UK Migration Newswire Archive
Solidarity with the hunger strikers
27-07-2007 01:36
Please pledge to go on a one day hunger strike in solidarity with the Tamil nationals in deportation centres.
Thoughts on Virginia Tech and Racism
26-07-2007 23:00
The Virginia Tech massacre of three months ago remains the subject of task force investigations. But none appear to be examining the role that race played in fertilizing the killing grounds.New Hunger Strikes Threaten Campsfield: Oxford's
26-07-2007 18:44
++Government refuses to spend £1bn/year toprotect against real floods; instead wastes
£1.5bn on an imaginary one.++
No Border Camp Meeting And Demonstrations Announced
26-07-2007 07:47
Next planning meeting and demonstrationBuilding Works For New Detention Centre Started
25-07-2007 15:51
Immigration Minister Liam Byrne today helped break the ground for a new removal centre at Gatwick. The Home Office also published the name of the new Prison: Brook House.Appeal by Sri Lankan Tamils on hunger strike, detained at Haslar IRC
24-07-2007 14:02
While the Sri Lankan government is engaged in bombing, killing, torturing and terrifying into leave its Tamil citiziens, the UK government is sending them back to genocide.Sri Lankan detainees go on hunger strike in Harmondsworth
23-07-2007 18:06
Some 29 Sri Lankan Tamil nationals have reportedly gone on hunger strike at the Harmondsworth detention centre in London in protest at a Home Office decision to deport them back to Sri Lanka tomorrow. Harmondsworth has been the sight of continued resistance, with repeated hunger strikes, riots and demonstrations.Outstanding Asylum-Seeker Artist holds Art Exhibition in London.
21-07-2007 09:54

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Iranian refugees remember Babak Ahadi at Sheldon Court
18-07-2007 17:15

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Funke & Joseph belong to Glasgow - Urgent action needed
18-07-2007 12:44

Dawn Raid and Arrests in Glasgow
18-07-2007 12:37
This morning the Home Office attempted a dawn raid on a flat in the Sighthill district of Glasgow. Their target wasn't home but 4 people were detained.The brain drain
18-07-2007 11:56

Come and give a workshop, talk or presentation at the No Border Camp!
18-07-2007 11:07
Invitation to contribute workshops and discussions at the No Border Camp, near Gatwick, UK, 19th-24th September 2007.Can you help find stuff for the No Border camp?
17-07-2007 23:02
This is a wish list of stuff that we will need to get our hands on for the No Border Camp, which will take place near Gawtick form 19th-24th September 2007.Please help us beg, borrow, steal or freecycle the stuff!
Asylum applicants dispersed and being moved away from Portsmouth City
17-07-2007 00:17

How to grow - reflect, reflect, reflect!
Remember Babak Ahadi
16-07-2007 13:57
In mmory of Babak and all the other victims of the Home Office's "firm, fast and fair" policies.Commemorative Protest at Sheldon Immigration Court Birmingham
16-07-2007 13:40

On Wednesday 18th July between 12:00 pm and 14:00 pm, members of the Birmingham's Iranian Refugee Association will be holding a commemorative protest at the Asylum & Immigration Tribunal, Sheldon Court to remember the death of their close friend, Babak Ahadi, two years ago.
Babak committed suicide in Bristol after hearing his asylum claim was refused by the Immigration Tribunal at Sheldon Court, in July 2005. Babak was an Iranian Asylum Seeker who fled Iran in 2002 after converting to Christianity and an Islamic group threatened to expose him which would have led to his execution.
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Astonbrook: another asylum-profiteering company exposed
15-07-2007 22:30

Police have raided Birmingham-based asylum accommodation provider Astonbrook Housing Association after it emerged that the 'charity' had been, among other things, inventing asylum seekers to claim millions from the Home Office and the City Council. Two years ago, another housing provider contracted by the Home Office, the Angel Group, was being investigated for fraud.
Friday 13th July - 5 Demonstrations against Deportations to DRC
12-07-2007 10:47
3 more Demonstrations against Deportations to DR Congo
Middlesbrough, Glasgow, Cardiff, London and Manchester
Sanctuary in Swansea for the Dadkhah Family
11-07-2007 05:12