UK Migration Newswire Archive
urgent: deportation @ Heathrow 24th Dec
22-12-2004 13:47
Political activist from Bangladesh will be deported from Heathrow Terminal 3 Flight GF2 on Friday 24th. Check in opens at 6.30 when I will start flyering passengers. The flight is at 9.30am. PLEASE come and help! Airport security means the more people the safer it is. If you can't come, fax the airline on Thursday 23rd: Gulf Air: 0208 600 1715/0208 600 7460. He has been in detention, separated from his wife and 2 children, and it is likely he will be killed on his return. Model Fax attached. email with ideas/more info.Treatment of Children in Oakington violate Prison Inspector's recommendations.
20-12-2004 13:13
PRESS RELEASE FROM CAMBRIDGE ACTION NETWORKTwo year old Sidhaant, who has been imprisoned at Oakington Immigration Reception Centre for 54 days, will more than likely spend his festive season in harmful detention. Sidhaant is mentally and physically suffering from his long experience of detention and has been repeatedly in need of what limited medical attention is available at the centre. There has been a recognised viral outbreak at the prison for some time now with inmates suffering from vomiting, diarrhoea and fever. Sidhaant has been unable to digest food properly, has suffered from the viral outbreak, and has been losing weight. One doctor told the parents that if they came to him under normal circumstances he would recommend they take their son to a hospital to be seen by a paediatrician and undergo the necessary tests to ensure his recovery. The doctor also told the family that, as they are prisoners, he was unable to insist on this treatment.
On Thursday 16th December the Hon Charles Vaudin D'Imecourt, the adjudicator at the bail hearing of Sidhaant and his parents, assured the family that their child would be better off in prison than outside, as part of his dismissal of the bail application.
This decision completely ignores the recently released Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP) Report on Oakington. "It remains our view that the detention of children should be exceptional, and only for very short periods," said prisons inspector Anne Owers.
State Sanctioned Child Abuse
19-12-2004 15:13

Continues Throughout Christmas
More torrid tales of Immigration abuses
Working Class Victim of the Rich: Blunket, apparently!
19-12-2004 13:43
Blunkett: I'm a working class victim of the rich· Kimberly Quinn 'mesmerised' Budd inquiry
· Former Home Secretary faces 'climate of fear' claims rejected
Mass e-mail action: Free the Belmarsh Nine
16-12-2004 23:19
A mass e-mail action has been called to demand that Charles Clarke, the new Home Secretary, frees the Belmarsh Nine, imprisoned without trial in December 2001.2/42-alpha : children 'in prison' near Cambridge
16-12-2004 16:25
2/42-alpha : children 'in prison' near CambridgeThe case of 2/42-alpha is descriptive of abuses occuring on behalf of the home office. 2/42-alpha comprises Monica, her son Sidhaart and her husband Anoop who, after living with in London for two and half years, have now been imprisoned in Oakington Reception Centre for 46 days. They have just been told that their deportation will be "within the next month". The weight loss and sickness of their child, the impact of detention on mental health, and the fact that multiple reviews have recommended that children are placed in deportation centres for absolutely no longer than a few days... seem to mean nothing.
2/42-alpha applied for bail today and their application was turned down. Tonight they sleep just down the road in Longstanton, in a 'prison'.
15-12-2004 23:25
Crossrail, a rail line to benefit rich City workers get between the City of London and Canary Wharf and Heathrow, is set to cost London taxpayers over £15bn at 2002 prices. The expensive scheme is backed by the Government privatisation architect Adrian Montague, who has cost the taxpayers billions while accumulating mass bonuses and lining the pockets of law firms, banks, accountancy and development companies.Here's the deal, we do not know how much it will cost, just start the scheme up, oh dear it costs much more than we thought, guess what we gave taxpayers a stake in this for 30 years, to keep it going we need your money for the next 30 years. thank you for being so co-operative each and everytime we do this to you.
British xenophobe and racist policy against immigrants --Say NO to charges!
06-12-2004 17:59
British xenophobe and racist policy against immigrants --Say NO to charges!Abolish Visa Renewal Charges for International Students!
Abolish Visa Renewal Charges for all Immigrants in the UK!
According to a document of the British Home Office Department of State, Consultation
Review of charges for immigration applications, September 2004, the UK government displays an obscene xenophobe and racist proposal against all immigrants living already in the Uk or that plan to come to the UK. They pretend to increase a 958.3 % of the fees to all immigrants! If nationals process a Leave to remain in their home countries will cost £ 36 GBP, but with the new fee they will have to pay £ 345, that is, a 958.3 % increase of the fee in any British Embassy or Consulate abroad! Stop the British Nazi policies!
Demonstration at immigration detention centre in Oxfordshire
30-11-2004 14:45
Last Saturday 27th November, between 50 and 100 people gathered outside Campsfield Removal Centre to demonstrate about the unjust imprisonment of migrants which has now been happening at Campsfield for eleven years.immigration problems
29-11-2004 17:30
today 29th November a lorry containing at least 5 foreign illegal entrants to the UK were seen to exit from the trailer of the vehicle in the sleepy village of Overthorpe,N0orthaptonshire.The driver was detained by police officers owing to the driver of another lorry blocking the road so as to prevent the Portugese driver from leaving the scene.Mother & 8 year old son ‘removed’ under cover of darkness
29-11-2004 03:23

warning to immigrants, DONT COMPLAIN IN NEW ZEALAND
27-11-2004 01:50
why no justice for us in this 10 year issue?Campaign Against Immigration Slavery
26-11-2004 09:58

Come to the joint No Borders/CDAS "Right to Work" meeting at Friends Meeting House, Monday, November 29th, 7.30pm. Defend asylum-seekers against slave labour!
Vigil for Azim and Wali Ansari 23rd November
23-11-2004 11:18
Candle Vigil at St John'sTuesday 23 November 2004
17:30 - 18:30
S. KOREA. 11.22/Last Week's Struggle Report...
22-11-2004 17:06 migrant workers, now since one year and one week in sit-in strike against S. Korean government's policy of manhunt, mass arrestings and deportations.No to indefinate imprisonment with charge. -Event
21-11-2004 15:24
Please come to a meeting to demand justice for the people being held in Guantanamo Bay and Belmarsh.Speakers: Azmat Beg, the father of the imprisoned Mozzam Beg along with family/representative of Babar Ahmed, who is held in Belmarsh prison, Rober Lizar, solicitor for former detainee and local representatives
Urgent campaign against deportation of Oxford University student
19-11-2004 09:23
Azim Ansari is an Afghan refugee studying at St Johns. The Home Office is trying to deport him and his brother back to Afghanistan, claiming it is now safe for them to return.They want to stay here, to work and build a secure life for themselves. They fear further persecution in Afghanistan and since the disappearance of their family they have nobody and nothing to go back to.
More details of their case here:

19-11-2004 03:14
I am a former stateless refugee. From america, england and france, we lost fifty percent of our lands....our lands will never be returned to us. My life was just deportation, refugee camps, waiting for the good will of others.Mansoor Hassan and Family Defence Campaign
18-11-2004 10:42
Mansoor Hassan , his wife, Aqila and four children are from Pakistan. Mansoor is an investigative journalist. As a result of his exposures of political, criminal and social corruption he was forced to flee the country in 2002 and seek asylum in the UK. Like thousands of other applicants his case was refused and his family are under immediate threat of deportation.