No Borders Info Tour 2009 Scotland 7-16 May
one of no borders | 22.04.2009 23:30 | Migration | Repression
The No Borders Info Tour 2009 aims to encourage discussion and build awareness of the injustices of the UK and European border regimes, as well as to call for action against them.
The Tour is traveling through Scotland in May 2009, on its journey through the UK to the French town of Calais, an outpost of the UK border system. Here, from 23-29 June, the Tour will join with activists and organizations from France and Europe to create a No Border Camp highlighting the brutal situation for migrants stuck at the UK-French Border. See for info on the camp.
The UK immigration system is designed to criminalise and persecute migrants. An unjust and complicated asylum-seeking process, migrant detention centres that detain people indefinitely and without right to bail, managed migration schemes that divide workers and people, destitution by being made ‘illegal’, and forced deportations. Calais is no different.
As part of agreement between French and British governments, migrants trying to reach Britain (many to seek asylum from war-torn countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Eritrea, Somalia, Palestine), are being persecuted by the French police; beaten, harassed, driven out of the town, forced to sleep rough in nearby woods, attacked during the night. People and organisations trying to support them face prosecution, loss of funding and general harassment.
The No Borders Tour 2009 invites you to join a series of events across Edinburgh and Glasgow which will include the exhibition of stunning photographs from Calais by French photographer Julie Reboulliet, discussions and workshops.
The Tour will coincide with a dayschool on Borders, Migration and Freedom of Movement, supported by the Unity Centre, which has been offering practical support and solidarity to refugees, migrants and ‘sans-papiers’ in Glasgow for several years.
Thursday 7 May
Is There A Case For Open Borders?
Discussion led by Teresa Hayter, author of Open Borders: the case against immigration controls
6pm at the Forest Café, 3 Bristo Place, Edinburgh EH1 1EY
Friday 8 May
Is There A Case For Open Borders?
Discussion led by Teresa Hayter, author of Open Borders: the case against immigration controls
Glasgow, venue tbc
Saturday 9 – Sat 16 May
‘No Land’s Men – The Struggle for Calais’ photo exhibition at the Peace and Justice Centre, St. Johns Church, Princes St, Edinburgh, EH2 4BJ, open 10am-4pm Mon-Sat.
Also to be shown in Glasgow, venue tbc
Saturday 9 May
Borders, Migration & Freedom of Movement Dayschool, supported by the Unity Centre, Anarchist Federation, and No Borders
10.30am til 6pm The Forest Café, 3 Bristo Place, Edinburgh, EH1 1EY, plus evening films and music from No Fit State. Full programme at
Monday 11 May
‘Global injustice and the border regime: the example of Calais’
Workshop/ discussion 7pm at the Peace and Justice Centre, St. Johns Church, Princes St, Edinburgh, EH2 4BJ
No Borders is a network of groups and individuals resisting migration controls and the persecution, detention and exploitation of refugees and other migrants, and working for a world without borders.
More information at
Dayschool poster
Events in Edinburgh poster

The UK immigration system is designed to criminalise and persecute migrants. An unjust and complicated asylum-seeking process, migrant detention centres that detain people indefinitely and without right to bail, managed migration schemes that divide workers and people, destitution by being made ‘illegal’, and forced deportations. Calais is no different.
As part of agreement between French and British governments, migrants trying to reach Britain (many to seek asylum from war-torn countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Eritrea, Somalia, Palestine), are being persecuted by the French police; beaten, harassed, driven out of the town, forced to sleep rough in nearby woods, attacked during the night. People and organisations trying to support them face prosecution, loss of funding and general harassment.
The No Borders Tour 2009 invites you to join a series of events across Edinburgh and Glasgow which will include the exhibition of stunning photographs from Calais by French photographer Julie Reboulliet, discussions and workshops.
The Tour will coincide with a dayschool on Borders, Migration and Freedom of Movement, supported by the Unity Centre, which has been offering practical support and solidarity to refugees, migrants and ‘sans-papiers’ in Glasgow for several years.
Thursday 7 May
Is There A Case For Open Borders?
Discussion led by Teresa Hayter, author of Open Borders: the case against immigration controls
6pm at the Forest Café, 3 Bristo Place, Edinburgh EH1 1EY
Friday 8 May
Is There A Case For Open Borders?
Discussion led by Teresa Hayter, author of Open Borders: the case against immigration controls
Glasgow, venue tbc
Saturday 9 – Sat 16 May
‘No Land’s Men – The Struggle for Calais’ photo exhibition at the Peace and Justice Centre, St. Johns Church, Princes St, Edinburgh, EH2 4BJ, open 10am-4pm Mon-Sat.
Also to be shown in Glasgow, venue tbc
Saturday 9 May
Borders, Migration & Freedom of Movement Dayschool, supported by the Unity Centre, Anarchist Federation, and No Borders
10.30am til 6pm The Forest Café, 3 Bristo Place, Edinburgh, EH1 1EY, plus evening films and music from No Fit State. Full programme at

Monday 11 May
‘Global injustice and the border regime: the example of Calais’
Workshop/ discussion 7pm at the Peace and Justice Centre, St. Johns Church, Princes St, Edinburgh, EH2 4BJ
No Borders is a network of groups and individuals resisting migration controls and the persecution, detention and exploitation of refugees and other migrants, and working for a world without borders.
More information at

Dayschool poster

Events in Edinburgh poster

one of no borders