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Demonstration at Tinsley House - banned by police

noborders | 25.06.2006 13:54 | Anti-racism | Migration | Repression

Protestors who travelled to Gatwick on Saturday 24th June 2006, to demonstrate outside the removal centre were stopped by police some two miles from the centre. They were confined to a half acre of grass after the Senior police officer from the Sussex police read out Section 14 to the Public Order Act.

The demonstration went ahead in the confined space, with a samba band playing, banners, slogans and speeches.
The police officer failed to explain under which by-laws the demonstration was prevented to be held in front of Tinsley House, although he stated the road that brings to the centre (cordoned by police) is a private road and the ground belongs to British Airways. Demonstrations have been held in front of the centre in the past, without the authorities ever try to stop them. They may be feeling a bit nervous lately, after a series of mass hunger strikes in varous detention centres...
Outside and inside the detention centres resistence is growing, that may be a reason why we are facing more repression.
British Airways keeps collaborating with deportaitons.
Between 40 - 50 people attended the demo, mailnly from London, Brighton and Birmingham. A number of asylum seekers and former detainees attended. The detainees in Tinsley House could not hear us, except over the phone.

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