UK Migration Newswire Archive
Pictures From NoBorders/ARC Demo (30/06/06)
01-07-2006 19:43

Party Without Borders
01-07-2006 16:14

Tinsley House Detention centre Protest 24th June 06
01-07-2006 11:47

Solihull's Sandford House Reporting centre picket (June)
01-07-2006 11:34

NoBorders-ARC Picket at Solihull Immigration Centre
30-06-2006 17:31

Birmingham NoBorders and Birmingham Anti-Racist Campaign held their monthly picket today (30 June) at the Immigration Reporting Centre in Solihull. Once again, they were there to protest against the inhumane treatment of asylum seekers throughout the border regime, from the weekly reporting, snatch squads and dawn raids, to deportation and detention centres.
Besides the usual banners and placards, chanting, noise-making and leafleting, there was also a visual consisting of hand-made 'grave stones', from the ARC vigil last week, bearing the details and stories of asylum seekers who took their own lives while awaiting the Home Office's decision or incarcerated in detention centres. Their names were read out and the stories of some were told.
Just before 2pm, two asylum seekers, handcuffed and accompanied by two police officers, arrived and were 'delivered' to Sandford House, in a live demonstration of what this place is all about. They were dressed in white jump suits and the police were carrying their clothes and stuff in clear plastic bags, presumably because they had been nicked whilst working in a factory or something. Obviously the protesters couldn't do more than angrily shout "Let them go" and "Asylum is not a crime".
Previous pickets: May | April | November 2005
Picket of Communication House tomorrow 1st July
30-06-2006 11:17
The Monthly Picket of Communications HouseFor Freedom of Movement and the Right to Stay
is happening tomorrow 1st July 1-3pm
at Communications House
Old Street (corner with Mallow Street, near the tube)
Colnbrook: Status report on the ongoing strike
30-06-2006 10:37
We have it on good authority, that the home office is denying the ongoing hunger strike at the Colnbrook detention centre.Something has to be done with REDWATCH
28-06-2006 17:40
Something has to be done with,, seekers are welcome here
28-06-2006 12:14
Last week Leeds No Borders marked Refugee Week by demonstrating against the UK's inhumane reporting and detention system, holding a wonderful evening of film and food and leafleting hundres in the city centre to dispel the myths about asylum seekers pedalled in the press.Workshop: 'Seeking asylum, tackling the law' July 15th, Leeds
28-06-2006 12:13
On Saturday July 15th from 10.30-5pm there will be a workshop entitled 'seeking asylum, tackling the law' at The Common Place (23-25 Wharf Street, LS1, DECLARATION OF SOLIDARITY: Against European border policies
28-06-2006 02:27
Against European border policies, for the closure of Immigrant Detention Centers, for the dropping of all charges against of the Zona Franca detainees (Barcelona) of Saturday, June 24th.All 59 protestors detained at last Saturday's action against the new detention center in Barcelona have now being released. But many have the threat of criminal charges.
Hunger strike: Joint statement issued by the Colnbrook IRC detainee's forum
27-06-2006 14:47
Over 40 detainees in Colnbrook IRC have gone on hunger strike again, after their previous requests were ignored. More are expected to join the hunger srtike.European Caravan for Freedom of Movement: 57 people are still under detention
26-06-2006 13:39
Last Saturday, the 24th of June, at 10.30 AM more than one hundred people from different European cities, congregated at the doors of the future Migrant Detention Center, which is in the course of being constructed in Zona Franca in Barcelona.Free the Barcelona 59!
26-06-2006 09:43
Saturday 23 of june, one hundred of activists from Spain and many other european countries entered, in a peaceful but determined way, the detention centres being built for immigrants in the neighbourhood of Zona Franca, Barcelona. This centre will a racist jail into which will be rounded up the immigrant citizen “guilty” of not having the “right” papers.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Glasgow rendition flights vigil
25-06-2006 17:01
A vigil has taken place this weekend at Glasgow Airport to highlight "extraordinary rendition" flights.Demonstration at Tinsley House - banned by police
25-06-2006 13:54
Protestors who travelled to Gatwick on Saturday 24th June 2006, to demonstrate outside the removal centre were stopped by police some two miles from the centre. They were confined to a half acre of grass after the Senior police officer from the Sussex police read out Section 14 to the Public Order Act.NO BORDERS LONDON STATEMENT
23-06-2006 19:53
People are on the move around the world. In response to the globalisation of capitalist relations that bring poverty, starvation and war; in response to the world getting smaller; in response to the adverse affects of climate change, in response to our needs.Tinsley house demo tomorrow Saturday 24th
23-06-2006 19:25
People are detained who are not even suspected of any crime.
Men, women & children *no automatic right to bail* detained with no time limits.
Activism at a deportation camp in Norway
23-06-2006 18:25
This morning activists from Norway and refugees, having the information that norwegian government will deport 2 afghan refugees back to Afghanistan, gathered at the deportation camp of Trandum in order to stop the deportation.