UK Migration Newswire Archive
Sanctuary for Cameroonian's, Jean Mathurin Tadjiokeng Yves Yitgna Njitchoua, Ans
26-04-2010 11:32

22-04-2010 19:43
Please support the St. George’s Day event at Newcastle MonumentFriday 23rd April-11am-6pm
Sanctuary for Octavie Bei
22-04-2010 12:39

New Removal Directions For Nadia and Bashir, help stop their deportation
21-04-2010 22:51
This is a call out for people to contact airlines due to deport Nadia and Bashir this Friday 23rd April asking them to refuse to fly this couple. Since last weeks unsuccessful attempt to remove the couple a new date for removal has been set. Details below.Answers demanded about death of detainee at Oakington
21-04-2010 16:45
Death of Kenyan man in Oakington last week offically recorded as unsuspicious. But Detainees in Oakington are saying otherwise. 60 imprisoned following protests. Cambridge Migrant Solidarity following up the injustices in Oakington...Remember the dead - Justice for the Living
21-04-2010 08:06

Bita Ghaedi Deportation Fails after massive campaign launched.
20-04-2010 21:58

May 15th 2010: Mass Action for Freedom of Movement
20-04-2010 17:39

...Have a read of this mini-update & book your travel now...
FRIDAY.5PM.LONDON:Demo against UBS/for migrant cleaners
19-04-2010 23:45

[called by Cleaners Defence Comittee]
Save Bita Ghaedi from Deportation, Home Office, London - pictures
19-04-2010 18:10

Frontex, Acpo and the policing of Fortress Europe
18-04-2010 21:29

On 23rd March 2010, No Borders activists disrupted a high-profile conference about 'policing the borders' that brought together Frontex, the UK Border Agency and senior police officers from various UK police forces [press release | video]. In their shock and dismay, some of the highly esteemed delegates left behind their welcome packs as they rushed out of the conference hall one after the other.
Here we reproduce the programme, the list of delegates and their bios, and two of the main presentations that were included in the welcome packs, one by Frontex and the other by ACPO.
May Day Discussion
18-04-2010 07:31

Bita Ghaedi to be deported flight no BD931, Tuesday 20th...
17-04-2010 12:37
She has no where to go once she arrives in Iran and will be on the run almost immediately. She has lost weight as a result of repeated hunger strikes she has been undertaking in her desperate attempt to stay in the UK.Solidarity Demo Oakington - Press Release
17-04-2010 12:24
Solidarity demo outside Oakington detention centre this Sunday April 18, 12pm.Oakington Death Solidarity Demo - Sunday
16-04-2010 21:48
Solidarity Demonstration at Oakington Removal Centre this Sunday between 12 noon and 2pm.Emergency, Bita Ghaedi arrested this morning.
16-04-2010 10:34

Call for a European Week of Action Against the Deportation Machine
15-04-2010 01:16

The idea is that groups and campaigns throughout Europe organise their own direct actions, demos and marches against forcible deportations from European countries, which are increasingly carried out through joint coordinated 'operations' involving private contractors and shadowy agencies like Frontex and the IOM. Protests will inevitably take a variety of shapes but a series of coordinated, decentralised actions and protests would make the message clearer and louder. A week, rather than a day, of action would allow groups more flexibility to do what they want to do.
By trying to widen the scope and diversity of the groups involved, we also want to draw attention to the fact that anti-deportation is not a 'single issue campaign'. People choose or are forced to migrate for a variety or reasons, from wars and armed conflicts fuelled by the arms trade and western interests, through poverty, exploitation, discrimination, gender oppression, domestic and state violence, to climate change.
Surveillance + detention = £Billions: How Labour’s friends are ‘securing your world
14-04-2010 15:27
At the bustling Counter Terror Expo in London’s Olympia this week they are giving top billing to the security industry’s favourite politician. “The most experienced cabinet minister of modern times”, they call him: Dr John Reid.Last week in Calais: Fascism, Tea and English classes
14-04-2010 14:25

Help stop the deportation of Nadina and Bashir
13-04-2010 15:56
This is a call out for people to contact airlines due to deport Nadina and Bashir this Wednesday 14th April asking them to refuse to fly this couple. Details below.