UK Migration Newswire Archive
Calais Winter Appeal
21-12-2013 13:00

Amsterdam - 100 refugees squat place
15-12-2013 02:18
After a camp and several previous squats (church / office / flat), the 'We Are Here' group has now squatted the office part of a derelict parking garage, deep in the south of Amsterdam...Solidarity demo with Russian LGBTQ activist facing deportation
09-12-2013 18:08



Squatter from 195 Mare Street Detained by UKBA
06-12-2013 16:52
Article about the Detention of Ira Putiloss, a squatter and member of the 195 social centre collectiveIsa is back in the UK!
01-12-2013 00:14
FANTASTIC NEWS!Isa, the 45 year old Nigerian man who the Home Office tried to deport yesterday morning is now back in the UK!
Isa Muazu, hunger striker, removed by the Home Office
29-11-2013 15:46

Don't let Isa die in detention
22-11-2013 17:23

Isa has been on hunger strike for almost three months. He is now dangerously ill. Last week a judge refused to release him from detention because the Home Office had issued him removal directions even though Isa is too sick to move from his mattress on the floor in the detention centre’s medical centre.
Home Office preparing to let hungerstriker die
20-11-2013 21:15
A man being held in Harmondsworth migration prison has been on hungerstrike for nearly 3 months. He has been deemed medically unfit to be detained but rather than release him the government are getting ready for his death.AgainstGreece: 2 very possible 'pushbacks' in Greece
14-11-2013 23:30
#1 Evros, 12/11 wideley publised in greek news, 150 Syrians 'disappeared' in border vilage.#2 Chios island, Aegean, 13/11, boat with 50 Syrians 'overturns' in border waters off Oinousses island, Turkish guards of coast rescued them and arrested an alleged smuggler. Greek coastguard is reported as "watching from a distance with a ship of the Chios coastguard". No attempt was made by them to help people in the sea.
4 turkish political prisoners in Greece, on hunger strike since 24/9
11-11-2013 00:17
Ahmet Yüksel, Erdğan Çakır, Hasan Biber and Mehmet Yayla are rebels from Turkey. They all immigrated to Greece, seeking for a political asylum. They are on a hunger strike since 24/9 in order to prevent their extradition. Their lives are in danger.Radical Routes Autumn Gathering 2013
04-11-2013 12:40
Radical Routes Autumn Gathering 2013 in Robin Hood land195 Mare Street, No Borders on migrant crackdown in Calais and more...
04-11-2013 10:48
Have a listen to episode 129 of Dissident Island Radio - broadcast on 1 November 2013:Calais latests and call out for help
23-10-2013 15:18
The Eritrean squat in rue Neuve has been evicted, 70 + people newly in the street. Tents, sleeping bags, blankets are very much needed. Most of all we need activists to go to Calais and support!Reminder: Two demos against the UKBA in London
21-10-2013 12:58
Join us to demonstrate against immigration raids and the UKBA poster campaignRefugee Strike Berlin: Call for Solidarity
17-10-2013 21:15

RWE Fuck Off & Die! [Lignite/Brown Coal Protest] (Germany)
10-10-2013 16:19
Yesterday (Wed, 09.Oct.2013) energy giant RWE (Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk AG) used the bailiffs of the system to break down the protective appliances in the squatted HAMBACH FOREST - we suspect an eviction to be imminent!This is a call out to everyone interested: Join the resistance in the Rhineland - you anarchists, eco-activists, wrong-doers, revolutionaries and everyone else, join the struggle - NOW!
URGENT: activists to support/ spend the night with the Syrians at Calais port
03-10-2013 18:47
Call out for direct supportSupport the Syrian port blockaders in Calais!
03-10-2013 15:15
How you can support the Syrian refugees blocking access to Calais ferry port65 Syrians protesting at the port of Calais
03-10-2013 09:45
65 Syrian exiles have blocked the foot passengers entrance at the Calais port and some of them have gone on hungerstrike. They are asking to meet a Home Office representative as they want to be allowed to seek safety in UK. They are also complaining at their inhuman treatement at the hads of the French authorities and police.