UK Migration Newswire Archive
Iranian Asylum Seekers Protest Against Home Office Inactivity
12-09-2007 16:43
A report on a protest outside Lunar House in Croyden by asylum seekers who have been waiting on a decision for their cases for excessive amounts of time.Sex work, gender and immigration controls: Moving Gender Workshop
12-09-2007 13:53
Organised by the International Union of Sex Workers, Education Not for Sale Women and others as part of the No Borders camp (19-24 September - see Meeting about No Border Camp in Brighton
12-09-2007 11:06
Public Meeting about the Gatwick Area No Border CampFilm then updates and discussion about the camp
Brighton, Cowley Club 12 London Road
Wednesday 12. September (today) from 7:30pm until 10:00 pm .
NO BORDERS Transnational Demonstration - Sept 22 '07 - Coaches from London
12-09-2007 08:35
**************************************************************************NO BORDERS Transnational Demonstration - Sept 22 '07
[Crawley Town Centre to Tinsley House Detention Centre, Gatwick.]
Home Office deports Iraqi Kurds back to war and cholera
12-09-2007 08:28
The UK government is currently arresting and detaining Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers.The UK Government has forcibly deported 89 Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers on 4
different occasions over the last 3 years. The first 3 forcible deportations were
carried out by military aircraft from Brize Norton, a military airbase near Oxford.
The last deportation was by a so-called humanitarian plane from London on 5
September 2007. The International Federation of Iraqi Refugees however fears more
deportations are planned back to Iraqi Kurdistan, given the increasing numbers of
Iraqi Kurds being arrested and held in detention centers all over the UK.
Zimbabwean women on hunger strike in Yarl's Wood IRC
12-09-2007 00:52
The hunger strike by five Zimbabwean women who are being held in Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Center enters it's third day today. The women are protesting against their continued detention and impending deportation to Malawi.Pegah Emambakhsh Granted Bail
11-09-2007 21:58
Following is a message from the Friends of Pegah, for background information about her case see: "Save Pegah Emambakhsh from British Prison and Iranian Lashes"
We have some good news at last! Pegah was granted bail this morning, is now out of Yarls Wood Detention Centre and back with people who will love and care for her. The Court of Appeal have also agreed to hear her case. It will be listed within the next couple of weeks and will be heard sometime in the next few months, we believe.
Migrating University Goldsmiths to Gatwick
11-09-2007 21:40
General enthusiasm for this event is very high. A feeling of frustration, and therefore energy for exploring activist options, is strong on campus. This is the joint result of the ongoing managerialism that afflicts the ‘teaching factory’ at all levels, alongside the wider malaise of neo-liberal war-mongering imperialism/Border-ism evident in the current conjuncture, everywhere. The role of the university in relation to borders between people and knowledge, between different knowledges, between peoples, between students, between students who pay ‘overseas’ fees and those who pay too much (‘training’ for industrial gain, paid for by the student??) and the ever extended morale crush that afflicts staff… linked to the obsolescence of older ideas of ‘education’ in favour of opportunism and productivity… Exclusions and …racism, murder-death-kill… there is much good reason to explore these concerns in our workshop.Full article | 1 addition | 6 comments
Zimbabwean women behind the wire go on hunger strike
11-09-2007 18:29
Five female detainees from Zimbabwe in Yarl's Wood detention centre have gone on hunger strike yesterday (Monday, 10 September). They are demanding to be released from detention.Detention Profiteers
11-09-2007 12:24
The UK has Europe's most privatised criminal justice system. It is second only to the United States in terms of the number of private prisons, which currently hold around 10% of the prisoner population. In addition to private prisons, the country has privately operated 'secure training centres' for young offenders, prisoner escort services, electronic monitoring programmes, a wide range of non-custodial services in publicly run prisons, as well as privately financed, built and operated court complexes, police complexes and probation hostels. In short, the UK currently represents the second-largest private prison market in the world. And immigration prisons are no exception.. except that they are not called prisons any more.
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No Borders Wales Defy Home Office
11-09-2007 12:17
Activists from No Borders Wales held a demo outside the Home Office building in Cardiff today, pointing out the racist nature of the immigaration machine.Britain's Detention Estate
11-09-2007 11:54
Thousands of refugees and migrants are locked up in special prisons, disguised under various names, for committing the 'crime' of fleeing wars or persecution or wanting to improve their lives. Without trial and with no automatic bail review, they can face months and years of incarceration before being forcibly deported to unsafe countries. Detention has become an integral part of the UK immigration system and is certainly one of its most brutal and dehumanising aspects, whereby innocent and vulnerable people are interned in prison for political ends.
Location of the Gatwick No Border Camp disclosed
10-09-2007 14:17
The organisers of the Gatwick Area No Border Camp have announced the location of their camp site. The rented field is located near the village of Salfords, Surrey, which lies approximately 3 miles south of Redhill on the A23 road that runs between London to Brighton. The site is close to both the M23 and Salfords Train Station.J. A and N - Removal directions set for Thursday
10-09-2007 13:30
[This article has been amended to remove identifying details]J, a young woman from Uganda, is a torture and rape victim who was accepted by the Immigration Appellate Authority as a 'believable witness'. Her appeal was refused in 2005. Even though it was accepted that she was suspected of being an LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) member and was a torture and rape victim, it was claimed by the Home Office that she would not be in danger of persecution if she was returned to another part of Uganda, such as Kampala.
Gatwick No Border Camp Location Announced
10-09-2007 08:35

*Call for Solidarity* - Eviction and Social Cleansing in France
09-09-2007 14:41
Here below is a call for solidarity for a recent treat of eviction of more than 80 families beacause of thesocial cleansing for the Rugby World Cup taking place in Paris. As already many evictions experienced
in London for the preparation of the Olympic Degeneration ( an many more evictions to come).
"Fair Play for Housing Rights: Mega-Events, Olympic Games and Housing Rights".
published on 5 June 2007 by the ‘Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions’.

A message from Pegah Emambakhsh
08-09-2007 17:20

September 8th, 2007, Pegah has sent through this mutual friend a message for
all the groups, activists, politicians and everyday people who are trying to
solve her case.
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Deportations to Sri Lanka are continuing.
08-09-2007 13:04
Deportations of Tamils to Sri Lanka are continuing despite the new country guidance case. Two families are due to be deported tomorrow, Sunday the 9th September"Not Guilty" in Brutal Glasgow Dawn Raid Case
08-09-2007 11:14
The African woman who found herself charged with 7 counts of police assault after a brutal and humiliating dawn raid on her home was acquitted yesterday. The jury trial at Glasgow Sheriff Court lasted the whole week and represented a further ordeal for a severely traumatised woman.Demonstration against Clan Ebor today
07-09-2007 17:05
Today around 120 members of the Internationl Iranian Refugee Organisation and Leeds No Borders gathered outside Waterside reporting centre on Kirkstall Road to raise awareness of and demonstrate against the Home Office's latest disgusing attempt to deport vulnerable people to unsafe countries: Clan Ebor