"Vanstone was warned that Afghans repatriated from Nauru may be killed"
Lana Cooper, Nauru Wire, 29 December 2003 | 30.12.2003 02:11 | Migration
Refugee groups began lobbying Senator Vanstone and the Liberal Government after they were made aware of a flight leaving Nauru on 1 December to return
23 Afghan asylum seekers ‘voluntarily’ home to Afghanistan.(1)
23 Afghan asylum seekers ‘voluntarily’ home to Afghanistan.(1)
"Vanstone was warned that Afghans repatriated from Nauru may be killed"
Lana Cooper, Nauru Wire, 29 December 2003
Refugee groups began lobbying Senator Vanstone and the Liberal Government after they were made aware of a flight leaving Nauru on 1 December to return
23 Afghan asylum seekers ‘voluntarily’ home to Afghanistan.(1)
Following the Taliban murder of Mohammed Mussa Naziri, a repatriated asylum seeker from Australia, and the execution of Ms Goislard, a UNHCR officer, refugee advocacy groups and the Australian Democrats warned the government of the risks involved in sending individuals home from Afghanistan.
Despite warnings and evidence from the UNHCR, Senator Vanstone approved the voluntary repatriation of asylum seekers from Nauru, which Departed at Midnight on 1 December. Refugee Advocates have since received reports that up to 10 of the 23 Afghan’s who were repatriated have been killed.
Independent Member for Calare, Peter Andren, has called upon the Federal Government to investigate the deaths. "To send them back to Afghanistan is an absolute disgrace and for [Immigration Minister] Amanda Vanstone to suggest they're not our problem and then send people to check how they're going is disgraceful," he said.(2)
In late November Rural Australians for Refugees warned of the dangers of returning individuals to Afghanistan, The United Nations Association of Australia (UNAA) reported these warning. “Rural Australians for Refugees says much of Afghanistan is under the control of the Taliban, Al Queda, and War Lord forces. As a result of the continuing danger inside Afghanistan the United Nations and other aid agencies have withdrawn from areas such as Ghazni. The very place we are returning these people to”, said the UNAA.(3)
As late as the Tuesday 25 November 2003 Senator Vanstone was not aware of the repatriation that her department had planned. After questioning about the departure of Asylum seekers in Question Time in the Senate, by Democrats Leader Senator Andrew Bartlett, Vanstone replied “I am not aware of those nor do I have details of the four of five people, or any such number as he might have mentioned, who may be due in the near future to be returned to
Furthermore, not only was Senator Vanstone unaware of the departure itself, she was also unaware of the UNHCR’s suspension of voluntary repatriation of Afghan refugees from Pakistan because of the deteriorating conditions inside Afghanistan and the killing of Ms Goislard, a UNHCR officer. “In relation to specific allegations he makes about the UNHCR in Afghanistan, my answer is, no, I am not aware of those”, said Senator Vanstone.(5)
After considering her position on the matter Vanstone decided to clarify her judgment towards the repatriation of Asylum Seekers to war torn countries, such as Afghanistan. “Australia does not repatriate people if we believe there is a risk to them- an inappropriate risk: I mean, there is a risk in walking across the street obviously. Each case is treated differently and on its merits”, Senator Vanstone stated.(6)
Nauru Wire seeks a senate inquiry into the Federal Governments handling of the repatriation of Asylum Seekers. “The governments handling of the repatriation of asylum seekers must be addressed. Returning asylum seekers to dangerous countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq must be stopped immediately”, says refugee advocate Lynne Murphy of Nauru Wire.
1 Stop the Flight Campaign, letters and articles, retrieved from
2 ABC News Online. 23 December 2003, ‘Afghans sent home from Nauru allegedly killed’, Retrieved from
3 Unity, the national publication of the United Nations Association of Australia. 28 Novermber 2003, Deportations 'creating more victims', 'Voluntary' repatriation to danger. Retrieved from
4 Senate Official Hansard, page 39, 25 Novemeber 2003, retrieved at
5 Ibid, p. 39 & 40.
6 Ibid, p. 40.
Lana Cooper, Nauru Wire, 29 December 2003
Refugee groups began lobbying Senator Vanstone and the Liberal Government after they were made aware of a flight leaving Nauru on 1 December to return
23 Afghan asylum seekers ‘voluntarily’ home to Afghanistan.(1)
Following the Taliban murder of Mohammed Mussa Naziri, a repatriated asylum seeker from Australia, and the execution of Ms Goislard, a UNHCR officer, refugee advocacy groups and the Australian Democrats warned the government of the risks involved in sending individuals home from Afghanistan.
Despite warnings and evidence from the UNHCR, Senator Vanstone approved the voluntary repatriation of asylum seekers from Nauru, which Departed at Midnight on 1 December. Refugee Advocates have since received reports that up to 10 of the 23 Afghan’s who were repatriated have been killed.
Independent Member for Calare, Peter Andren, has called upon the Federal Government to investigate the deaths. "To send them back to Afghanistan is an absolute disgrace and for [Immigration Minister] Amanda Vanstone to suggest they're not our problem and then send people to check how they're going is disgraceful," he said.(2)
In late November Rural Australians for Refugees warned of the dangers of returning individuals to Afghanistan, The United Nations Association of Australia (UNAA) reported these warning. “Rural Australians for Refugees says much of Afghanistan is under the control of the Taliban, Al Queda, and War Lord forces. As a result of the continuing danger inside Afghanistan the United Nations and other aid agencies have withdrawn from areas such as Ghazni. The very place we are returning these people to”, said the UNAA.(3)
As late as the Tuesday 25 November 2003 Senator Vanstone was not aware of the repatriation that her department had planned. After questioning about the departure of Asylum seekers in Question Time in the Senate, by Democrats Leader Senator Andrew Bartlett, Vanstone replied “I am not aware of those nor do I have details of the four of five people, or any such number as he might have mentioned, who may be due in the near future to be returned to
Furthermore, not only was Senator Vanstone unaware of the departure itself, she was also unaware of the UNHCR’s suspension of voluntary repatriation of Afghan refugees from Pakistan because of the deteriorating conditions inside Afghanistan and the killing of Ms Goislard, a UNHCR officer. “In relation to specific allegations he makes about the UNHCR in Afghanistan, my answer is, no, I am not aware of those”, said Senator Vanstone.(5)
After considering her position on the matter Vanstone decided to clarify her judgment towards the repatriation of Asylum Seekers to war torn countries, such as Afghanistan. “Australia does not repatriate people if we believe there is a risk to them- an inappropriate risk: I mean, there is a risk in walking across the street obviously. Each case is treated differently and on its merits”, Senator Vanstone stated.(6)
Nauru Wire seeks a senate inquiry into the Federal Governments handling of the repatriation of Asylum Seekers. “The governments handling of the repatriation of asylum seekers must be addressed. Returning asylum seekers to dangerous countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq must be stopped immediately”, says refugee advocate Lynne Murphy of Nauru Wire.
1 Stop the Flight Campaign, letters and articles, retrieved from

2 ABC News Online. 23 December 2003, ‘Afghans sent home from Nauru allegedly killed’, Retrieved from

3 Unity, the national publication of the United Nations Association of Australia. 28 Novermber 2003, Deportations 'creating more victims', 'Voluntary' repatriation to danger. Retrieved from

4 Senate Official Hansard, page 39, 25 Novemeber 2003, retrieved at

5 Ibid, p. 39 & 40.
6 Ibid, p. 40.
Lana Cooper, Nauru Wire, 29 December 2003