UK Migration Newswire Archive
Upsurge in asylum seekers in industrialized world a myth
12-04-2010 07:03
"The notion that there is a flood of asylum seekers into richer countries is a myth, despite what some populists claim, our data shows that the numbers have remained stable." UN High Commissioner for Refugees António GuterresBreakfast with the Police @ Africa House
10-04-2010 13:29

Bath Bomb #29 Out Now
09-04-2010 13:11
Bath's monthly radical freesheet is out now, chronicling the rise and falling on its feet of Bath's Black Cat social centre, Border Agency harrassment, property questioning, Mayday plots, Tesco encroachment, and the border camp brussels: your help wanted
06-04-2010 12:47
A no border camp want to gather people who support the demands of no border and who want to gather to debate, inform, protest, view documentary’s and party.The no border movement struggles against the European and Belgian migracy policy, for freedom of movement and settlement and for the abolition of borders
This event wil attract hundreds , maybe thousands of people , from Belgium as well as other countries. And to get things organized different workgroups have been established who take care of the practical organization, including one workgroup on medical teams.
Serco goverment services attacked
06-04-2010 11:31
A Molotov cocktail was thrown at a Serco government services building in Nottingham on Saturday at 4am.No Borders Paris: Day of Mass Action for Free Movement
04-04-2010 22:08

See the (translated) callout, below, book the date in your diary, start forming your affinity groups, and check the blog for updates.
Chagos Islanders Need Our Solidarity
02-04-2010 20:11

Calais solidarity Demo UKBA Brighton
01-04-2010 21:01

Rome immigration prison set on fire by detainees
31-03-2010 00:37
«Total chaos!» At midnight on 30th March, this text message was sent from one of the detainees inside Ponte Galeria, the immigration prison in Rome, Italy. An hour prior to the text, a riot inside the detention centre had started: mattresses were burnt and two huge fires reached the infirmary. Some of the detainees were on the roof, while others broke three or four doors and reached the outer fence. The detention centre was soon full of riot police. Gunshots were heard around 1.20am.Bomb in Athens kills 1, injures 2
29-03-2010 09:28
Bomb in bin in Athens kills young Afghani boy, injures his mother and sister.Immigrants in Italy - victims of murder and violence
26-03-2010 00:15

Activists disrupt 'policing the borders' conference
24-03-2010 21:30

Sodexo's Lake side Cafe targeted
24-03-2010 12:41
On Sunday night the doors of Sodexo's Lakeside Cafe were locked and windows covered with graffiti. Sodexo are amongst those who profiteer from the boarder regime and industrial prison complex.Sanctuary for Ali Hili - Action alert: Iraqi LGBT need your help
24-03-2010 10:24
The UK government through its Border Agency has decided not to give priority to the asylum application of Iraqi, Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) leader Ali Hili, in exile in London. The application has been outstanding for nearly three years and while it is outstanding, Ali cannot travel.London Living Wage Launch in Oxford St
22-03-2010 12:53

Second attempt to remove Mireille Mbimbo
22-03-2010 06:03

Second attempt to remove Patrick Masengo
22-03-2010 06:02