UK Migration Newswire Archive
Update: Sima is still here
08-05-2009 21:54
Thank you to all those who had time to support the campaign to stop Sima Valand's deportation. We are pleased to report that Sima was not deported today for reasons that are still unclear to us. Obviously this is great news but she will still need to fight future deportations and for the right to remain. Please look out for further callouts for support.The trial against the Cap Anamur enters its decisive stage. Help needed!
08-05-2009 19:27
Humanitarian aid is never a crime. Solidarity with Elias Bierdeland and Captain Stefan Schmidt. Please sign the brief appeal (below in english, italian and german) andhelp to distribute to further lists and websites.
On the suicide of a Tunisian woman in detention in Italy
08-05-2009 16:32
Home is where you wanna die"A 44 years old woman was found hanged in her cell at the CIE (center or better prison for migrants' identification and expulsion) of Ponte Galeria in Rome".
BNP goes for representational politics in the EU
08-05-2009 12:06
The BNP is mounting a campaign in the North West and finding unprecedented support for his candidate to the European Parliament. However absurd this may sound, it is happening before our eyes. The challenge it poses is how to engage the anti-immigration rhetoric when it goes to representational.URGENT: Stop Sima's deportation
07-05-2009 20:51
Sima Valand is facing deportation to India this Friday. She has already been subject to horrific abuse from her husband and his family and is faced with the threat of murder if she is returned. Please fax or email Virgin Atlantic airlines to demand that she is not put on the plane.Around the Campaigns Thursday 7th May 2009
07-05-2009 06:30
Stephanie, Desmond, Raphael and Ubaka back in Sheffield'Up to 100 dead' in Afghan raid
06-05-2009 13:36

Free Hich! Day of Action: Thu 14th May
06-05-2009 10:24

26 Million people displaced by violence in 2008
06-05-2009 07:18
International efforts have failed to reduce the scale of internal displacement caused by conflict. According to Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) report 'Internal Displacement: Global Overview of Trends and Developments in 2008'.Continuing Conflicts that Create Refugees - April 2009
06-05-2009 07:17
Seven conflict situations around the world deteriorated and one improved in April 2009, according to the the International Crisis Group's monthly bulletin CrisisWatch N°69.Fiji, Kenya, Moldova, Nepal, Fiji, Kenya, Moldova, Nepal, all experienced deteriorating situations
Stop the removal of Lenny Banda
05-05-2009 17:59
On Saturday Lenny Banda's claim to remain in the U.K was denied. She was been given five day to appeal, but has yet to find a solicitor to take her case. Her previous solicitor dropped the case four days before her appeal hearing. Please sign the petition, as well as print out the below letter and post it to the Home Office.MAYDAY MAYDAY - Dissident Island Strikes Again!
05-05-2009 10:30

UKIP Poster Paint Bombed
04-05-2009 18:31

Strangers into Citizens: how we 'infiltrated' their march
04-05-2009 17:41

Stop Charter Flight Deportations Protest in Cardiff
02-05-2009 17:20

Dissident Island Radio tonight!
01-05-2009 16:58

Breaking the Law of the Jungle
01-05-2009 11:55
Due to the policies of the UK government the French port town of Calais iswitnessing a humanitarian crisis the likes of which were once unheard of
in the modern western Europe. Thousands of people risk their lives to
enter England in search of a new life, surviving with the 'illegal'
solidarity of local people. It is a bottleneck of the resistance of
migrants from around the world who are challenging Fortress Europe by
their attempts to move. It will also be the location for a No Border camp
this summer, (23-29 June.) People from the No Borders Network in the UK
report back on a recent trip to Calais, put the mobilisation into context
and shine a light on the crisis in Calais to illuminate the relevance of
the No Borders position.
Around the Campaigns Friday 1st May 2009
01-05-2009 05:44
Glad to say there were at least seven empty seats on the 'Ethnic Charter Flights' to Afghanistan (Tuesday) and Nigeria (Wednesday) and all the seats on the 'Ethnic Charter Flight' to Cameroon this morning were empty as it was cancelled in its' entirety.Upcoming No Borders Events in Newcastle
30-04-2009 11:25