UK Migration Newswire Archive
Fight Britain's racist immigration laws! Close Communications House!
26-09-2010 07:54
Tuesday 28 September • 5-6pm outside Communications House Immigration Reporting CentreOld Street
London, EC1V 9BR
Anti-deportation protest: Help keep the Okpara family safe in Sheffield!
25-09-2010 21:14

Anti-deportation rally for all the family Sat 25th
24-09-2010 09:07
There is an anti-deportation rally outside Sheffield Town Hall on Saturday 25th September from 12.30pm to 1.30pm to support the Okpara family from Nigeria who are faced with deportation.The organisers are encouraging families to come and show their support. There will be music and activities for children. Lib Dem Council leader is supporting the campaign and will be speaking at the rally.
Demo at Cardiff UKBA against Tete's deportation
23-09-2010 23:06

Points-Based Immigration in Context: Research and Campaign Strategies
23-09-2010 22:09
Urgent Research and Campaign conference on new restrictions on movement between countries.Around the Campaigns Thursday 23rd September 2010
23-09-2010 08:51
Yarl's Wood five update, Sheffield Family Campaign, Iraqi deportations, Vietnam, EDMBrussels No Border Camp: just five days to go ...
20-09-2010 21:37
NO BORDER CAMP in Brussels 25th September-3rd October 2010(Cartoon #3) Deportation of gypsies: The Sarkozy's Holocaust (by Latuff)
19-09-2010 16:18

(New cartoon) Deportation of gypsies: The Sarkozy's Holocaust (by Latuff)
18-09-2010 18:16

Dissident Island Radio episode 65 ready for download
18-09-2010 17:44

The Afghans’ voice must be heard. Sunday 26th Sept Brighton
18-09-2010 12:56

programma of the no border camp brussels
18-09-2010 12:54

the pdf documents give an overview of things to do during the no border camp in brussels, on the campsite as well as outside the camp
Dissident Island Radio tonight
17-09-2010 16:26

Deportation of gypsies: The Sarkozy's Holocaust (by Latuff)
17-09-2010 15:23

[Brussels2010] No Borders No Precarity: For freedom of movement, smash ECOFIN!
17-09-2010 14:30
Informations about the No Border camp and other initiatives in Brussels, from the 25th september to the 3rd october.[If there is not indication about the language, it mean the links are in english].
Brussels: Stop Precarity, Fuck Austerity !
17-09-2010 13:41
On September 29-30, Brussels, the EU capital, will be in the eye ofthe storm.
xenophobia: a vote winner
16-09-2010 21:10
The news was terrifying: In France police frog marched entire gypsy families out of a nation that once upon a time gave us the intoxicating motto: “Liberty, fraternity, equality!”Autonomous Actions, Celebration & Destruction in Calais
15-09-2010 21:44

It had been a home to around 10 Afghans
Polish democracy is gone. Time for illiberal façade.
09-09-2010 20:47
Many Poles are moving to settle in Britain. Why? Some year ago Slawomir Sierakowski, Polish left-wing activist, described in the weekly "Przekroj" our Polish political system as "concrete-fenced" for new entrants. The 4 dominant parties receive state subsidies that allow them for large-scale political campaigns. Their opponents are nearly not visible, or glue their posters illegaly, facing penalties.Around the Campaigns Thursday 9th September 2010
09-09-2010 07:12

The last message from Patrick was on Saturday at 5:50 am to say that he was handcuffed and had 12 security officers controlling him. Attempts to contact Patrick since then have failed. Many thanks to all who tried to prevent the removal.
Keep Patrick Masengo in the UK, no removals to DR Congo