Please help stop the deportation of Mr King Eze Onuigbo H.O Ref: O1142828
Alphonsus O Mefor | 01.11.2011 02:03 | Migration | Workers' Movements | World
Mr King Eze Onuigbo is a brave Biafran leader with immense contributions to the cause of Biafra Actualisation project. He has lead campaigns against the Nigerian government together with other Biafrans in the UK against the Nigerian government continued killing of the Biafrans in the South Eastern Nigeria especially members of the Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra since 2001 till date.
Mr King Eze Onuigbo is billed for deportation to Nigeria on Tuesday,November 1, 2011 on Virgin Atlantic Flight VS 615 at 22:20.
Mr Onuigbo got married after his arrival his in the UK in 2008.The UKBA is now disputing the authenticity of his marriage and has subsequently withdrawn his residence permit. But the greater danger is that if he is removed to Nigeria, he would be harmed, if not killed in Nigeria because of political views and activism for Biafra actualisation.
He arrived in the UK in 2001.His years of activism as a Biafran against the Nigerian government have clearly put him in danger that if returned to Nigeria, he would either tortured and imprisoned if not killed.
Mr Onuigbo was the founder of Biafran Peace Movement, a member of Biafra Liberation League, former MASSOB International, Biafra Liberation in Exile (BILIE) and the Good shepherd Movement (GSM) for which he is currently the president. All these organisations are all agitating for the actualisation of sovereign State of Biafra and to which the Nigerian government has been killing, incarcerating and torturing its members within the Nigerian State.
On 20th November 2006, Mr Onuigbo participated actively in disrupting the image-laundering project of the Nigerian government called ‘Nigeria Heart of Africa’, which took place at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Hall. Till date, the Nigerian government is still looking for the protesters. Mr King Onuigbo’s participation in that disruption can be viewed via this link:
And the demonstration at the Nigerian High Commission at Northumberland Street can be seen here:
The Home Office Operational Guidance note 2009 states that, "In the southeast over 600 people were arrested and detained during 2005 on suspicion of being members of MASSOB"
"Demonstrations in September 2005, following Biafra Day on 26 August 2005, claimed a reported 6 lives although other local reports indicated as many as 200 may have been killed by police. Ralph Uwazurike, the leader of the group, was arrested in October 2005 along with 6 of his deputies on treason charges."
"According to MASSOB figures, more than 100 MASSOB supporters were in detention as of March 2006".
“... those that take part in illegal demonstrations or other illegal activities [eg raising the
“Biafra” flag or being in possession of “Biafra” currency] may face arrest and
prosecution for any offences that have been committed"
What you can do to help / Please take urgent action now
1) Email/Fax/phone, Steve Ridgway CEO Virgin Atlantic Airways and urge him not to carry out the forced removal of King Eze Onuigbo. You can copy the above letter, amend or write your own version, if you do - please quote, King Eze Onuigbo due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Virgin Atlantic flight VS 615 from London Heathrow to Nigeria @22:20hrs on Tuesday 1st November 2011.
Tel: 0871 964 0013/ Fax: 0844 209 8708
Or use Customer service Flight feedback form
2) Email/Fax Theresa May, Home Secretary. Ask her to exercise her discretionary powers to stay the removal of King Eze Onuigbo and allow him protection in the UK. Copy the above letter or alternatively write your own. Please remember to quote King Eze Onuigbo’s Home Office Reference number :O1142828 in any correspondence.
Rt. Hon Theresa May, MP
Secretary of State for the Home Office,
2 Marsham St
London SW1 4DF
Fax: 020 7035 4745
"CIT - Treat Official"
3) Email/Fax Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister: Ask him to intervene with the Home Secretary Theresa May to stop the forced removal of King Eze Onuigbo. Copy the abovel letter, amend or write your own version - if you do please remember to include the following: King Eze Onuigbo’s, Home Office Reference: O1142828, due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Virgin Atlantic flight VS 615 from London Heathrow to Nigeria @22:20 hrs on Tuesday 1st November 2011.
Nick Clegg - Deputy Prime Minister's Office
Cabinet Office
70 Whitehall
Correspondence Section:
Tel: 020 7276 0527
Fax: 020 7276 0514
Write his MP who is Joan Ruddock:
Please email or use the form below
Or you can write to
Joan Ruddock MP
House of Commons
Or telephone:
020 8 691 5992 (General Enquiries)
020 8 691 1400 (Casework)
020 7 219 4513 (Press and Diary)
Please notify Onuigbo’s support group of any action taken:
Mr Onuigbo got married after his arrival his in the UK in 2008.The UKBA is now disputing the authenticity of his marriage and has subsequently withdrawn his residence permit. But the greater danger is that if he is removed to Nigeria, he would be harmed, if not killed in Nigeria because of political views and activism for Biafra actualisation.
He arrived in the UK in 2001.His years of activism as a Biafran against the Nigerian government have clearly put him in danger that if returned to Nigeria, he would either tortured and imprisoned if not killed.
Mr Onuigbo was the founder of Biafran Peace Movement, a member of Biafra Liberation League, former MASSOB International, Biafra Liberation in Exile (BILIE) and the Good shepherd Movement (GSM) for which he is currently the president. All these organisations are all agitating for the actualisation of sovereign State of Biafra and to which the Nigerian government has been killing, incarcerating and torturing its members within the Nigerian State.
On 20th November 2006, Mr Onuigbo participated actively in disrupting the image-laundering project of the Nigerian government called ‘Nigeria Heart of Africa’, which took place at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Hall. Till date, the Nigerian government is still looking for the protesters. Mr King Onuigbo’s participation in that disruption can be viewed via this link:

