice group
07-03-2006 14:03
A group providing invaluable legal advice to asylum seekers, refugees and those working with them is seeking urgent help to continue its work.Asylum seeking families amnesty: Possible change to terms
07-03-2006 13:40

Asylum seekers who were previously excluded as unaccompanied minors, because they had driving license points or because a child was over 18 should read this document and seek legal advice. They may have a claim for indefinite leave to remain in the country.