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Confirmation / Cancellation /  Babi Badalov Captured

John O | 17.09.2008 07:18 | Migration | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

Protest @ British Airways Head Office

Confirmation: Respect Nigerians Coalition (RNC) to hold a peaceful protest at the British Airways Corporate headquarters, Harmondsworth today Wednesday 17th September 2008

British Airways Plc
Waterside (HAA3)

Cancellation: Mr Ayodeji Omotade asked us to let everyone know that his trial due to take place Tomorrow Thursday 18th September @ Uxbridge Magistrates Court has been adjourned – no new date yet. He sends his heartfelt thanks everyone who wrote messages of support.


Babi Badalov Captured, removal directions set for this Friday

Picket the UKBorder Agency, 31-33 Newport Road, from 12 noon today to protest at the Home Office's treatment of Babi and other migrants who seek a better life in the UK.

Whilst attending the Border Agency offices in Cardiff yesterday for his weekly signing, Babi Badalov was detained and taken to Rumney Police station in Cardiff, while friends waited outside for him. He has removal directions for 20th September.
For those not aware of his case, Babi Badalov has experienced persecution and abuse in Azerbaijan because of his homosexuality and his radical art, which has been critical of the government there. Despite wide support and Babi's great contribution to the arts in Wales, his claim was refused.

Before being detained today, Babi was in the process of collecting further evidence of his poor treatment in Azerbaijan and had been awaiting neurological and psychiatric assessments which his solicitor was arranging. This information was to be used as a basis for a fresh claim for asylum.

Write to the Home Office please! Use this model letter:

and post, fax, e-mail to:

Rt Hon Jacqui Smith MP
Secretary of State for the Home Department
3rd Floor Peel Buildings
2 Marsham Street

-Fax: 020 8760 3132 (00 44 20 8760 3132 if you are faxing from outside UK)

Please help to keep to our friend Babi safe in Cardiff.

Let us know of any e-mails, faxes or letters you’ve sent by e-mailing us at:

End of Bulletin:

Source for this Message:
Babi Badalov Campaign
Respect Nigerians Coalition

John O
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