UK Migration Newswire Archive
Solidarity with the Harmondsworth detainees! Demonstrate at Communications House
30-11-2006 10:26
The brave actions of the detainees at Harmondsworth Immigration Detention Centre, have publicised the disgusting conditions and treatment they face far wider than could ever have been achieved simply by the publication of the Chief Inspector of Prisons’ report criticising the immigration prison.Glasgow Dawn Raid Stopped on Sunday
29-11-2006 13:40
At seven o’clock on Sunday 26th November, in the Plean Street tower block complex on the west of Glasgow, ten immigration ‘enforcers’ and Strathclyde Police officers tried to smash open the door of a single mother from Uganda and her three year old twins.Teenage Mother Abducted in Toxteth
29-11-2006 08:38

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Riot in Harmondsworth
29-11-2006 00:54
A riot started around 9 pm in B wing and seems to have spread to all wings. Some detainees have been beaten up. There are reports of fires being lit everywhere. Detainees have been locked up in their rooms in some parts of the centre. In others they are stll rioting.I have news now (00.50) they are now taking the detanees out of the building.
Stop deportation and detention of Ethiopian asylum seekers
28-11-2006 23:55
Kinijit's support organisation KSOUK in the UK has staged a demonstration today in front of the Minister for Immigration, Marsham Street. They are challenging the decision of the British government to detain and deport asylum seekers from Ethiopia.Between 50 and 60 people took part, mostly Ethiopian refugees and their supporters.
Members fo the opposition face being imprisoned and tortured if deported back to Ethiopia.
Anti Deportation Protest, Manchester
28-11-2006 22:46
Approximately 30,000 immigrants and asylum seekers are locked up in detention centres and prisons in Britain every year, including over 2000 children and babies. About 400 are deported from Britain every week, including children and babies. Some say Britain is not a racist state, but facts are stubborn little things and have to be reckoned with.Goldman Sachs Headquarters Occupied by Cleaners Union
28-11-2006 15:08
Today at 12pm around 25 cleaners and supporters went into the lobby of Goldman Sachs Headquarters, despite attempts by security to kick them out. They were protesting at the treatment of cleaners by ISS, which is partially owned by Goldman Sachs, and demanded a deal with the TGWU.Harmondsworth Immigration Removal Centre - 'Not fit for Purpose'
28-11-2006 11:10
Anne Owers HM Inspector of Prisons (HMIP) has published today a report on Harmondsworth Immigration Removal Centre (IRC), the UK's largest immigration removal centre, stating that it was not performing satisfactorily against ANY of the Inspectorate's tests of a healthy custodial environment and that poor relationships between custody officers and detainees were "worse than had been seen at any other detention centre" and was "Undoubtedly the poorest report" issued by HMIP of any IRC to date.Support Mercy Murua and Peter Gichura, disabled activists at risk of deportation
27-11-2006 17:23

We ask you to take action and speak out in support of Mercy Murua and Peter Gichura, two disabled activists who face almost certain persecution and death if they are deported back to Kenya. Ms, Murua is in WinVisible, and Mr, Gichura takes part in our joint activities, including the "Claim the Buses" transport action day by wheelchair users, organised by Transport for All in August 2006.
ISS Justice for Cleaners Call for Support
27-11-2006 14:28
Cleaners need help to tackle big multinational company.Full article | 1 addition | 5 comments
Cops illegal search and arrest refugees
27-11-2006 00:08

Close Down Campsfield Annual Demonstration 25th November 2006
26-11-2006 09:33

Misjudging rape
25-11-2006 20:26
Adjudicators (now known as immigration judges) flout international law and even their own guidelines when they consider the asylum claims of women and girls seeking safety and protection from rape.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Campsfield 13th anniversary
25-11-2006 18:56

Migration Summit in Tripoli
25-11-2006 01:16
50 EU and African States met for a two day conference on migration controls and development in Tripoli from 22 to 23 November 2006Voices From Detention
24-11-2006 16:59
Barbed Wire Britain, a network to end refugee and migrant detention, has produced a second volume of testimonies from immigration detainees, Voices From Detention II.
Amidst the political and media clamour about how many asylum seekers have been or need be deported, the voices of the system's victims are necessarily stifled. Would-be refugees are mere statistics, objects in a disgusting Dutch auction as to which political brand can wash whitest. And this why such a collection is an important tool in the struggle for rights and justice.
The volume is a collection of accounts by detainees in Tinsley House, Campsfield House, Rochester (HMP), Liverpool (HMP), Belmarsh (HMP), Lindholme, Harmondsworth, Yarlswood, Dungavel, Dover and Haslar. These are people for whom the unthinkable has happened. They have been imprisoned in the UK without charge, without conviction, without time limit. They have been imprisoned by the UK government, which boasts its democratic institutions.
Janitors' Victory in Houston - Thank You!
23-11-2006 00:22
Compas!!!After 4 weeks of janitors in Houston, USA, striking and a heavy escalation last week (88 arrested in civil disobediences, local, national and international coordinated actions and a heavy corporate campaign against Chevron and Hines) janitors won a big victory!
Asylum Statistics: Q3 2006
22-11-2006 16:22
The Home Office has released its "asylum statistics" for the 3rd quarter of 2006 (July, August and September). Below is a summary of the main points.Detention centre is a 'gitmo' military-style prison
22-11-2006 04:31

Stop locking up our children! TCAR demonstration 18th November
21-11-2006 22:41
On Saturday 18th November Tyneside Community Action for Refugees held a lively demonstration against child detention and deportation in Newcastle city centre. Over 50 activists and their families spread the message about the horrific crime of detaining children through lively chanting, singing, and giving out balloons with messages from the children of TCAR members.