Dr House and the Human Error
Nesty | 09.07.2007 19:15 | Culture | Migration | Other Press
But crudest it is than in Chapter the patients risked their lives when leaving single Cuba to be taken care of with the Dr House. Nor I was wanted it to think when they told the synopsis me of the Chapter, I saw myself forced to see it to believe it and is thus, two Cubans leaving towards the United States in raft to be taken care of with House, as if in Cuba there were not sufficient doctors
That I can say of Capitulo 24 “Human Error” of 3ra Season of televising series Dr House? It can that catalogues like an offense to the system and the Cuban town. You know who this series is followed Sunday after Sunday by more 3 million of Cuban which to 2:00 p.m. they are seated in front of the TV to enjoy approximately 45 minutes of a chapter of this series, that becomes instructive entertainment and. Dr House has become a material of alternative study for the young people who study medicine races. Chapter 24 has cleared him to the certain series credibility, to enumerate the committed errors would occupy much space, but I do not go to let show me to criticize certain barbarisms. From he himself beginning the manipulation of the information is seen: a case in that shipwrecked or Cuban ferrymen has still not occurred they have been rescued on the high seas and transferred to North American ground, exists a Law of Cuban Adjustment that leaves well clear that the one that is intercepted in the sea by the coastguard vessels it is given back to Cuba, and the one that touches earth remains, that killer law is single for Cuban! But crudest it is than in Chapter the patients risked their lives when leaving single Cuba to be taken care of with the Dr House. Nor I was wanted it to think when they told the synopsis me of the Chapter, I saw myself forced to see it to believe it and is thus, two Cubans leaving towards the United States in raft to be taken care of with House, as if in Cuba there were not sufficient doctors of quality to take care of them. I want to make reflections: if they left to be taken care of in the United States it is because they had the money, because the medical attention with a doctor of “international prestige” in the United States is expensive, So that the patients in time to travel in raft did not mount in an airplane? , it is certain that something by the proceedings is delayed, but they went to the SINA and they said that they had medical turn with the Dr House, of insurance give the permission him. Pardon! I forget me that it was a series of fiction, that is for entertaining the viewers; but this time the entertainment is manipulated, served to demonstrate that House is recognized anywhere in the world and also to offend and to discredit to the Cuban medical system. The scriptwriters know of Cuba but the idiots become, because they know that Castro shines well of green and that the formation of doctors in Cuba of is recognized, than includes countries Latin American, Caribbean, African, Asian, enclosed North American young people pertaining to families of low income study of gratuitous way medicine in Cuba, this last one did not say no to it of the protagonists. House can be tremendous doctor, can count on technologies of end, something that do not have the Cuban doctors, who are themselves disabled to interchange knowledge with homologous North Americans and to work with equipment of last generation because Bloqueo that imposes the Government from the United States to Cuba does not allow it. But there is something have the Cuban doctors whom Dr House does not have, the “professional ethics”. Gregory House is good like doctor, good to guess and to solve medical cases, but terrible treating the patients. To one he turns out to him chistoso to see ironic House because he is not the taken care of one. The ailment in the married leg and its problems turns it mounstro, that does not think it twice to chantajear, to offend and to impose its superiority, prestige and leadership. The Cuban doctors are totally different, more modest, human, shared in common, if he does not want to believe to me, if the Latin can ask to him million Central American Venezuelans, Bolivians and, not to the rich ones, but to humble and the poor ones, who have been taken care of with the Cuban doctors, who move away during months of their children and relatives to save human lives in other countries. By all these barbarisms that visualize in Capitulo 24 of the third Season of Dr House I am going to continue seeing the series. After shaping some discords with the argument of this Chapter, I hope that it is read by some person related to the series, and do not wait for excuses because the fact, fact is. “Human Error” was filmed to please to a group of people and was an offense for another group. I hope to see next to a House, yet its team of prestigious doctors if it wants, taking care of the poor men of Africa, doing the same shared in common task in countries of English speech of that Continent, so that it does not pass work with the language, interchanging with doctors Cuban, those same that it catalogued of incompetent and incapable ones to cure to Cuban citizens who are themselves motivated to risk their lives to be taken care of with a North American doctor. I hope that Hugh Laurie knows of the human error that she committed when participating in a Chapter that constitutes more than a ridicule a crude offense to the Cubans.