Borders, Migration & Freedom of Movement Dayschool - Edinburgh
Dayschool | 16.04.2009 17:54 | Migration | Social Struggles
10.30am til 6pm, plus evening social and music, @ the Forest Café, 3 Bristo Place, Edinburgh, EH1 1EY
Workshops include
• Solidarity with asylum seekers - Stopping ‘dawn raids’ - the experience in Glasgow with Unity & community struggles in Scotland
• Migrant Workers - How we can support documented workers and those ‘sans-papiers’? With input from the Industrial Workers of the World.
• ‘Fortress Europe’ & the UK Border Regime – Info on the situation facing migrants in Calais and UK plans for ID cards.
• Destitution - How the UK government deliberately uses destitution as a weapon against asylum seeker families with info on ‘luncheon voucher exchange’ schemes and ‘Section 4’
• Environmental Refugees - Fleeing environmental degradation will soon be the number one reason for migration. How can we make the links, tackle the root causes and show solidarity?
• Migration Profiteers - BMI, Angel, G4S - What we can do about companies making a profit from other people’s misery?
With No Borders UK Info Tour 2009 - an exhibition of striking photographs from Calais by French photographer Julie Rebouillat, along with information displays on the European border regime and the forthcoming Calais No Border Camp, 23-29 June 09
Plus updates and films on current struggles for freedom of movement and discussion about setting up a Scottish No Borders network.
10.30am til 6pm, plus evening social and music, @ the Forest Café, 3 Bristo Place, Edinburgh, EH1 1EY
Supported by: Unity Centre Glasgow, Anarchist Federation, No Borders
No Borders is a network of groups and individuals resisting migration controls and the persecution, detention and exploitation of refugees and other migrants, and working for a world without borders
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