UK Migration Newswire Archive
Some feedback from the demonstration against detention at Harmondsworth...
01-03-2005 22:45
We had some feedback from some of the people detained at Harmondsworth and Colnbrook, after the demonstration we organized against detention and deportations, 19th Febrary 2005.End Arbitrary Detention and Deportation Demo
01-03-2005 20:09

Demonstrate Against Deportations - Rally Against Racism! - 2nd April
27-02-2005 23:13

National demonstration and rally in support of people seeking asylum and against racism.

Part of the 2nd April 2005 European-Wide Day of Action.
Queers without Borders at Harmondsworth detention centre last saturday
23-02-2005 01:43

This racist appetite will never be sated
18-02-2005 16:18
Some sanity today : "The political bidding war on immigration is unwinnable." -- Diane Abbott.Millions suffer under Kim Jong-il. We should have stood up to him long ago.
18-02-2005 12:51
We must do more to stop Kim Jong-il's human rights violations and Songun crimes in the DPRK. People in North Korea (DPRK) do not need nuclear weapons agreements, they need human rights.Another inhuman deportation
15-02-2005 21:58
The Home Office is currently considering forcibly an 18 year old suicidal teenager who suffers from panic attacks, back to Albania where both of his parents were assassinated and he was beaten by the police at the age of 12. I believe he has no family there yet the Home Office perversely defends the arrest claiming it might be in his best interests. I've not seen anything on this story except for on the Channel 4 news so I don't know if there is a campaign going or not but I'm sure writing to the Home Office wouldn't do any harm for a start.FOR THE FORMATION OF NETWORKS OF THE ANTIRACIST AND IMMIGRANTS MOVEMENTS IN EURO
14-02-2005 14:15
Call for participation of immigrant and antiracist groups at the ESF preparatory meeting in Athens, February 25th, 26th.Trafficking from poor to rich countries - a tolerated transnational traumatising
14-02-2005 10:33

The fairy tale of the tolerant Dutch society and the humane asylum-policy
05-02-2005 06:34
In contrarily with the general allegations in American and Western newsmedia, not only the Netherlands is no open society for minorities, moreover the Dutch asylum-policy is violating gravely international humanitarian principles.Immigration Detention Centre demonstration - 19th Feb
04-02-2005 11:08
Demonstrate against Detention & DeportationsHarmondsworth & Colnbrook Removal Centres (near Heathrow)
Saturday 19th February 2005; 11.30am - 1.30pm
And maybe staying on for a Barbed Wire Britain Network meeting
Never again - Until Tomorrow
31-01-2005 04:34
Bare-headed in the snow-covered camp Romani Rose, a leading spokesman for Europe's 10 million Roma at the Aushwitz commemoration yesterday, gave us a grim glimpse of the past and an impassioned warning for the future.Kurds Refugees deported from Japan
21-01-2005 09:03

Tokyo Deported Two Kurdish Mandate Refugees: to Arrive Istanbul, 19:55 <Jan. 18
18-01-2005 14:52
A Kurdish father and his son, who are recognized as mandate refugees by UNHCR, were today deported to Turkey from Narita Airport nearby Tokyo, at 14:25 (Japan time).Family finally released from Oakington "Reception" Centre.
17-01-2005 14:43
The Arora family were finally released on bail from Oakington Immigration "Reception" Centre on Friday 7th January, after 73 days in detention, and after repeated pleas for better medical attention for their child.Cambridge Forum: Asylum seekers in Britain
12-01-2005 00:53
The next Cambridge Forum meeting will be on January 18th when the topic is'Asylum seekers in Britain'.
Anti Deportation - Support the Alam family
31-12-2004 18:57
On 29th December the Home Office agreed to review the case of the Alam Family who have lived in Manchester for the past two years with their two young children, the eldest of whom is settled at school here. The case is to be reviewed on January 10th and at this stage letters to the home secretary will help their case.Cambridge People Support Immigration Prisoners
30-12-2004 12:17
There are a group of about a dozen or so volunteers from the Cambridge area who have volunteered and trained to be visitors to the prisoners held by the Immigration Service. They are a group known as Oakington Friends and you can contact them through Shirley Scott on 01223 843544.More Questions for UK Home Office
23-12-2004 17:50

urgent: fax to stop political activist from deportation
22-12-2004 13:56
Bangladeshi activist faces deportation on 24th Dec from Heathrow, Terminal 3, Flight GF2. Will start flyering passengers at check in at 6.30am (flight is 9.30am). PLease come if u can or fax Gulf Air on Thursday 23rd: 0208 600 1715/0208 600 7460 (model attached). He will probably be killed on his return and leaves his wife and 2 young children in the UK.Please email for more info/with ideas.