Around the Campaigns Wednesday 2nd December 2009
John O | 02.12.2009 08:46 | Migration | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | World
1) ADC Work shop Glasgow
2) Destitution Awareness Week
3) Refugee Council ~ UKBA proposals to change asylum support
2) Destitution Awareness Week
3) Refugee Council ~ UKBA proposals to change asylum support
1) Glasgow ~ Anti-Deportation Campaign (ADC) Workshop
Saturday 5th December
- Has your asylum case refused?
- Worried about being detained by the Home Office?
- Scared of being deported?
Come and find out how to organise your anti-deportation campaign
Organised by UNITY, supported by NCADC
11:00am to 4:00pm
Kinning Park Complex
40 Cornwall Street
G41 1AQ
opposite Kinning Park Underground station or bus 121, 54, 56 & 9
These classes, based on similar workshops run by NCADC, will last all day and will give an introduction to the UK asylum system and how you can do more to help your asylum case.
Please bring your lunch
The UNITY Centre
30 Ibrox Street
G51 1AQ
0141 427 7992
2) Destitution Awareness Week
You are invited to be a part of an event Asylum Support Appeals Project (ASAP) is organising on Wednesday 16th December 2009. Flyer attached
Destitution Awareness Week is an annual event highlighting the struggle of destitute asylum seekers in the UK. On Wednesday 16th December 2009, Asylum Support Appeals Project is marking Destitution Awareness Week by hosting an Information Exchange for organisations and individuals who, like ASAP work to reduce destitution amongst asylum seekers in the UK.
The Information Exchange aims to raise awareness of the issues facing destitute asylum seekers and enable participants to provide them with more comprehensive advice and support. Several organisations and agencies who work with destitute asylum seekers will set up stalls providing information about their services. This will provide an opportunity to exchange your knowledge and experience of working with asylum seekers. There will also be a series of keynote speakers presenting specialist topics that impact asylum seekers (see enclosed invitation flyer).
This is an excellent opportunity to build stronger and more informed links between agencies, organisations and individuals who work with asylum seekers and we sincerely hope that you will be able to attend this unique opportunity. Please feel free to circulate this email to anybody you feel would benefit from attending this event.
So far ASAP can confirm stalls will be at the event from the following organisations: Asylum Aid, Asylum Support Appeals Project, Asylum Support and Immigration Resource Team, BOAZ Trust (including NACCOM Network), London Detainee Support Group, Medecins du Monde, MIND Haringey, Notre Dame Refugee Centre, Refugee and Migrant Justice
Please RSVP Tom Copeland at or call 020 8686 1888 if you would like to attend or would like any further information.
We look forward to hearing from you and hope to meet you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Thomas Copeland
Office Assistant
9am-5pm Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Asylum Support Appeals Project (ASAP)
18 Barclay Road, Croydon CR0 1JN
Tel: 020 8686 1888
Fax: 020 8686 1899
3) Invitation to Refugee Council meeting, all welcome
UKBA proposals to change asylum support
5:00 – 6:45 pm, Thursday 10th December 2009
Refugee Council Day Centre
240-250 Ferndale Road
Brixton SW9 0BB
The UK Border Agency is currently consulting on changes to asylum support. The proposals were published on 12th November and the consultation closes on 4th February 2010.
The Refugee Council is very concerned about the impact of some of these proposals on asylum seekers. We are holding this meeting to bring together refugee community organisations, charities, campaigners, and individuals concerned about asylum support in order to:
- share information on the current UKBA proposals for asylum support
- update attendees on recent relevant changes including new rules on further representations, the publication of the Draft Immigration Bill and the introduction of payment cards
- provide an opportunity to share information, concerns and suggestions for action to improve asylum support and end destitution
Mike Kaye, Advocacy Manager, Still Human, Still Here
Colin McCloskey, Solicitor, Asylum Support Appeals Project
Sarah Cutler, Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Refugee Council
Refugee speaker
There will be short presentations and then plenty of time for discussion
Please RSVP to
Any queries, please contact or 0207 346 1171
Travel expenses within London are available for refugees and asylum seekers.
End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
Asylum Support Appeals Project (ASAP)
Refugee Council
Saturday 5th December
- Has your asylum case refused?
- Worried about being detained by the Home Office?
- Scared of being deported?
Come and find out how to organise your anti-deportation campaign
Organised by UNITY, supported by NCADC
11:00am to 4:00pm
Kinning Park Complex
40 Cornwall Street
G41 1AQ
opposite Kinning Park Underground station or bus 121, 54, 56 & 9
These classes, based on similar workshops run by NCADC, will last all day and will give an introduction to the UK asylum system and how you can do more to help your asylum case.
Please bring your lunch
The UNITY Centre
30 Ibrox Street
G51 1AQ
0141 427 7992