And the demonstration at the Nigerian High Commission at Northumberland Street can be seen here:

The Home Office Operational Guidance note 2009 states that, "In the southeast over 600 people were arrested and detained during 2005 on suspicion of being members of MASSOB"
"Demonstrations in September 2005, following Biafra Day on 26 August 2005, claimed a reported 6 lives although other local reports indicated as many as 200 may have been killed by police. Ralph Uwazurike, the leader of the group, was arrested in October 2005 along with 6 of his deputies on treason charges."
"According to MASSOB figures, more than 100 MASSOB supporters were in detention as of March 2006".
“... those that take part in illegal demonstrations or other illegal activities [eg raising the
“Biafra” flag or being in possession of “Biafra” currency] may face arrest and
prosecution for any offences that have been committed"
What you can do to help / Please take urgent action now
1) Email/Fax/phone, Steve Ridgway CEO Virgin Atlantic Airways and urge him not to carry out the forced removal of King Eze Onuigbo. You can copy the above letter, amend or write your own version, if you do - please quote, King Eze Onuigbo due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Virgin Atlantic flight VS 615 from London Heathrow to Nigeria @22:20hrs on Tuesday 1st November 2011.

Tel: 0871 964 0013/ Fax: 0844 209 8708
Or use Customer service Flight feedback form
2) Email/Fax Theresa May, Home Secretary. Ask her to exercise her discretionary powers to stay the removal of King Eze Onuigbo and allow him protection in the UK. Copy the above letter or alternatively write your own. Please remember to quote King Eze Onuigbo’s Home Office Reference number :O1142828 in any correspondence.
Rt. Hon Theresa May, MP
Secretary of State for the Home Office,
2 Marsham St
London SW1 4DF
Fax: 020 7035 4745


"CIT - Treat Official"
3) Email/Fax Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister: Ask him to intervene with the Home Secretary Theresa May to stop the forced removal of King Eze Onuigbo. Copy the abovel letter, amend or write your own version - if you do please remember to include the following: King Eze Onuigbo’s, Home Office Reference: O1142828, due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Virgin Atlantic flight VS 615 from London Heathrow to Nigeria @22:20 hrs on Tuesday 1st November 2011.
Nick Clegg - Deputy Prime Minister's Office
Cabinet Office
70 Whitehall
Correspondence Section:
Tel: 020 7276 0527
Fax: 020 7276 0514

Write his MP who is Joan Ruddock:
Please email

Or you can write to
Joan Ruddock MP
House of Commons
Or telephone:
020 8 691 5992 (General Enquiries)
020 8 691 1400 (Casework)
020 7 219 4513 (Press and Diary)
Please notify Onuigbo’s support group of any action taken:

Alphonsus O Mefor