Can you help find stuff for the No Border camp?
No Border Camp Team | 17.07.2007 23:02 | Migration
This is a wish list of stuff that we will need to get our hands on for the No Border Camp, which will take place near Gawtick form 19th-24th September 2007.
Please help us beg, borrow, steal or freecycle the stuff!
Please help us beg, borrow, steal or freecycle the stuff!
From 19th to 24th September 07 we will gather at Gatwick Airport for the first No Border Camp in the UK. This camp will be a chance to work together to try and stop the building of a new detention centre, and to gather ideas for how to build up the fight against the system of migration controls. (more info and the full call go to:
To make the camp happen we need people, materials, skills and expertise. The camp will be a self organised autonomous space and we invite input from all those who wish to be involved in creating it. if you have materials or skills to share or ideas about where we can find what we need we want to hear from you!
If you can think of anything that we've forgotten that we'll need please let us know! Email g-anbc2007 [at]
things we need:
* land - a suitable camp site to house a camp of around 400 people
* sinks
* water tubing
* a water tanker
* marquees: large enough to hold camp meetings in
* Any tents big enough to stand up and move around in e.g. old frame tents, army tents, scout tents
* generators
* vans or other means of transport
* bales of hay to sit on during workshops etc.
* folding chairs
* tables
* wheelie bins
* Tarpaulins or waterproof fabric such as pieces of marquee canvas
* Firewood - pretty much any solid wood as long as it’s not heavily painted or treated
* Timber for building – anything from 6x3 to small battens to slabwood is useful
* Large pieces of sheet materials, esp. plywood and OSB, for building and for flooring to help with disabled access
* Rope
* Paint, esp. bright colours, and brushes
* Old sheets and lengths of plain-coloured cloth - for banners, props and costumes
* Plastic crates, the bigger the better, with or without lids, with or without holes in bottom
* Pallets
* Toys for the kids
* Sofas and comfy chairs, cushions, mattresses, bedding, rugs and carpets, blankets
* saws – bowsaws, panel saws, hacksaws…
* axes
* hammers – sledge, claw and lump
* spades
* screwdrivers
* wheelbarrows
* sack trucks
* screws
* nails
* cable ties
People and Skills:
* plumbing
* electricity
* carpentry
* communciations
* people who how to deal with rubbish recycling and disposal
* Materials and people to organize a wellbeing space
* People to help set up and take down the camp
* People who can help with translating
We are very happy for the camp to be organised in an envirionmentally friendly way - but we ourselves don't have the skills or resources to do this. If you would like to help, that'd be great! Please contact us - email g-anbc2007 [at]
CASH: obviously there are aspects of organising the camp that costs money, if your group wishes to hold a fundraiser or donate to the camp please let us know. Cheques, payable to No Borders Brighton, can be sent to No Borders Brighton, PO Box 74, Brighton BN 1 4ZQ. Please write No Border Camp on the back.
We are open to people who wish to set up affinity group camps, but are not envisaging that a camp of this size will need to function with a barrio system. However if you want to offer a barrio, please let us know. Email g-anbc2007 [at]
Anything else? Do email us: g-anbc2007 [at]
Thanks - the no border camp team

To make the camp happen we need people, materials, skills and expertise. The camp will be a self organised autonomous space and we invite input from all those who wish to be involved in creating it. if you have materials or skills to share or ideas about where we can find what we need we want to hear from you!
If you can think of anything that we've forgotten that we'll need please let us know! Email g-anbc2007 [at]
things we need:
* land - a suitable camp site to house a camp of around 400 people
* sinks
* water tubing
* a water tanker
* marquees: large enough to hold camp meetings in
* Any tents big enough to stand up and move around in e.g. old frame tents, army tents, scout tents
* generators
* vans or other means of transport
* bales of hay to sit on during workshops etc.
* folding chairs
* tables
* wheelie bins
* Tarpaulins or waterproof fabric such as pieces of marquee canvas
* Firewood - pretty much any solid wood as long as it’s not heavily painted or treated
* Timber for building – anything from 6x3 to small battens to slabwood is useful
* Large pieces of sheet materials, esp. plywood and OSB, for building and for flooring to help with disabled access
* Rope
* Paint, esp. bright colours, and brushes
* Old sheets and lengths of plain-coloured cloth - for banners, props and costumes
* Plastic crates, the bigger the better, with or without lids, with or without holes in bottom
* Pallets
* Toys for the kids
* Sofas and comfy chairs, cushions, mattresses, bedding, rugs and carpets, blankets
* saws – bowsaws, panel saws, hacksaws…
* axes
* hammers – sledge, claw and lump
* spades
* screwdrivers
* wheelbarrows
* sack trucks
* screws
* nails
* cable ties
People and Skills:
* plumbing
* electricity
* carpentry
* communciations
* people who how to deal with rubbish recycling and disposal
* Materials and people to organize a wellbeing space
* People to help set up and take down the camp
* People who can help with translating
We are very happy for the camp to be organised in an envirionmentally friendly way - but we ourselves don't have the skills or resources to do this. If you would like to help, that'd be great! Please contact us - email g-anbc2007 [at]
CASH: obviously there are aspects of organising the camp that costs money, if your group wishes to hold a fundraiser or donate to the camp please let us know. Cheques, payable to No Borders Brighton, can be sent to No Borders Brighton, PO Box 74, Brighton BN 1 4ZQ. Please write No Border Camp on the back.
We are open to people who wish to set up affinity group camps, but are not envisaging that a camp of this size will need to function with a barrio system. However if you want to offer a barrio, please let us know. Email g-anbc2007 [at]
Anything else? Do email us: g-anbc2007 [at]
Thanks - the no border camp team
No Border Camp Team