UK Migration Newswire Archive
Defend the SOAS 9 - Home Office 30 June 2009
01-07-2009 14:17

Pictures copyright (C) 2009, Peter Marshall.All rights reserved.
3 July: 9am: Demo in support of Mahmoud Abu Rideh at the High Court
01-07-2009 11:11
Subject to a control order since 2005 on the basis of secret evidence he and his lawyers cannot see, former victim of Israeli torture Mahmoud Abu Rideh has been driven to despair. He has a hearing at the High Court in London on Friday 3 July to allow him to leave this country (he cannot even do that much) to escape this arbitrary, unfair regime.The No Borders demo in pictures.
01-07-2009 09:56

Nigeria mass deportation flight delayed by deportees' resistance
01-07-2009 00:40
The joint charter flight that was meant to carry rejected Nigerian refugees to Lagos via Dublin this afternoon has been delayed for several hours due to deportees' refusing to board the plane. As of 11pm, the flight, which was scheduled for 17:15, had still not left Stansted airport.27th June: Calais No Border march -pictures
30-06-2009 23:25

Thousands of people from the No Border camp descended on Calais town, France, to get their point across about the situation facing increasing numbers of desperate asylum seekers stuck in the Calais area. Many asylum seekers face destitution in Calais as they struggle to complete their journey- for the most part away from war torn countries such as Afghanistan.
Stop the BNP's 'Festival' of Hate
30-06-2009 21:08

Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Campaigners blockade detention centre to stop mass deportation flight to Nigeria
30-06-2009 13:30
Anti-deportation campaigners are currently demonstrating outside Yarl's Wood detention centre in Bedfordshire in an attempt to stop the mass deportation of families and children to Nigeria.Campaigners from the Stop Deportation Network have staged a sit-in outside the centre's gates, preventing coaches carrying families due to be forcibly deported on a specially charted flight today from leaving.
Earlier this morning, another group of protesters staged a short demonstration outside WH Tours offices in Crowley, near Gatwick, before being removed by police. WH Tours is a private coach company contracted to carry deportees from detention centres to the airport.
The UK Border Agency, Section 4 "support" and SodexHo
30-06-2009 11:42

Anti Deportation demo at Crawley bus company
30-06-2009 11:09
30-06-2009 10:28

You will need Courage, Persistence and Faith
An Anti-Deportation Campaign involves organizing resistance to restrictive immigration legislation, and simply means making the government change their minds regarding an individual case.
Calais No Border Camp 2009 Report & Pics
29-06-2009 23:56

Calais No Border Camp 2009 Transnational Demo Report & Pics
29-06-2009 19:43

On Saturday 27th June, over 2000 people took part in the Transnational demonstration in the French port city of Calais, called by the Calais No Border Camp 2009. A group of around 500 people left the camp at around 9.30am to march together to the meeting point at the Calais Lighthouse. This group quickly encountered a police line blocking the road, and which effectively became a check point as riot police demanded the demonstrators to be searched as a condition for the march to move forward.
Some people decided to allow the cops to search them, so the march could pass trough the police line and arrive on time to meeting point where local groups and unions were waiting for the campers to arrive. Others refused to do so when it became clear that cops were confiscating scarfs and coats from people's bags. After half and hour or so of a standoff, finally police opened the line when it became obvious that searching everyone would be a logistical nightmare, specially taking into account that there was only one female police cop searching women through.
The march then proceeded to move through a surreal game of cat and mouse with the cops. At every intersection where the demo was trying to move into town towards the Lighthouse, lines of riot police were quickly formed preventing it from moving on. This forced the march to improvise a route in order to not get trapped. This meant that what should have been a half an hour stroll to the Lighthouse, became an almost 3 hours long journey through council estates, back roads, parks, industrial estates and so on.
The campers stood together for the whole time, so they managed to eventually get to the Lighthouse where around 1500 people had been gathering waiting for them to arrive. Then the planned march towards the ferry port finally started, but once again, lines of riot police kept blocking the demonstration at every junction towards the port. That forced the demonstration to take an alternative long route, which ended when it encountered a massive police block at the main road leading to the port. At this point it became clear that it would be impossible to overcome the hundreds of riot police lines with tear gas, water cannons and mobile fences, so the marchers decided to go back to the starting point at the Lighthouse, where a series of speeches by migrants took place explaining the conditions in which they are forced to 'live' in and around Calais.
Here there are some pics of the demo:
3 reasons to demonstrate at the Home Office this Tuesday 30th June
29-06-2009 11:31
12-5pm: No More Deportations to DR Congo!5.30pm: Defend the SOAS Nine
Against the "Ethnic Charter Flight" to Nigeria... from 12pm or 5.30 in solidarity with these earlier call-outs.
Marsham Street, Millbank, SW1 (nearest Tube Westminster)
Protests against Detention Centres
29-06-2009 09:21
Notes from a workshop at the Calais Noborder Camp about Resistamce against Detention Centresin which activists talked about the situation in different countries.Calais migrant solidarity _ practical things you can do:::
29-06-2009 09:08
The 4 activist field kitchens at the No Borders camp in Calais have been taking food to migrants in the city centre and going out to jungles so people don:t have to walk all the way to town: In August; when France pretty much goes on holiday, the voluntary associations here don,t give out food, so if you want to provide practical support to migrants in Calais; August is a key time to get a ferry over with an empty rucksack, bike or car, buy a load of food at the supermarket and take it out to people: Some detail in the main article, but more will follow on Tuesday when we get home cos we,re packing up the kitchens now,,,After Calais Noborder Camp - What's Next?
29-06-2009 08:55
Here you can find information on upcomig protests related to the of migration; against borders - for the freedom of movement.Full article | 6 additions | 5 comments
EDO MBM/ITT blockaded
29-06-2009 08:39
Early this morning the Home Farm Road premises of arms manufacturer EDO MBM/ITT were blockaded in solidarity with those made refugees by global military aggression.Transnational NoBorders Demo, Calais - Pics
28-06-2009 13:10

Communications House Protest supports Yarls Wood Protesters
28-06-2009 08:38

Pictures Copyright (C) 2009, Peter Marshall, all rights reserved.
Nomade 1, 2 & 3 - Calais NoBorder Newspaper
27-06-2009 23:12
Newspaper Nomade written, layoutted and distributed in Calais during the NoBorder Camp