UK Migration Newswire Archive
URGENT: Stop the first mass deportation flight to Baghdad
13-10-2009 09:49
URGENT: Stop the first mass deportation flight to BaghdadFirst demonstration at Communications House, Old Street roundabout, London, EC1, on Wednesday 14th October, 5pm.
The Stop Deportation network and the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees, along with other groups and organisations, are demanding that the first mass deportation flight to southern Iraq, expected to leave on Wednesday, is suspended and the detainees threatened with forcible removal are released immediately. Over the last week, detainees in various immigration detention centres have been given 'removal directions' clearly stating they will be removed to Iraq, rather than the Kurdistan Regional Government-controlled region, which was stated in previous removals.
Around the Campaigns Tuesday 13th October 2009
13-10-2009 08:48
Children held in UK immigration removal centres develop mental and physical health difficultiesMass deportation flight to Southern Iraq this week
12-10-2009 12:20
A specially chartered, mass deportation flight is scheduled to leave to southern Iraq for the first time. The flight is expected to go to Baghdad.No Borders protest at Becket House immigration reporting centre, London
11-10-2009 21:39

Athens: To live and die under socialism (migrant dead from police beating)
11-10-2009 11:05
from the "after the greek riots" blogCalais quick update
09-10-2009 15:34
Destruction of migrants' camp and squats continuesUK artists stand together to fight injustice against students
08-10-2009 15:33

Video of Arora Protest
07-10-2009 23:53

Press release on latest Calais evictions
07-10-2009 17:51
Groupe d'anarchistes de Lille press release on this morning's evictions in Calais:More migrant camps attacked & destroyed in Calais
07-10-2009 17:30
The destruction continues...No charter to Kabul tonight
06-10-2009 15:59
Charter to Kabul officially called off (for 'diplomatic reasons) but there may be charters in the future. I understand people are still going to demonstrate at the Lille ariport.Full article | 1 addition | 5 comments
Protest against Arora's plans to turn hotel into immigration prison
06-10-2009 14:45

After a 'friendly' chat with Tim Jurdon, Head of Planning at Arora Management Services Ltd., protesters unfurled a banner reading 'Arora Prisons International' and started to leaflet guests and staff in the lobby. After about 10 minutes, they were dragged out by security guards. Below are some photos and what *you* can do.
More info on charter to deport former calias jungle residents
06-10-2009 10:27
Following the announcement of the Franco-British charter with Afghanssee

Evaluation of noborder camp in Lesvos, Greece
06-10-2009 09:57

Bristol-Copenhagen Mobilisation Meeting
06-10-2009 08:16

Shut down Pagani! Azadi*! An evaluation of the no border camp in Lesvos
06-10-2009 06:37
Never before have we experienced a noborder camp on the outer borders of the EU at which political protests and social struggles for the freedom of movement were as intertwined as they were in Lesvos. International press coverage about the detention centre at Pagani was considerable and we return with many new impulses for transnational networking. Even if meetings were characterised by strong disagreements, our evaluation of Lesvos is overwhelmingly positive.(1)franco-british "charter" to kabul: the odious show continues
05-10-2009 15:30
A Franco-britannique deportation "charter" is scheduled for October 6 flying to Kabul. While the humanitarian situation and security continue to deteriorate in Afghanistan, that there has more civilian casualties than ever, and NGOs such as the Secretary General of UN expressed particular concern about the situation, France and Great Britain are trying, as they did in November 2008 with a joint operation. Afghanistan is a country at war. It is unacceptable to refer those that have fled to seek protection in Europe.Muslim graves desecrated in hate campaign
05-10-2009 11:12
One week before anti-Islam protesters the English Defence League (EDL) hit Manchester, up to 20 Muslim graves have been damaged by vandals at Manchester Southern Cemetery. Police are treating it as a hate crime.Syrian-Kurdish protest outside Downing Street yesterday
04-10-2009 18:42

London's Parliament-White Hall area was yesterday packed with all kind of demonstrations. One of them, opposite Downing Street, was by Syrian-Kurds protesting against the Syrian government's continued discriminatory policies against the Kurds. The demo was in commemoration of the 1962 exceptional census, which stripped over 20 percent of the Kurdish population off their citizenship. As a result, over 500,000 are still 'alien' in their own country, without any rights whatsoever. Yet, the Home Office insists that such discrimination experienced by Syrian Kurds does not amount to persecution or breach of their human rights and, thus, continues to deport Kurds back to Syria.
Protesters held banners demanding the release of political prisoners and denouncing legislative decree no. 49 (Sep 2008), which effectively tied dealing in property in border regions, particularly Kurdish areas, with a requirement to get permission from security services. As usual, the demonstration was penned in by police - although this time, the pen was significantly large for the number of demonstrators attending.
Without Borders: films, workshops & discussion, 17 Oct, Glasgow
03-10-2009 11:31