UK Migration Newswire Archive
Calais latest - defiance & resistance!
20-09-2009 20:03
Migrants resist the destruction of their camps.Report about No Border Lesbos
19-09-2009 21:22
How we see the No Border Camp – A reporting from autonomous participantsfrom different cities in Germany
CALLOUT:Threat of eviction to 800 migrants in Pashtun Jungle, Calais,
18-09-2009 12:11
CALLOUT FOR ACTION: The biggest migrant camp is under another threat of very imminent eviction, action is needed urgently to resist eviction, observe, and aid migrants.No Borders camp at Lesvos
18-09-2009 10:07
At the end of August a No Borders camp was held on the Greek island of Lesvos. Last Hours has published a personal account from the event offering an insight into the racist immigration policies that the camp was called against, and the failure of the camp to achieve any meaningful improvement for those migrants trapped on the island.Situation in Calais escalating. Solidarity needed now!
17-09-2009 18:01
Call out to monitor and prevent mass eviction of Calais squats and jungles! Numbers on the ground are thin. Immigration Minister Besson has announced to Make this a migrant free zone by the end of next week.Information here:

NEW INFO LINES If you are coming to Calais to show solidarity and want information call (from UK) 00 33 6 34 81 07 10 from France 06 34 81 07 10.
Bring bikes if you can. Also we need O2 sim cards (lots of them) and tents, because lots of people might be homeless by next week.
EDL are coming to Newport
17-09-2009 12:15
The English Defence League are planning a protest in the Welsh city of Newport on the 24th October.Migrant camp destroyed, local French town sets up camp outside town hall
11-09-2009 10:43

Direct aid & joining the dots
10-09-2009 22:00
We could really do with more people making the connections between war, migration and climate change, working with those most affected by all these thingsBristol Bookfair and Co-Mutiny
10-09-2009 09:06

Mitie noise demo during Bristol Co-Mutiny
08-09-2009 12:04
We invite everybody to demonstrate noisily at the main offices of Mitie Group on Wednesday week (16th September) at 11.Fifth attempt to remove Constant Moussavou
07-09-2009 11:48

Campaign Against Titan Airways
07-09-2009 09:27
Titan Airways removed 10 UK DR Congolese to Kinshasa on Thursday 3rd September on one of their charter aircraft leased to UKBA; the 10 were released from Kinshasa airport after interrogation by DR Congo authorities.A stop in hell: Pagani, a prison for migrants at the gate of Fortress Europe
04-09-2009 23:40

Refugees in Italy and throughout the EU
04-09-2009 20:43

Tactics stepping up in Calais - support needed
02-09-2009 15:35

Lesvos: new hungerstrike of detained minors
02-09-2009 13:35
47 minors detained in Pagani are on hunger strike since yesterday 1st September.Demonstration Against Charter Flights
02-09-2009 13:14
Organized by UK African Communities