UK Migration Newswire Archive
No deportations to DRC/ Demostrations Friday 13th July
10-07-2007 11:09
Dr House and the Human Error
09-07-2007 19:15
But crudest it is than in Chapter the patients risked their lives when leaving single Cuba to be taken care of with the Dr House. Nor I was wanted it to think when they told the synopsis me of the Chapter, I saw myself forced to see it to believe it and is thus, two Cubans leaving towards the United States in raft to be taken care of with House, as if in Cuba there were not sufficient doctorsNo deportations to DRC/ Demostrations Friday 13th July
09-07-2007 18:02
Jack must stay! Being gay is not a crime
09-07-2007 17:34
Hi my name is Jack Monday Ikegwu, I am opening this profile to raise awareness to help fight the criminalisation of homosexuals in Nigeria. Please read my story.
No Border Camp Benefit London July 21st
09-07-2007 09:30

On Saturday July 21st we organise a day of workshops and a benefit gig in Chat's Palace, Hackney.
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Children and Hillingdon Council's out-right social work lies
06-07-2007 20:31
Further to the Indy article 'Blatant discrimination? Children, Asylum and Hillingdon Home Office apparatchiks', below is copies of evidence released under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, that shows the extent of Hillingdon's lies.Gatwick No Border Camp 2nd Meeting
06-07-2007 08:23
We invite all people who want to get involved in organising theNo Border Camp at Gatwick Airport (September 19th-24th 2007)
to a second public meeting Sunday 22nd July.
Urgent Call-out - Stop the deportation this evening of Christine Mulumba!
05-07-2007 15:25
This is a last minute call-out for anyone in London and available to go to Heathrow airport today to try to prevent the deportation of Christine Mulumba to the DR Congo on Ethiopian Airlines flight ET711 (due to leave from Terminal 3 at 21.35) by asking passengers and/or airline staff to refuse to have an asylum seeker being deported on their flight...No Border organising camp meetings report
05-07-2007 10:36
A really constructive weekend of meetings was held on 30th June and 1st July to plan the No Border camp near Gatwick in September. Around 30 activists from around Britain came to London to discuss and share ideas and skills to figure out how we are actually going to do this!NGO denounces UK lies Legal Advice for Asylum Detainees
05-07-2007 00:20
Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) is an independent charity that exists to challenge immigration detention in the UK. We work with asylum seekers and migrants, in removal centres and prisons, to secure their release from detention.In response to recent parliamentary questions the UK government made out the that the support that BID provided to women and children in Yarl's Wood amounted to adequate provision for legal advice on navigating the UK asylum and detention system.
The volunteers of BID totally reject this mis-representation of their work, read on understand what's really going on in detenion centres in the UK today.
Call for mobilisation against deportations to DR Congo
04-07-2007 09:32
The Home Office have requested yet another adjournment of the Country
Guidance on the DRC.
Model faxes to send to Home Office and Ethiopian Airlines re Christine Mulumba
04-07-2007 00:37
Please print out and send these faxes to Liam Byrne, Minister of State for Immigration, and Girma Wake, CEO of Ethiopian Airlines, to urge them to stop the deportation of Birmingham-based asylum seeker Christine Mulumba to DRC Congo from Heathrow via Ethiopia on Thursday 5th July...Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Expatriate UK Bangladeshis money stolen by money transfer fraudsters
03-07-2007 15:29
The East End of London is witnessing a series of tussles today between those who are demanding the restoration of the money lost by the expatriate Bangladeshis in the UK and those seeking to deny the devastating impact the theft and fraud have had on the people whose money has been stolen.Stop the Deportation of Christine Mulumba!
02-07-2007 18:11
Campaign to stop an asylum seeker from DR Congo being deported this ThursdayUK expatriate Bangladeshis hard earned cash robbed by Bangladeshi outfit
02-07-2007 10:56
A number of spontaneous demonstrations have been held in the UK, including in Luton and mainly in London. The people agitating in these demonstrations are almost all Bangladeshis [or arte people of Bangladeshi origins with needy relatives back in Bangladesh] who have just found out that a money transfer outfit they gave a total of several £Million to has stolen their cash. All kinds of short term characters are embarked on exploiting the situation for their petty and unpleasant ends.Call out to stop deportation
01-07-2007 19:32
This is a call-out for action to stop the deportation of a woman based in Birmingham. The woman who was seeking asylum from the DR Congo was detained on friday and is due to be deported this thursday.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Nottingham Congolese Community demonstrated against continued deportations
30-06-2007 21:22

Immigration Squad Raid Children In Swansea
30-06-2007 09:54
Three children under eleven suffer early morning raid in SwanseaIOM Glasgow Reintegration Workshop: June 27, 2007
29-06-2007 14:34
Did you attend the IOM-organized 'reintegration' workshop which took place on June 27 in Glasgow? Or, will you be attending any of the other workshops the IOM is planning? If yes, please get in touch.