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resf | 06.01.2007 22:03 | Migration | World

On 6th December, Jusuf and Shpresa Raba and their three children, Qerim, 7, Dashnor, 4 and Dashroje, 3 were deported to Kosovo. This family had been in France since 2001. France had refused them refugee status despite the violence and threats they had been subjected to in Kosovo. The deportation of this family led to the use of extraordinary means and to unacceptably brutal acts.


On 6th December, Jusuf and Shpresa Raba and their three children, Qerim, 7, Dashnor, 4 and Dashroje, 3 were deported to Kosovo. This family had been in France since 2001. France had refused them refugee status despite the violence and threats they had been subjected to in Kosovo. The deportation of this family led to the use of extraordinary means and to unacceptably brutal acts.

Some passengers were roughed up and kept in police custody as they protested during the transfer of the family from Lyons to Paris. In Paris, the mother who was struggling with desperation was dragged by force to a plane and injured in front of her children and husband who was gagged and trussed up. As the deportation failed, the family was taken back to Lyons. It then took a clandestine transfer from Lyons to Toulouse, a plane especially chartered by the State and an escort of 15 people to take the family to Tirana (Albania) first, and 24 hours later to Orahovac in Kosovo, where their lives and their children’s are threatened.

The signatories
- are protesting against the missions entrusted to the police forces, the practices used (lies told to the family in order to take them to Paris on 2nd December - they were told there was no judge in Lyons ; and the ignoring of the court decision of December 5, a decision that is questionable in any case), the waste of resources used for a non-humane policy, and the trauma inflicted not only upon the victims but also upon those surrounding them and upon society as a whole.

- are wondering why the couple was not regularized neither when they applied for asylum (when several members of the family, including Josef’s brother who arrived at the same time and under the same conditions, obtained their refugee status) nor within the bounds of the 13th June 2006 circular (the criteria of which they meet).

- ask for the return of the Raba family to their town of Gray (Haute-Saône) where their friends are expecting them, the teachers are hoping for their missing pupils and children are missing their friends

- are declaring that, before the family’s return, they will be particularly attentive to the fact that the security of Jusuf and Shpresa Raba and their children is ensured in Kosovo. They consider the Interior Minister and his officers responsible for anything that may happen to the parents or children.


1. Mouloud Aounit, Secrétaire général du MRAP
2. Pierre Arditi, Comédien
3. Gérard Aschieri, Secrétaire général de la FSU
4. Florence Aubenas, Journaliste
5. François Auguste, Vice Président PCF de la région Rhône-Alpes
6. Clémentine Autain, Adjointe au Maire de Paris
7. Josiane Balasko, Comédienne
8. Emmanuelle Béart, Comédienne
9. Guy Bedos, Artiste
10. Bruno Benabar, Chanteur
11. Miguel Benasayag, Psychanalyste
12. Richard Béraud, Secrétaire général de la FERC-CGT
13. Charles Berling, Comédien
14. Didier Bernard, administrateur national FCPE
15. Olivier Besancenot, Porte-parole de la LCR
16. Martine Billard, députée Verts
17. Nicole Borvo, Sénatrice PCF
18. Michel Boujenah, Comédien
19. José Bové, Via Campesina
20. Patrick Braouezec, Député PCF
21. Jean-Pierre Brunel, conseiller municipal pcf de Vaulx en Velin 69
22. Marie-George Buffet, Secrétaire nationale du PCF
23. Francesco Caruso, député italien de Refondation Communiste
24. Jacques Caude, simple citoyen
25. Patrice Cohen-Seat, Secrétaire national du PCF
26. Annick Coupé, Union syndicale Solidaires
27. Bertrand Delanoë, maire de Paris
28. Jean Desessard, Sénateur Verts
29. Serge Dorny, directeur de l’opéra de Lyon
30. François Dubet, Sociologue
31. Jean-Pierre Dubois, Président de la LDH
32. Marie-Guite Dufay : Vice-présidente PS du Conseil Régional de Franche-Comté
33. Michel Duffour, ancien secrétaire d’Etat
34. Eric Favey, Secrétaire national Ligue de l’Enseignement
35. Nathalie Ferré, Présidente du GISTI
36. Guy Fischer, Vice-Président PCF du Sénat
37. Jean-Pierre Fournier, CNT
38. Jacques Gaillot, Evêque
39. Laurent Giovannoni, Secrétaire général de la Cimade.
40. Serge Guichard, Secrétaire national du PCF
41. Claude Hénon, co-secrétaire générale SUD Éducation
42. Bernadette Hetier, vice-présidente du MRAP
43. Albert Jacquard
44. Anousheh Karvar, Secrétaire nationale de la CFDT
45. Bernard Kouchner, Ancien ministre, Ancien administrateur au Kosovo
46. Arlette Laguiller, Porte-parole de Lutte Ouvrière
47. Jack Lang, Ancien ministre, PS
48. Valérie Lang, Comédienne
49. Christiane Levilly, ATTAC
50. Roger Madec, Sénateur de Paris maire du 19ème
51. Noël Mamère, Député Verts
52. Philippe Mérieu, Professeur des universités
53. Claude Miller, Cinéaste
54. Danielle Mitterrand
55. Richard Moyon, RESF
56. Patrice Muzard, RESF Gray
57. Loïc Niepceron : Vice-président du Conseil Régional de Franche-Comté, 1er secrétaire fédéral PS de Haute-Saone
58. Yannick Noah, Chanteur
59. Jordan Parisse, Secrétaire National de l’UNL et RESF 39
60. Mireille Peloux, RESF Lyon
61. Nathalie Perrin-Gilbert, Maire PS 1er arrondissement de Lyon
62. Jean Jacques Queyranne, député, pdt Rhône Alpes
63. Michel Rocard, Ancien premier ministre PS
64. Patrice Salzenstein, RESF Franche-Comté
65. Odile Schwertz-Faurat, Présidente de la FASTI
66. Catherine Tasca, Ancienne ministre PS
67. Christiane Taubira, Députée MRG
68. Bertrand Tavernier, Cinéaste
69. Catherine Tourier, RESF Lyon
70. Yannick Trigance, Délégué National PS à l’éducation
71. Dominique Voynet, sénatrice de Seine Saint-Denis

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