UK Migration Newswire Archive
Demonstration for sacked Colombian cleaners
23-10-2008 16:54

Solidarity with all workers.AMEY picket bristol.
23-10-2008 16:09
Yesterday about thirty people went to two offices on Victoria Street, Bristol show their support to sacked workers from Amey.See background story here

for the demonstration see

Immigration Minister shows why we should join TCAR's March Against Racism on Sat
22-10-2008 21:57

Chagos Ethnic Cleansing; No Right to Return: Implementation of International Law
22-10-2008 13:35
Ethnic Cleansing and Crimes against Humanity justified by UK Regime and House of LordsEnd this injustice - third attempt to remove Anselme Noumbiwa!
22-10-2008 09:24

Labour scapegoats immigrants for the financial crash
21-10-2008 13:58
Phil Woolas has made clear how the Brown Labour government intends to try and divert attention from its multibillion pay-out for Britain’s banks and the super-rich by scapegoating migrants.Block the Vichy European Summit on Immigration, November 3-4 2008!
20-10-2008 18:23
Given the short time limit, any help is greatly welcomed to spread this international call widely in your networks and activist medias.Join NPL-Amey cleaner protest Oct 22
20-10-2008 18:07
This is to invite you to our next action in support of the five sacked Colombian cleaners working for Amey Plc at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL). ( see background story at
Practical Info for Sandholm Detention Centre action, Copenhagen Oct 25th
20-10-2008 12:17

Around the Campaigns Monday 20th October 2008
20-10-2008 07:33

She was removed last Thursday to Uganda, there was a problem at the airport in Entebbe because she is a Rwandan citizen and the authorities at the airport wanted to return her to the UK because she had no documents entitling her to be in Uganda. Jane Mary was very tired and had a headache throughout her flight, and so mentioned to the authorities that all her children are in Uganda and she was allowed into the country after some discussions. She was also asked why she had been sent back from the UK but apparently one of her escorts told them that her visa had expired and as she is unwell she wanted to go home. At the moment she is safe and well.
Friends of Jane Mary Mutetsi, thank all those who fought to keep Jane Mary in the UK

Shut down BMI day - starting 20th October
19-10-2008 22:35
No Borders South Wales are calling for a sustained campaign against BMI. We call on BMI to no longer take part in the forced deportation of clip of manchester anti-war demo
19-10-2008 22:25
We've now uploaded a mini-video clip of the red&black No Borders bloc on the 20th September demo. Watch it here:
Neo-Nazi demo shut down in Leeds
19-10-2008 12:09
On Saturday 18th of October, the British People’s Party (BPP) planned a demonstration in Leeds, outside HMV. They intended to protest against “racist” black rap music, handing out leaflets demanding “rights for whites” and calling on the store to stock White Power music. Richard B from Leeds Revo reports.No Borders Network Gathering 8 & 9 November
17-10-2008 16:19
No Borders is a network of grass-roots organisations that support freedom of movement and the abolishment of borders. The No Borders Gathering will bring together groups and individuals from across the UK to discuss, network and plan together.Amdani Juma: Campaign Momentum Builds as Decision Delayed Again
16-10-2008 19:46

Friends of Amdani Juma
Thursday 9th October 2008
400 more petition signatures were faxed to the Home Office today and more people pledged their support as campaigners made preparations for a city centre rally this weekend to highlight Amdani’s situation.
Block the Vichy European Summit on Immigration, November 3-4 2008! (in english,
15-10-2008 22:52
On the next November 3rd and 4th , the French presidency of the European Union will gather, upon the initiative of Brice Hortefeux, French minister of immigration, integration and national identity, the whole 27 European ministers of Interior and Justice. They will all meet in Vichy, the historic capital of the pro-Nazi regime in France during the Second World War.WHY WE SHOULD ALL BE IN VICHY (FRANCE) ON THE 3RD OF NOVEMBER 2008
15-10-2008 19:01
Call against the upcoming summit of ministers of Interior and Justice on Immigration in Vichy (France)Abdi Ahmed: "England is the only place I can call home"
15-10-2008 14:02