UK Migration Newswire Archive
Fascist demonstration called in Calais this SUNDAY (13th)
09-04-2014 08:03
This Sunday 13th April, the neo-nazi group, “Sauvons Calais” (Save Calais) has announced a demonstration at 14:30 on Place d’Armes, a central square in Calais, against “mass immigration, insecurity, pro-migrant people and corrupt journalists”.Big report showing impact of direct action campaigns against detention profiteer
04-04-2014 16:16

and figures from different sources showing the negative economic impact
of being a target of such campaigns.
Migrant English Project Benefit @ Cowley Club April 6
03-04-2014 14:20

12 london road, brighton, BN1 4JA
More details on attached flyer. MEP takes place every Monday at the Cowley Club in Brighton -

Calais : Defend the Squats, Defend Ourselves, Defend the 62
31-03-2014 13:20
This is a text about the fascist demo organized in Calais the 13th of April 2014, and in the same time the call out for the antidemo.Demonstrators Storm Spanish Embassy in London in Solidarity with Sub-saharan Migrants
28-03-2014 18:35

Calais: Defend the Squats, Defend Ourselves, Defend the 62
24-03-2014 20:19
On April 13 the groups “Jeunesse Identitaire” and “Sauvons Calais", as well as local fascists and known Neo Nazis from further afield are holding a demonstration at 14:30 on la Place d’Armes, a central square in Calais.....we are calling for international support and solidarity to aid us in our defense of the city and the protection of all its inhabitants
Poetry Slam Against Borders - London, 27th March
22-03-2014 14:15

Street Drinkers Hangout, 8pm Friday 27th March
Call 07583640282 closer to the date for exact location.
26-02-2014 08:03
A new blog to inform about the situation of exiles in Calais, at the English Border, has been launched since the beginning of January, Passeurs d'hopitalités
Calais: Callout for demonstration on Saturday 1st of March
20-02-2014 16:22
There will be a gathering in front of Calais town hall at 14.30h onSaturday 1st March. There will be speakers followed by a march through the
town centre. This is a demonstration for freedom, dignity and respect for
all, now.
Two more deaths at the Calais border
07-02-2014 20:53

(see article below) and a migrant killed by a bullet in the chest
on 2nd February has caused a wave of outrage.
URGENT - Phone Blockade of Royal Jordanian started!
31-01-2014 11:28

The Greek state murders, Europe consents
25-01-2014 14:47

#132: No Borders Tangier, ISP website-blocking, observations on creativity...
20-01-2014 14:19
Dissident Island Radio is back in 2014...check out the latest show.Phone Blockade about to start - help stop deportation of Emily Mei Yeh
17-01-2014 09:39

Urgent - Please contact British Airways to stop Osama's forced removal to Libya.
10-01-2014 23:49
We are calling on people to help us prevent the forced removal of our friend Osama to Libya on the British Airways flight number BA898 at 9.20am on Sunday 12th January.For more information:

The Barbarian 2: international anarchist review from Greece
05-01-2014 09:59

The Barbarian Review is a collection of thoughts written down by various foreign people in Athens: a few persons passing through a brief period of time, in a very special city.
It is no surprise that we have chosen to write in English, to better communicate the experience we have of being in, but not of, the Greek radical milieu, and it is to be hoped that this will be as rewarding for the Greek and non-Greek to read, as it has been for us to collect and write down our views.
German police eating stones in Hamburg
23-12-2013 14:12
Saturday December 21 in Hamburg, saw a big demonstration for Rote Flora and refugees from Lampedusa.Urgent Phone Blockade for our friend Emily - STOP her from flying!
23-12-2013 12:27

More information can be found at:

Facebook group:

Campaign on twitter #MYmuststay and follow @Unitycentreglas
Actions called by ongoing supporters of MYMustStay Campaign by Cardiff Migrant Solidarity and N&DRSD
Also supported by The Unity Centre