2) Destitution Awareness Week
You are invited to be a part of an event Asylum Support Appeals Project (ASAP) is organising on Wednesday 16th December 2009. Flyer attached
Destitution Awareness Week is an annual event highlighting the struggle of destitute asylum seekers in the UK. On Wednesday 16th December 2009, Asylum Support Appeals Project is marking Destitution Awareness Week by hosting an Information Exchange for organisations and individuals who, like ASAP work to reduce destitution amongst asylum seekers in the UK.
The Information Exchange aims to raise awareness of the issues facing destitute asylum seekers and enable participants to provide them with more comprehensive advice and support. Several organisations and agencies who work with destitute asylum seekers will set up stalls providing information about their services. This will provide an opportunity to exchange your knowledge and experience of working with asylum seekers. There will also be a series of keynote speakers presenting specialist topics that impact asylum seekers (see enclosed invitation flyer).
This is an excellent opportunity to build stronger and more informed links between agencies, organisations and individuals who work with asylum seekers and we sincerely hope that you will be able to attend this unique opportunity. Please feel free to circulate this email to anybody you feel would benefit from attending this event.
So far ASAP can confirm stalls will be at the event from the following organisations: Asylum Aid, Asylum Support Appeals Project, Asylum Support and Immigration Resource Team, BOAZ Trust (including NACCOM Network), London Detainee Support Group, Medecins du Monde, MIND Haringey, Notre Dame Refugee Centre, Refugee and Migrant Justice
Please RSVP Tom Copeland at

We look forward to hearing from you and hope to meet you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Thomas Copeland
Office Assistant
9am-5pm Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Asylum Support Appeals Project (ASAP)
18 Barclay Road, Croydon CR0 1JN
Tel: 020 8686 1888
Fax: 020 8686 1899
3) Invitation to Refugee Council meeting, all welcome
UKBA proposals to change asylum support
5:00 – 6:45 pm, Thursday 10th December 2009
Refugee Council Day Centre
240-250 Ferndale Road
Brixton SW9 0BB
The UK Border Agency is currently consulting on changes to asylum support. The proposals were published on 12th November and the consultation closes on 4th February 2010.
The Refugee Council is very concerned about the impact of some of these proposals on asylum seekers. We are holding this meeting to bring together refugee community organisations, charities, campaigners, and individuals concerned about asylum support in order to:
- share information on the current UKBA proposals for asylum support
- update attendees on recent relevant changes including new rules on further representations, the publication of the Draft Immigration Bill and the introduction of payment cards
- provide an opportunity to share information, concerns and suggestions for action to improve asylum support and end destitution
Mike Kaye, Advocacy Manager, Still Human, Still Here
Colin McCloskey, Solicitor, Asylum Support Appeals Project
Sarah Cutler, Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Refugee Council
Refugee speaker
There will be short presentations and then plenty of time for discussion
Please RSVP to

Any queries, please contact

Travel expenses within London are available for refugees and asylum seekers.
End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
Asylum Support Appeals Project (ASAP)
Refugee Council
John O