UK Migration Newswire Archive
Invitation to 2nd planning meeting of OpenSpace, London
20-06-2008 15:44
OpenSpace's second planning meeting will be on Tuesday 1 July 2008 – 7 pmAt NoID Gallery, 26 Calvert Avenue, E2
Tracey and Ericka Belong to Glasgow!
20-06-2008 09:25

Sex Slaves' Dungeon Made in Germany
19-06-2008 14:24

Urgent Action: Control Order Detainee on Hunger Strike til Death or Deportation
19-06-2008 12:04
In a London hospital Mahmoud Abu Rideh lies in a critical condition from a hunger strike against the Control Order conditions which he has lived under for more than three years. Following an attempt on his life more than a month ago, he has been refusing food, and much of the time even ice cubes or water for 31 days. Wheelchair-bound, he is now coughing and excreting blood. Disillusioned with the injustice he has encountered in Britain, all Mr Abu Rideh requests is allowance to leave the UK and be deported to Syria, or for his Control Order to be lifted.Programme for Northern Conference Against Racism THIS SATURDAY, Newcastle
19-06-2008 11:49

The conference will take place from 10.30am at Northumbria Student Union (near Haymarket), and at the Trade Union Education Centre next door.
Beat the G8 system, Enter Fortress Europe!
19-06-2008 10:34

Amdani released on bail
18-06-2008 16:19

G4S Targeted
18-06-2008 16:11
Late on Sunday 15th June, G4S (Group 4 Security) depot in Portland Square, Bristol, was attacked by dedicated individuals. 3 vehicles were beaten up with sledgehammers in revenge for the beatings G4S give out to innocent migrants every day, in the course of their 'business'No Platform for the IOM
18-06-2008 13:45
Picket - Thursday 19th June 10pm-6pmTo coincide with "IOM Day" being held as part of Bristol's Refugee Week
activities at the Pierian Centre, Portland Square, St Pauls, Bristol
Italy, Deportation Of 40 Afghan Refugees
17-06-2008 21:53
New Nerve magazine to be launched Sat 28th June
17-06-2008 21:17

Hicham Yezza released after 31 days in detention
16-06-2008 16:21

Asylum Seekers Speak Out! and Film Night Wed 18th
16-06-2008 13:41
Listen to the real story... Refugee and asylum seekers welcome to come and share their experiences. Q&A. The event is free and everybody is welcome.Manpower Offices Shut Down.
16-06-2008 13:20

Leeds No Borders Summer BBQ and Party!
16-06-2008 11:46
Saturday 21st June 5pm - late, Leeds No Borders Summer BBQ and Party @ The Common Place Social Centre, Wharf Street, Leeds LS2 7EQIncendiary attacks in Paris (France)
15-06-2008 21:28
In the framework of the international week of solidarity with Isa and the others, many vehicles were burned simultaneously on the night of Friday the 13th to Saturday the 14th in ParisIn solidarity with refugees, dead and living
15-06-2008 21:02

Evo Morales, president of Bolivia on the Return Directive
14-06-2008 23:45
No to the European Union's "Return Directive", please read Evo Morales letter to EU and sign."Slavic Tigers" aborted with help of "Irish Anarchists"
14-06-2008 20:05
Yesterday Irish citizens resident in Ireland were invited to vote in a referendum on the "Treaty of Lisbon". They constitute less than 1% of the total population of the EU. Its democracy is unique in that only resident citizens are allowed vote. Though being an Irish citizen as a continental European worker, I could not vote. Notwithstanding as an anarchist I wouldn't have voted anyway. Ireland is rated as being one of the richest states in the EU according to those statistics of the dreary science economics and most people including themselves attribute such prosperity to their membership of the EEC, then EC and finally EU. They even invented a name for this great wealth which oddly enough accompanied the highest income disparity and social inequality in the developed world. They called it "the Celtic Tiger".Solidarity with Campsfield detainees
14-06-2008 17:15
Comrades and friends of Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! solidarity with Campsfield detainees