Borders, Migration & Freedom of Movement Dayschool - Edinburgh
Dayschool | 16.04.2009 17:54 | Migration | Social Struggles
An opportunity for people to get together to share info and ideas on the border regime and the growing movement against borders and for the freedom of movement for all!
10.30am til 6pm, plus evening social and music, @ the Forest Café, 3 Bristo Place, Edinburgh, EH1 1EY
10.30am til 6pm, plus evening social and music, @ the Forest Café, 3 Bristo Place, Edinburgh, EH1 1EY
Migration has always been present in human history. Recently, European governments have been developing ever more rigid and forceful immigration control. This dayschool will explore this ‘Fortress Europe’, look at its effects on those who migrate, and explore concrete proposals for what we can do about it.
Workshops include
• Solidarity with asylum seekers - Stopping ‘dawn raids’ - the experience in Glasgow with Unity & community struggles in Scotland
• Migrant Workers - How we can support documented workers and those ‘sans-papiers’? With input from the Industrial Workers of the World.
• ‘Fortress Europe’ & the UK Border Regime – Info on the situation facing migrants in Calais and UK plans for ID cards.
• Destitution - How the UK government deliberately uses destitution as a weapon against asylum seeker families with info on ‘luncheon voucher exchange’ schemes and ‘Section 4’
• Environmental Refugees - Fleeing environmental degradation will soon be the number one reason for migration. How can we make the links, tackle the root causes and show solidarity?
• Migration Profiteers - BMI, Angel, G4S - What we can do about companies making a profit from other people’s misery?
With No Borders UK Info Tour 2009 - an exhibition of striking photographs from Calais by French photographer Julie Rebouillat, along with information displays on the European border regime and the forthcoming Calais No Border Camp, 23-29 June 09
Plus updates and films on current struggles for freedom of movement and discussion about setting up a Scottish No Borders network.
10.30am til 6pm, plus evening social and music, @ the Forest Café, 3 Bristo Place, Edinburgh, EH1 1EY
Supported by: Unity Centre Glasgow, Anarchist Federation, No Borders
No Borders is a network of groups and individuals resisting migration controls and the persecution, detention and exploitation of refugees and other migrants, and working for a world without borders
Workshops include
• Solidarity with asylum seekers - Stopping ‘dawn raids’ - the experience in Glasgow with Unity & community struggles in Scotland
• Migrant Workers - How we can support documented workers and those ‘sans-papiers’? With input from the Industrial Workers of the World.
• ‘Fortress Europe’ & the UK Border Regime – Info on the situation facing migrants in Calais and UK plans for ID cards.
• Destitution - How the UK government deliberately uses destitution as a weapon against asylum seeker families with info on ‘luncheon voucher exchange’ schemes and ‘Section 4’
• Environmental Refugees - Fleeing environmental degradation will soon be the number one reason for migration. How can we make the links, tackle the root causes and show solidarity?
• Migration Profiteers - BMI, Angel, G4S - What we can do about companies making a profit from other people’s misery?
With No Borders UK Info Tour 2009 - an exhibition of striking photographs from Calais by French photographer Julie Rebouillat, along with information displays on the European border regime and the forthcoming Calais No Border Camp, 23-29 June 09
Plus updates and films on current struggles for freedom of movement and discussion about setting up a Scottish No Borders network.
10.30am til 6pm, plus evening social and music, @ the Forest Café, 3 Bristo Place, Edinburgh, EH1 1EY
Supported by: Unity Centre Glasgow, Anarchist Federation, No Borders
No Borders is a network of groups and individuals resisting migration controls and the persecution, detention and exploitation of refugees and other migrants, and working for a world without borders

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