UK Migration Newswire Archive
"Vanstone was warned that Afghans repatriated from Nauru may be killed"
30-12-2003 02:11
Refugee groups began lobbying Senator Vanstone and the Liberal Government after they were made aware of a flight leaving Nauru on 1 December to return23 Afghan asylum seekers ‘voluntarily’ home to Afghanistan.(1)
NEURO -- networking europe / makeworlds gathering
29-12-2003 23:19
radical theory and tech gathering for europe in germoneyNoborder DAY OF ACTION 31 January 2004
22-12-2003 11:45
Sans papiers, migrants and refugees as well as supporters are calling for a European day of action on January 31, 2004.stand up for Asylum seekers
15-12-2003 15:43
Join in the event spread the word and stand up for asylum seekers on the 8th of Jan.Close surveillance of Campsfield protest
05-12-2003 19:08

No One Is Illegal Stop Deprotations
05-12-2003 16:53

Yesterday at 3pm in central London, outside of Victoria tube station
something happened which I have not seen before. Almost 40 police officers
and immigration services officers standing in a massive line, with
sniffing dogs detaining, searching, and stopping people. At first I was
not sure about what I had seen, but as soon as I realized the only people
who were being stopped were people of colour, especially Arabs, and South
Asians it was either about stopping asylum seekers or "terrorists".
Campsfield Banner Snag!!
29-11-2003 01:01

Refugees – Practical Solidarity: A workshop for Action in Glasgow
25-11-2003 12:01
Refugees – Practical Solidarity: A workshop for ActionSaturday 13th December 2003 at 2:00pm
The Annexe, 9a Stewartville St, Partick, Glasgow
Poster/flyer for Woomera film screening
23-11-2003 22:32

Campsfield demo this saturday
23-11-2003 22:17

Asylum children maybe forced into care
23-11-2003 10:08
UK prepares to adopt extreme legislation concerning the separation of refugee families, hoping to force more of them into 'Voluntary return' to their countries of origin. Being a foreigner myself, I was wondering what should civil society do against these draconian measures taken against alien families. (
Migrant Voices
18-11-2003 14:44

Oxford Palestine wall
13-11-2003 14:06

Video of albright border visit
02-11-2003 23:14

Drowned Out: screening by the Oxford Narmada Campaign
28-10-2003 12:15
This Thursday, the Oxford Narmada campaign will screen 'Drowned Out', anaward-winning documentary that follows one of India's largest grassroots struggles
since Independence.
Asylum seeker sent home is killed
27-10-2003 20:38
Jon Snow claimed on this evening's news that Britain would never reject an asylum claim knowing that there was a chance that the asylum seeker would be killed when sent home. It would be good to be able to challenge this.Monday 27 October 2003
Liverpool Sleep Out In Solidarity with Asylum Seekers
17-10-2003 23:01
We are planning to hold a “Sleep Out in Solidarity” on or around November 1st to highlight the plight of asylum seekers left homeless and starving, either because their application for asylum has failed, but their country of origin is too dangerous to deport them to, or because the Home Office does not accept that they made their claim at the first opportunity (Section 55 of the Immigration and Nationality Act)
In Defence of Refugees in Turkey
17-10-2003 14:39
Open Letter to all human & civil and refugee organizationsFor joining our Campaign please write to UNHCR in Geneva and Ankara and copy to us, or sign this petition:

16-10-2003 22:27
In December, the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) will take place in Geneva. The call: "Wsis? We seize!" adresses artists, grassroots, media and community groups to create a platform for actions and debates. Preparations are well under way.