UK Migration Newswire Archive
Zimbabwe ‘Death of Democracy’ Gathering in Hyson Green, Nottingham
20-04-2009 17:33

Keep Sulaiti Sarah Wahuyo and Gabriel Wahuyo in the UK
20-04-2009 05:07

Urgent Action: Save the Refugees from Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea in Milan
18-04-2009 17:31

Stop deportations to Iraq protest - Cardiff
18-04-2009 03:30

Injustice Behind Bars
17-04-2009 20:49
The IndypendentApril 17, 2009

Borders, Migration & Freedom of Movement Dayschool - Edinburgh
16-04-2009 17:54
An opportunity for people to get together to share info and ideas on the border regime and the growing movement against borders and for the freedom of movement for all!10.30am til 6pm, plus evening social and music, @ the Forest Café, 3 Bristo Place, Edinburgh, EH1 1EY
Anti-deportation protest at the Kurdistan Regional Government office in London
16-04-2009 15:32

Greece: Immigrant beaten up to death by Coast Guarding Police
16-04-2009 11:49
men of the Coast Guarding police caused deadly injuries to a 29-year-old Kurdish man from IraqCherbal Family Must Stay In Blackburn
15-04-2009 07:07

Protest against forcible deportations to Iraqi Kurdistan – London, 16th April
14-04-2009 10:13
Anti-deportation campaigners are staging a demonstration on Thursday outside the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government office in London to highlight its complicity in the forcible mass deportations of Iraqi-Kurdish refugees. The protest, called by the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees (IFIR) and supported by many groups including London No Borders, the National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns, Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! and the SOAS Detainee Support Group, will coincide with an international demonstration called by IFIR outside the UN offices in Geneva. No Borders South Wales is also holding a solidarity demonstration at the UK Border Agency office in Cardiff.Time: Thursday, 16th April, 1pm
Place: Winchester House, 259-269 Old Marylebone Road, NW1 5RA
Nearest tube: Edgware Road
80 activists blocked the gate of a detention centre in Belgium on 11/04/09
13-04-2009 12:25

Close London's (Mis)Communications House
12-04-2009 23:08

"Though [short-term detention facilities] hold detainees only for short periods, they do so at a time of maximum anxiety and uncertainty, outside the public gaze." - HM Chief Inspector of Prisons Anne Owers, August 2005
Fascism and racism in Denmark and Sweden
12-04-2009 15:54
Well, before 2 days I was discriminated again, so I decided to spread information about institutional racism and fascism in Scandinavia. Discrimination became so wide in society that you should always ask Danish for his/her opinion about East Europeans in Denmark before you gives them place for sleeping or anything in your country.Stop deportations to Iraq - demonstration outside UKBA, Cardiff, 17th April
11-04-2009 21:10
No Borders South Wales will be holding a demonstration in solidarity with the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees (IFIR) outside the UK Border Agency, 31-33 Newport Road, Cardiff on Friday 17th April at 1pm.Helen Bih Must Stay
09-04-2009 09:11

BNP deputy leader addresses international fascist rally
06-04-2009 01:23

Simon Darby claims he addressed a 400-strong audience in Milan today (5 April)
Strasbourg. No Borders action.
05-04-2009 18:57

Demonstrate at Communications House Tuesday 7 April
02-04-2009 22:39
EC1 and the City of London are the location of demonstrations all this week - outside the banks and all over the 'square mile' of Britain's finance capital on Wednesday and Thursday; outside Willes building in support of the sacked cleaners on Friday... and the struggle will continue on Tuesday outside Communications House