UK Migration Newswire Archive
Iranian mother and daughter facing imminent deportation
02-10-2009 13:00
A campaign is underway to prevent the deportation of a 16 year old Iranian girl and her mother. They are currently being held 150 miles outside of their home in Salford at the notorious Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre, where they have been for over three weeks.Interview about the No Borders camp this summer in Calais
01-10-2009 18:05
This interview was made shortly after the No Borders camp in Calais and published in Shift Magazine. We make it available online now to inform ongoing action in the region after the first mass raids on the the formatted version here:

Interview with Calais migrant on hunger strike
01-10-2009 16:41
2pm, Wednesday 30th August 2009. Parc Saint Pierre, CalaisEviction of Eritrean Squat, Calais, France
01-10-2009 16:35

Centre for the Study of Social & Global Justice seminar - 5th Oct @ 4
01-10-2009 11:21
We would like to invite you to the talk"Turning words into actions: The use of community organising methods in implementing the findings of the Independent Asylum Commission"
by Jonathan Cox, Citizens for Sanctuary which will take place on Monday 5th October from 4.00-5:30 pm in the Conference Suite, University Staff Club, University Park Campus.
The lecture is part of the 'Open Seminar Series' organised by the Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice (CSSGJ). Everybody is welcome, join us for drinks afterwards!
Calais migrants hunger strike press release/ final
30-09-2009 19:57
The hunger strike has started today at 12 noon.London Calais Migrant Solidarity Demo
30-09-2009 07:38
In response to the brutal destruction of the 'jungle' migrant camp in Calais by French authorities, around 30 people demonstrated yesterday near the French Embassy in Knightsbridge, London.Stop Deportation Network Benefit, Saturday 3rd October 2009
29-09-2009 19:16
STOP DEPORTATION NETWORK BENEFIT Saturday 3rd October 2009@ rampART, 15 -17 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA (near Whitechapel, off Commercial Rd)
Food from 7pm, music starts at 8pm
Suggested donation: £5 waged /£3 unwaged
Calais hunger strike - Press release
29-09-2009 14:15
As of 9am French time today 11 migrants in Calais started a highly visible hunger strike in the port area. The migrants, from regions including Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, Palestine, and Egypt, say they will continue the strike until Western countries co-operate to offer them asylum. They are also demanding that no migrant in Calais is readmitted to Greece, Italy or Malta.
support the refugees in calais
29-09-2009 13:31
i'm under no illusion about the problems of writing to our MPs & the media but think it is worth doing in this case (as well as doing other things). below is the letter i wrote. you can do it very quickly and for free here www.writetothem.com10 No Borders activists arrested in Calais for holding unauthorised protest
29-09-2009 11:21
keep up to date at calais migrant solidarity twitter.Seems like arrests were made just ahead the clearance of Hazara jungle. Activists were held during the clearance to stop similar scenes as last Tuesday.
Callout for support in Calais for migrants on hunger strike
28-09-2009 21:13

Around the Campaigns Monday 28th September 2009
28-09-2009 12:37
Constant Moussavou has left the UK"Thank you all for your letters/support unfortunately the Home Office did not want to listen and Constant was removed to Congo Brazzaville on Wednesday 9th September. We have not heard from him since. Please let me know if anyone does here from or of him."
Yours sincerely,
Priya Thamotheram, Chair, Leicester Civil Rights Movement.
Sanctuary for Constant Moussavou
BNP fascists using online radio to target young voters
28-09-2009 09:09

Labour's Tony McNulty on the platform of Unite Against Fascism
27-09-2009 20:49
Labour racist Tony McNulty invited onto the platform of the Unite Against Fascism (UAF) counter-demonstration in Harrow in september 2009.The Case for Illegal Immigrants
27-09-2009 13:56
The struggle to make our illegal brothers and sisters equal to us in status and opportunities belongs to the same spectrum as the abolition of slavery, women suffrage, fight against racism and fight for gay rights. Everyone has to take a stand.No Borders in Calais: arrests at prefecture
26-09-2009 22:36

Bond of hate: The BNP and the British Freedom Fighters
26-09-2009 16:53