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Ukraine: who encourages neo-Nazis?

Civil antifascist resistance | 15.09.2008 21:45 | Analysis | Migration | World

The victim of impudence of neo-fascists and consequently the authorities” divergences was a 14-year-old guy and his older friend – both have been hospitalized with deep knife wounds. Ruthless geeks rather exceeding in number, in sadistic rage struck blows with knifes in the backs of their unprotected victims.

"National patriotic" meeting on September, 13th, 2008, approved by the city authorities of Chernigov has ended with severe knifing. Action with simple as primitive wildness name „Strangers away from Ukraine” has taken place in streets of an ancient city of the state whose leadersheads has sworn recently to struggle with any performance neo-nazism and xenophobia. The representatives Ultra right organizations from different locations of Ukraine armed with cold steel and sure of their own immunity came to the event. On the profit action far right from different cities of Ukraine, armed with a cold steel and assured of the impunity. It is evident that some of the authorities helped the hopes of neo-nazis of having been unpunished became true. Circumstances testify that someone from power offices has promoted that hopes of neo-fascists concerning impunity have justified.

The same day outcasts from “Patriot of Ukraine”, “The Ukrainian National-Labour Party”, RED, and other neo-Nazi sects have managed to hold the meeting under a frank xenophobia slogans, a legal concert of musical bands adorning an aesthetics and ideas of the Third Reich, in particular, the rock group "Nachtigall” performed, and also they provoked and participated in a bloody massacre in Chernigov. Together with “political dwarfs”, force which has far-going political ambitions –Ukrainian Association "Freedom" took part in the event.
The nazis from the very beginning considering the action to be as a legal chance for mass mobilization and appeals to kindling of international enmity were ready to start aggressive actions. They were not in the least afraid of any prohibitions by the local authorities or any reaction of the police. The victim of impudence of neo-fascists and consequently the authorities” divergences was a 14-year-old guy and his older friend – both have been hospitalized with deep knife wounds. Ruthless geeks rather exceeding in number, in sadistic rage struck blows with knifes in the backs of their unprotected victims.
It is shocks that it happened some hours after the "meeting" which actually became concourse of cool murderers who do not hide the fact that they belong to the organizing party. As the eyewitnesses say even before the "meeting" started, those who were unwilling to accept the situation were destined to become victims of neo-Nazi.
Thus being aware of the nature of the action and its participants the authorities have committed a crime –having permitted/ authorized the event dangerous for the society, it also is a dishonor for Ukraine. In fact the state has publicly stated that the "democracy" means the possibility to march under any slogans and to put them in life and to cut off all who do not agree. There are all basis to claim that it was for the interests of the authorities to let the “meeting” be hold with all the negative consequences. Is truly Ukraine ready to take the responsibility for murder of an embryo of true democracy?
It is well known that on September 4 and 5, during the 8th Ministerial Conference of the Council of Europe concerning migration, official representatives of Ukraine – Minister of Home Affairs Jury Lutsenko and the Prime minister Yulia Timoshenko – have promised to fight with the growth of the neo-fascist organisations. The above mentioned incident shows how "serious" these statements are and it undoubtedly encourages new crimes.
Evidently Ukraine neglects not only the lives of its own citizens but also it neglects the prestige of the Council of Europe – key international institution, having used it as a possibility to create a favorable image of a democratic state.
Therefore as association of citizens who are not indifferent:
– We have doubt that the intentions of local authorities to fight the neo-Nazi organisations and their crimes are not sincere;
– We have the basis to state that some officials are interested in spreading xenophobia moods through a criminal divergence;
– We count on solidarity and support on the part of the people of free will, organisations protecting human rights and mass media, both inside and outside Ukraine.

Civil antifascist resistance

Civil antifascist resistance