UK Migration Newswire Archive
Switzerland: Short film on Zurich's Autonomous School
23-05-2010 23:44

End Detention of Children and Families!
23-05-2010 14:50
Despite numerous reports and substantial amounts of evidence, the new coalition government has only committed to a 'review' of the detention of children and families for immigration purposes. This it is entirely inadequate and unnecessary. SOAS Detainee Support therefore invites you to Release Carnival, a demonstration on the 5th of June, where we will show the government that there is wide support to stop this abhorrent practice!Sehar and Wania Shebaz have been deported
22-05-2010 21:25
Shehar Shebaz and her daughter Wania were deported at 5pm this evening on a Pakistani Airlines flight to an uncertain future. There are other families in Yarls Wood now facing the same fate, children, babies and pregnant women. It is likely that Scottish children and their parents will now be taken there as Dungavel will no longer hold hold children.Videos of Paris No Borders action published
20-05-2010 14:13
No Borders and Calais Migrant Solidarity activists gathered in Paris for a day of action for Freedom of Movement around the Gare du Nord.Sehar Shebaz and Wania belong to Scotland
20-05-2010 06:31

Urgent: Sehar Shebaz to be deported Sat 22 May/ Other campaign alerts
19-05-2010 16:31
NEWS: Government announces end to detention of children at Dungavel in Scotland

REALITY: Government detains mother and baby at Dungavel in Scotland, and threatens to separate them for 10 hour van journey to Yarl's Wood.
Urgent Sehar Shebaz and baby taken to Yarl's Wood
19-05-2010 10:35
Please take action. While it has been announced that children are no longer to be detained in Dungavel, Scotland, this mother and 8 months old baby are to be put on a van and taken to Yarl's Wood, England. Despite the new government's announcement that child detention will be ended, children are still being arrested and detained.Paris No Borders Action: personal account
17-05-2010 13:45
Here's a personal account of the day of action for freedom of movement which took place in Paris on Saturday.Background:

Freedom of Movement for all: Transnational action Paris and Berlin
15-05-2010 15:29

The Danish sickness
15-05-2010 12:03
In the last decade Denmark have had a right-wing extremist government, in the first seven years headed by the present NATO general secretary, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, and presently headed by PM Lars Løkke Rasmussen, whom also “chaired” the COP 15 with so devastating little success, his chair ship will enter the history books for poor re-sults etc.Calais riot cops not 'fascist'?
15-05-2010 10:41
It's a crime in France to insult the police and they take particular offence to the term 'fascist'.Second attempt to remove Huseini Abubakar
13-05-2010 13:02

Filmshow: The Jewish Anarchists, Brighton, 21st June, 7.30pm, The Cowley Club
12-05-2010 18:15
The Free Voice of Labor: The Jewish Anarchists (Paul Avrich, 1980, Duration 58 mins)UK: Brighton, 21st June 2010, 7.30pm, The Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton, BN1 4JA Free/Donation
Practical info for Paris No Borders Action
12-05-2010 00:06

English callout and previous info here:

UKBA sinks to new depths of inhumanity
07-05-2010 13:09
Nadia Arzane and Bashir Foris, Separated!May 15th, Paris: Final plans for No Borders Transnational Action
06-05-2010 13:34

Then come to Paris on 15th May to participate in a transnational day of action for freedom of movement. Check out this breakdown of the day's events and book your travel now!
Day by Day - The Story of a 13 year old Afghan boy's journey to Calais
06-05-2010 12:26

BNP candidate and thugs launch racist assault against Asian youths.
06-05-2010 01:49
BNP candidate Bob Bailey standing in Barking along with his gang of thugs launched a racist assault against 3 Asian youths.Missed Appointments: The Nigerian prince and the UK failed immigration system
06-05-2010 00:43

Last February The Independent ran a story about a Nigerian prince who had suffered prolonged mistreatment in UK detention centres to the extent that he allegedly "begged" the Home Office to return him back home, where he had suffered gunshot wounds and beatings at the hands of his torturers. The article by Robert Verkaik, however, omitted important details of the systematic failures of the UK Border Agency and G4S, despite swathes of evidence sent to the paper's Home Affairs editor by Prince Ademola Babatunde Bakare via his supporters. Without the details, the article almost rendered him “a fussy prince moaning about not being looked after,” as one of his visitors put it. The documents have since been passed to Corporate Watch and Mr Bakare has left the country with serious medical conditions resulting from the systematic negligence he received in detention. Here is the full story.
Bita Ghaedi deportation halted by European Court of Human Rights
05-05-2010 18:42