Around the Campaigns Monday 10th August 2009
John O | 10.08.2009 06:20 | Migration | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | World
"I'm afraid we lost the Berzi family. Thanks to the many people who sent faxes and messages of encouragement the family felt people cared about them. There was both local and national support for Samia and her family, their MP Gwyn Prosser intervened but was unsuccessful in persuading the Immigration Minister to stay the removal."
Kate Adams
Berzi Family Belong to Dover
Kent News: Campaign for family facing deportation
Policy for the return of application fees
- application/pdf 33K
Children – New Statutory Duty
- application/pdf 45K
Borders Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009
- application/pdf 38K
Had to buy a marriage license (*CoA) - you may be entitled to a refund
*'Certificates of approval' - policy for the return of application fees
UKBA 31 July 2009

On 9 April 2009 the UK Border Agency suspended the fee for applications to obtain a certificate of approval - a document that is required by many migrants who are subject to immigration control and who want to get married or register a civil partnership in the United Kingdom.
If you applied for a certificate of approval between 1 February 2005 and 8 April 2009, you may now be eligible to have the fee returned to you if you can demonstrate that payment of the fee caused you real financial hardship.
You can find out more about the eligibility criteria and how to request a return of your fee in attached coa-refund-guidance.pdf
All requests for repayment should be made by 31 July 2010
[Please note NCADC will not respond to any queries on this item, all relevant information in attachment]
Legacy: Who is processing my case?
Applications made before March 2007
You can look up the contact details for the team processing your asylum application. This can only be used if you made your claim before 5 March 2007.
You need to know your full Home Office reference number to look up your case.

[Attaining UK citizenship] 'While some of the required attributes are pragmatic, though unethical, one is a naked attempt at social control'
Migrants' gains evaporate
The minute benefits gained by UK migrants are disappearing in the face of the government's new citizenship crackdowns
Full article: Rahila Gupta,, Saturday 8 August 2009

ILPA information sheets attached
Children – New Statutory Duty
Borders Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009
End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
Berzi Family Campaign
The Guardian
John O