UK Migration Newswire Archive
Mayday events in London
30-04-2009 00:34

May Day Solidarity Conference, Barnsley
29-04-2009 16:32
Last call out for the May Day Solidarity Conference in Barnsley on Saturday May 2nd. We hope that - on International Workers Day - the conference will bring together those who want to fight for the rights of all workers, regardless of nationality or immigration status.Anti-deportation protest at the Nigerian embassy in London
29-04-2009 15:50

A dozen anti-deportation campaigners held a small protest today outside the Nigerian embassy in central London to highlight the Nigerian government's role in the forcible mass deportation of Nigerian refugees. A joint deportation charter flight carrying more than 20 families, with children as young as one, is scheduled to leave London, from an undisclosed airport, to Lagos via Dublin at 6pm today.
The protest, organised by the Stop Deportation Network, lasted for about an hour, after which protesters walked down to Parliament Square to join the Tamil protest there. Having leafleted passers-by and people visting the embassy, they ended with some loud chants such as 'no more deportations' and 'No borders, no nations, stop deportations'.
Second attempt to remove Eric Tcheujoue
29-04-2009 10:56

Stop these inhumane 'Ethnic Charter Flights'
29-04-2009 10:53
"My daughter Stephanie who is in detention at Yarl's Wood has tried harming herself by incision on her wrist she is right now under suicide watch here at Yarl's Wood" Ubaka Kenneth NwosemCampaigners protest against the 'collective expulsion' of Nigerian families
29-04-2009 08:36
Anti-deportation campaigners are today holding protests outside the Nigerian embassy and the Home Office in London to protest against the mass forcible deportation of Nigerian families and children. A joint charter flight, scheduled to leave London via Dublin this afternoon, will carry more than 20 families with children as young as one year.10:45 sharp at the Nigerian embassy (9 Northumberland Avenue, London, WC2N 5BX).
Close Communications House Tuesday 5 May 1-2pm
28-04-2009 22:49
Cardiff demonstration against charter flight to Nigeria-29/04
28-04-2009 16:01
There has been news of an ‘Ethnic Charter Flight’ to Nigeria on 29th April 2009 via Ireland. Immigration detainees have received removal directions on flight PVT007 to Dublin at 18:00 connecting with PVT008 to Lagos at 21:00.Stop the Removal of Sunny Michael
27-04-2009 10:39

Spring No Borders Network Newsletter Available Now
27-04-2009 10:19

BAE systems blockaded for Role in Gaza Siege
27-04-2009 05:48
This morning activists from Break the Siege! blockaded BAE systems factory in Middleton, Manchester. Using motorbike chains and D-locks they obstructed the plant by sealing off several entrance points. A banner was also hung which read: ‘BAE profits from the siege on Gaza’. This direct action was a response to a call for a day of action by the No Borders network.Calais No Border Camp 23-29 June
25-04-2009 18:26
The Calais No Border camp, 23 -29 June, is a joint venture between French and Belgian activists and migrant support groups and the UK No Borders Network.Stop Deportation Benefit and Info Night - tonight 25th April
25-04-2009 14:02
The Stop Deportation Network are having a benefit and info night on Saturday, 25th April. Proceeds will go to funding campaigning and direct action against deportations and charter flights.
Willis Mitie cleaners 3 months still fighting
25-04-2009 01:09

Manchester Mayday demo - 4th May
24-04-2009 17:04
The G20 protests in the City of London were, in many ways, a massively mediatized spectacle. The real challenge is to show our opposition to the status quo at the local level of our everyday lives. This is why we are inviting you to join us on the Manchester Mayday demonstration, on Bank Holiday Monday 4th May.Assemble 12noon @ All Saints Park to march to Castlefields.
Online petition: Keep Zakir in Canterbury
23-04-2009 08:20

No Borders Info Tour 2009 Scotland 7-16 May
22-04-2009 23:30
The No Borders Info Tour 2009 aims to encourage discussion and build awareness of the injustices of the UK and European border regimes, as well as to call for action against them.Urgent Kirklees Unity news
22-04-2009 17:26

Stop Deportation Benefit and Info Night - 25th April
22-04-2009 10:09

@ 100 Flowers Social Centre, 2a Belgrade Rd, N16, London. From 7pm.
£5/3 suggested donation.
Pennine House protest: A reply to Woolas
21-04-2009 21:54
Last month, 100 people demonstrated outside Pennine House, a purpose-built immigration prison at Manchester airport where migrants are locked up even though they haven’t committed a criminal offence. In the ‘Big Issue in the North’, the immigration minister Phil Woolas has responded to the protest with a number of inaccuracies. Here we set the record straight.