UK Migration Newswire Archive
Say no to voluntary deportations Zimbabwe
15-10-2010 10:50
Around the Campaigns Friday 15th October 2010Asylum blow for Precious Mhango and her mother Florence
The mother and daughter, who have lived in Britain for seven years, have previously spent several spells in Dungavel detention centre in North Lanarkshire and Yarl's Wood in Bedforshire and were granted a last-minute reprieve last November while sitting on a plane at Heathrow airport about to take them Malawi.
The family's advocate argued their case at a 20-minute hearing in London on Wednesday but Lord Justice Sullivan dismissed their claims, denying them a chance to appeal the Home Office's decision to deport them.
Full story:, 15th October 2010

Unacceptable death of Jimmy Mubenga a settled refugee
15-10-2010 08:10

In the interest of justice there should be with out a shadow of doubt an immediate 'independent' enquiry into the circumstances surrounding the unacceptable death of Jimmy Mubenga. If left to the powers that be, any investigation will be (if there is one) a long time coming, years not months and not independent.
Further, the government have announced the abolition of the office of the Chief Coroner (before it was even established), which could and would have afforded proper investigations into deaths like these.
Group 4 Murder Angolan Migrant during Deportation
14-10-2010 23:45
An Angolan man was suffocated to death by three G4S guards who were forcibly deporting him back to Angola, they used handcuffs and 'restraint' techniques which involved putting pressure on his back and pushing his head into his lap.Calais No Borders: how to organise a secret festival
12-10-2010 07:31
report of the Festival Without Borders in calais this septemberNo Borders in Brussels: becoming a movement
11-10-2010 20:18
reflections on the No Border camp in BrusselsBristol Uni wins contract to tell Non-EU countries to behave on Human Rights
10-10-2010 14:37
The University of Bristol’s Human Rights Implementation Centre (HRIC), which seeks to address the effective implementation of human rights, together with partners in Africa and Europe, have been awarded two grants totalling nearly €2.4 million by the European Commission (EC). The funding will contribute towards research into torture prevention in Africa and the Commonwealth of Independent States.Save Gamu Nhengu and her mother from being deported back to Zimbabwe
10-10-2010 08:28
Not only has Gamu shown herself to be deserving from an artistic and human point of view, if she were to be deported back to Zimbabwe with her mother she would find herself in a society where women are discriminated against and humiliated – even more so, seeing that Gamu is young, pretty and by now famous.Oi! No Borders benefit in Wales
08-10-2010 12:26

Report on a full announced inspection of Dover IRC
07-10-2010 05:13

Brussels Midi demo
05-10-2010 13:37

Locks glued at IOM, Brussels
05-10-2010 11:50
On Friday 1 Oct, the locks of the offices of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) in Brussels, Belgium, were glued shut. This was one of many autonomous actions which happened last week in Brussels.Direct action against Steria in Brussels
04-10-2010 13:17
In a direct action against the repressive border regime of "fortress Europe", a group of activists targeted the offices of Steria with grafitti and the property damage.Continuing Conflicts that Create Refugees, September 2010
04-10-2010 10:45
October 2010 WatchlistConflict Risk Alerts - None
Conflict Resolution Opportunities - None
International Crisis Group

Human Rights of Migrants without papers (irregular migrants)
04-10-2010 08:14
Statement of the Global Migration Group on the Human Rights of Migrants in Irregular SituationRepression in Brussels
01-10-2010 21:45
All kicking off in Brussels, but a lack of reporting on the UK Indy site. Heavy repression, violence and mass arrests, there is a mass demonstration tomorrow...keep checking the BXL indy site for videos and regular updates.Sweden: On how to challenge rightwing racist class politics
28-09-2010 15:06

BNP offer watches for membership!
27-09-2010 17:59
This is a mass email sent out today by the BNP encouraging people to sign up for lifetime membership for a one of fee of £500. Not only do you get the peace of mind of knowing you are helping to reclaim Britain, but you also get a shiny new watch!Urgent support to stay removals to DR Congo
27-09-2010 16:46

These 3 DR Congolese nationals are due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Kenya Airways flight KQ101 on Tuesday 28th September 2010 at 20:00 to Nairobi and then KQ554 to Kinshasa DR Congo.
All three are currently detained and have built their lives over the past several years in their local communities since applying for asylum.
Please support the campaigns for Papy Munona, Ruddy Lelo-Masiala and Wanda Tete, Model letters to the Home Secretary are available from their campaign pages, for direct links see end of message.
Kenya Airways flight KQ101 is their notorious daily flight to doom for Africans refused asylum in the UK.
I Tete Wanda-Mizolo, Home Office reference T1104204 nationality Congolese of DR Congo has been living in the UK since January 2005. I'm at the moment detained in Yarl's Wood IRC and due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Tuesday 28th September at 20.00 on flight KQ 101/KQ554, I need people in the UK to help me by campaigning to 'Stay' my removal from the UK because it is not safe for me tp return to DR Congo. I'm worried to rape and the suffering for tortures which I have been before. I have a right to live and I feel save and protected in the UK which is the country that knows Human Rights and in the UK it says ladies first.
I am asking you all to Email/fax Kenya Airways for Pappy, Ruddy and myself, the attached model letter is for all three of us.
Tete Wanda, , Yarl's Wood, Monday afternoon,

What you can do to help / take urgent action NOW!
1. Email, fax and phone, Sam Okwulehie, Group Area Manager Kenya Airways. Urge him not to carry out the forced removal of Wanda Mizolo Tete, Pappy Munona and Ruddy Lelo-Masiala, and to consider the airline's reputation. A model letter letter ThreeDR Congolese.docKA.doc is attached. You can copy, amend or write your own version - if you do please quote Wanda Mizolo Tete, Pappy Munona and Ruddy Lelo-Masiala due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Kenya Airways flight KQ101 on Tuesday 28th September 2010 at 20:00 to Nairobi and then KQ554 to Kinshasa DR Congo.
Put as much pressure on this airline as you can, to make them consider if it's worth the damage to their reputation to continue as one of UKBA's deportation airlines.

Fax: 020 8745 5027 (Or from outside the UK + 44 20 8745 5027)
Phone: 020 8759 7366 (Or from outside the UK + 44 20 8759 7366)
Call out to Calais during the No Border camp in Brussels
26-09-2010 15:32
As many of us have gone or are going to the No Border camp in Brussels we are going to be low in numbers on the ground for a few days...Pentagon spells hope: DREAM act will extend poverty draft to immigrant youth
26-09-2010 08:21