Lesvos: new hungerstrike of detained minors
one of no borders | 02.09.2009 13:35 | Anti-racism | Migration | Repression | World
''We don't need anything but freedom
no food, no medicine.
We are in hunger strike.''
47 minors detained in Pagani are on hunger strike since yesterday 1st September. Four are on dry hunger strike, they are not drinking either and they are sick, just laying down all day; they are not getting any medical care. The hunger strikers told us are all under 18 and they are from Afghanistan, Somalia, Palestine. They have been detained up to 60 days and there is no sign of them being released.
We went to Pagani this afternoon and spoke to the hunger strikers through the gate. They have made banners out of sheets and hung them to the cage.
Support from local activists is much needed, as well as solicitors and doctors.
no food, no medicine.
We are in hunger strike.''
47 minors detained in Pagani are on hunger strike since yesterday 1st September. Four are on dry hunger strike, they are not drinking either and they are sick, just laying down all day; they are not getting any medical care. The hunger strikers told us are all under 18 and they are from Afghanistan, Somalia, Palestine. They have been detained up to 60 days and there is no sign of them being released.
We went to Pagani this afternoon and spoke to the hunger strikers through the gate. They have made banners out of sheets and hung them to the cage.
Support from local activists is much needed, as well as solicitors and doctors.
one of no borders
Short information and call to action
02.09.2009 15:07
Posted 31st August:
The actions in Lesvos are still going on. Many activists already left the
island, but there are still many people here. Activists entered the roof
of Pagani detention centre this morning. The police reacted with violence.
10 activists from the roof were taken to the police station. 2 people
seriously injured.
NOW we call all on everybody out there, wherever you are, to take action.
It is quick and easy, and you can really help to make a change: you just
need to send a fax or an email.
This morning at 10 o’clock, ten noborder activists from Austria,
Sweden, Spain, France, Czech Republik, Portugal, the Netherlands and
Germany occupied the roof of the refugee jail in Pagani. With this action,
we are increasing the pressure to finally get Pagani closed.
The activists state:
"During the noborder camp, we were able to witness the brutal consequences
of the European border regime here in Lesvos. A ship employed by the
European border agency Frontex is hunting refugee boats, the Greek coast
guard and the Navy do the dirty work. Human lifes don’t count.
Those who manage to come to the island alive are sent to the refugee jail
in Pagani: permanently more than full, the jail in Pagani reminds us of
conditions we rather know from Libya or Marocco. We are outraged about
this blatant bleach of Greek and international law."
The activists demand the closure of Pagani, papers for everybody and the
abolition of Frontex and the Dublin-II treaty.
The actions in Lesvos are still going on. Many activists already left the
island, but there are still many people here. Activists entered the roof
of Pagani detention centre this morning. The police reacted with violence.
10 activists from the roof were taken to the police station. 2 people
seriously injured.
NOW we call all on everybody out there, wherever you are, to take action.
It is quick and easy, and you can really help to make a change: you just
need to send a fax or an email.
This morning at 10 o’clock, ten noborder activists from Austria,
Sweden, Spain, France, Czech Republik, Portugal, the Netherlands and
Germany occupied the roof of the refugee jail in Pagani. With this action,
we are increasing the pressure to finally get Pagani closed.
The activists state:
"During the noborder camp, we were able to witness the brutal consequences
of the European border regime here in Lesvos. A ship employed by the
European border agency Frontex is hunting refugee boats, the Greek coast
guard and the Navy do the dirty work. Human lifes don’t count.
Those who manage to come to the island alive are sent to the refugee jail
in Pagani: permanently more than full, the jail in Pagani reminds us of
conditions we rather know from Libya or Marocco. We are outraged about
this blatant bleach of Greek and international law."
The activists demand the closure of Pagani, papers for everybody and the
abolition of Frontex and the Dublin-II treaty.

by activists from lesvos noborder camp