UK Migration Newswire Archive
Bath Bomb 14 hits the streets
18-09-2008 09:41
Another issue of Bath's should-be award winning grassroots publication...Protest against the detention of Babi Badalov
18-09-2008 02:00

Forcible Deportation of Iraqi asylum seekers ended in violence
17-09-2008 11:59
The asylum seekers were to be deported to Erbil in Northern Iraq. However,when one of the asylum seekers punched and smashed a window of the plane,
the Commandoes boarded the plane to try to unsuccessfully pin the Iraqi
asylum seekers down. The asylum seekers have been moved back to detention centres.
Many were badly beaten and are injuried as a result.
Confirmation / Cancellation / Babi Badalov Captured
17-09-2008 07:18
Protest @ British Airways Head OfficeConfirmation: Respect Nigerians Coalition (RNC) to hold a peaceful protest at the British Airways Corporate headquarters, Harmondsworth today Wednesday 17th September 2008
Protest outside UK Border Agency offices in Cardiff Today!
17-09-2008 01:21

This protest will only last one hour so people can come along in their lunch-breaks. Please show your support with any banners or placards that you are able to make.
Ukraine: who encourages neo-Nazis?
15-09-2008 21:45
The victim of impudence of neo-fascists and consequently the authorities” divergences was a 14-year-old guy and his older friend – both have been hospitalized with deep knife wounds. Ruthless geeks rather exceeding in number, in sadistic rage struck blows with knifes in the backs of their unprotected victims.Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
Birmingham: City of Migrants Rally, Sat September 20th, 12 noon-2.30pm.
15-09-2008 15:15

Birmingham IOM Conference, October 29th
15-09-2008 13:56
IOM announces launch of the Return & Rebuild Programme: "Extra support" for those returning to Afghanistan and Iraq.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Marriage thwarted as refugee is arrested. Friends fear for her life.
14-09-2008 14:54
Annociate Nimpagaritse was arrested on Friday and removed to Dungavel Detention Centre in South Lanarkshire. Her friends fear that she will soon be deported to Burundi for a second time, where her life will be in great danger. She had just been given permission by the Home Office to marry her fiancee, who is also from Burundi but is working in Coventry and has permission to stay here.Linguistic and Poetic Rights.
13-09-2008 16:49
'There are nine different words for the colour blue in the Spanish Maya dictionarybut just three Spanish translations exist, leaving six butterflies that can be seen only
by the Maya, proving that when a language dies six butterflies disappear from
the consciuosness of the earth."
Earl Shorris.
Around the Campaigns Friday 12th September 2008
12-09-2008 15:24

Demo at British Ariways headquarters
Prossy Kakooza update
People working with migrants in the churcheshave expressed dismay at the recent comments on immigration by former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey
Around the Campaigns Friday 12th September 2008
12-09-2008 15:18

Man who died in immigration raid named
12-09-2008 07:46
Frank Odame 36-year-old from Ghana died following raid by police and immigration. Mr. Odame was found with head injuries below a block of flats. A post mortem has been held and the cause of death was given as head and chest injuries. Walthamstow Coroners' Court opens an inquest.Vigil at Home Office - Stop Deportations to Iraq
11-09-2008 22:29

Around the Campaigns Thursday 11th September 2008
11-09-2008 05:38
Ibrahim Alkhader and the children are back in Glasgow"His lawyer, Nicola Loughran at Livingstone Brown, managed to lodge an application for a Judicial review' late Tuesday evening at the High Court in Edinburgh. 'First Orders' stopping Ibrahim's removal flight were granted at the High Court yesterday morning. Many, many thanks to everyone who faxed and phoned on behalf of the family". UNITY!

Man dies following raid by police and immigration
09-09-2008 19:31
An investigation is underway as to how a man died following a raid by police and immigration officers at his home in Woodford Green, Essex on Tuesday 2nd September.Please help Ibrahim Mutahar Alkhader and his children
09-09-2008 06:28

Around the Campaigns Monday 8th September 2008
08-09-2008 10:43
Alliance Ngondiop didn't fly this morningNever even left Yarl's Wood she was taken to reception at Yarl's Wood in the early hours but told them she wasn't willing to fly, they just took her back to her room.
Background: Alliance Ngondiop Must Stay!

Please give your support to fight injustice against the Kris Family
08-09-2008 09:04

TCAR calls 2nd Northern March Against Racism on 25th October
07-09-2008 18:23