UK Migration Newswire Archive
Self-Harm in Immigration detention July/August/September 2009
08-12-2009 14:17
Figures on self-harm in immigration detention between July and September 2009 inclusive under the following headings:Conditions at G4S immigration prison 'worse and worse'
06-12-2009 01:16
Since it opened earlier this year, the UK's newest and biggest immigration prison has barely had a day without trouble. However, Corporate Watch has learnt that things have become "much worse" lately, both for the detainees and for their visitors. Meanwhile, the G4S management is apparently recruiting new security guards as staff shortages have led many detainees to repeatedly miss doctors' and court appointments.Calais today: repression has escalated to unprecedented levels
05-12-2009 19:26
Arrests have increased dramatically since the end of November, as well as raids on squats and jungles.UK paralympian to be deported to Nigeria on 11th December
03-12-2009 21:37
Vincent Onwubiko is currently in Brixton prison awaiting deportation on 11th December. He has represented the UK at the Paralympics, is married to a British woman and has an 11-year-old daughter born in Britain.Calais: huge increase in police violence
03-12-2009 12:36
Several arrests more than 'normal' in the past few days and raids on squats...With Besson's threat to make Calais a migrant free zone by
the end of the year always on our minds, we encourage people
to come and do solidarity work.
Tonight: No Borders Calais Info Night in Newcastle
03-12-2009 12:25

Ride Bikes, Have fun, Support MCDAS, Give kids presents...awesome.
02-12-2009 16:37
A treasurehunt on bicycles to support Manchester Commitee to Defend Asylum Seekers. The riders, in pairs, will be following a set route and buying and collecting presents that will then be donated to MCDAS Chidren's Christmas Party.Around the Campaigns Wednesday 2nd December 2009
02-12-2009 08:46
1) ADC Work shop Glasgow2) Destitution Awareness Week
3) Refugee Council ~ UKBA proposals to change asylum support
Enforced destitution
01-12-2009 18:24
Frances Webber investigates the Home Office’s policy of imposing poverty on those seeking asylum in BritainClose Campsfield Demo Success
01-12-2009 16:59
Around 100 people gathered outside Campsfield Detention Centre in Kidlington on Saturday 28th November, to protest against the arbitrary incarceration of innocent individuals in Campsfield, and to mark the 16th anniversary of the creation of Campsfield.Resources for Anti-Deportation Campaigns/Groups/Supporters
01-12-2009 07:55
All the sites below are used by NCADC to source 'Quality' information, which can be used for Anti-Deportation Campaigns, can also provide 'New' information, which might assist fresh asylum claims.Around the Campaigns Monday 30th November
30-11-2009 11:28
Detention of children at immigration 'prisons' attacked by MPsUK Asylum Statistics: 3rd Quarter July/August/September 2009
30-11-2009 09:43
The Home Office have published (26/11/09) their quarterly bulletin on Asylum statistics for July/August/September 2009, in that period:~ Detention up [92% of capacity]
~ Removal of refused asylum applicants down
~ Asylum applications down
Demonstrate at Communications House Tues 1 December 1-2pm
29-11-2009 22:24
Close Communications House! Fight Britain's racist immigration laws!Immigration reporting centres are places of fear for asylum seekers, who have to report to them monthly, weekly or even several times a week. From reporting centres asylum seekers are often detained without warning and sent to removal centres to await deportation.
Cross channel protest against the UK Border Regime
29-11-2009 14:14

BNP Humiliated in Newcastle
28-11-2009 16:16
Fash not welcome in the North East!Sheffield No to Deportations and Destitution Protest
28-11-2009 15:10

Action video of the blockade of the deportation centre of Bruges
26-11-2009 23:28
31st of October, two deportation centers in Belgium were blocked for a whole day.More info about the action, mostly in Dutch, French and German, you can find here:

Public Meeting to oppose Points Based Immigration
25-11-2009 22:29

Sheffield Asylum Rights Demo: Saturday Nov 28th
25-11-2009 21:32