UK Migration Newswire Archive
No Borders Demonstration at Lindholme Immigration Removals Centre
08-08-2007 09:08

There is NO Asylum 'Amnesty'
07-08-2007 16:44
Despite what NCADC regards as misleading articles in the media (none of it sourced; none of it correct) and rumors on the streets, there is definitely no new 'amnesty'.Do NOT believe the spin of 'First Solution' being retailed this wseek
07-08-2007 11:55
THE “ACTION COMMITTEE TO GET THE PEOPLE THEIR MONEY BACK” ON "FIRST SOLUTION" - CAMPAIGN UPDATE 1100 GMT 7.8.2007UK Bangladeshis whose money has been stolen or misappropriated via 'First Solution' have been being given the run around via all manner of diversionary engagements.
Tuesday, 7 August 2007: 3 mid-day demonstrations of support for all immigration
06-08-2007 09:17
In the wake of this weekend's mass breakout at Campsfield, several of
us have decided to hold demonstrations and briefings OUTSIDE OUR
with the regular monthly picket of COMMUNICATIONS HOUSE - the secret
Home Office prison and "disappearance point" that's smack in the
middle of London, on the Old Street roundabout (see below).
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It is no crime to escape an illegal prison!
05-08-2007 23:41
No Borders UK statement on the Campsfield detainees' escapeTuesday 7th: three demonstrations against detention and deportations
05-08-2007 21:46
Campsfield house near Oxford: solidarity demonstration 12 noon to 2pmLindholme near Doncaster, South Yorkshire: demonstration 11.30 to 2pm
Communication House, Old Street, London: picket 1pm to 2pm
Immigration detention: unworkable (after Campsfield's latest riots)
05-08-2007 21:26
Locking up innocent people in detention centres - or immigration removal centres (IRCs) as they are now called, is not only cruel, inhumane and degrading: it is unworkable.Hunger strikes and uprisings have been part of life in detention centres since these monstrous institutions first opened, but have dramatically escalated in the past few years as the UK government are detaining increasing numbers of increasingly desperate people.
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"Between 20 and 50" escape from Campsfield Immigration Prison
05-08-2007 07:24
After another week of strikes and protests, the GEO-managed centre explodes - for the2nd time in 6 months.
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Call for International Day of Action Against Immigration Prisons
04-08-2007 14:25
Call for International Day of Action Against Immigration Prisonson 22 September, 2007
Anti-deportation march - Saturday 11 August 2007.
03-08-2007 17:34
There will be an anti-deportation march in Manchester on Saturday 11 August 2007, in defence of all asylum seekers.Weekend action in Tower Hamlets to get the people their money back
03-08-2007 16:38
It has been 5 weeks since the 'first Solution' controllers, based [until end of June 2007] at the London Muslim Centre in Whitechapel Road london E1, declared that they were going into liquidation. That was followed by widespread demonstrations o anger, outrage, anguish and frustration by people who have lost money.Weekend action in Tower Hamlets to get the people their money back
03-08-2007 16:38
It has been 5 weeks since the 'first Solution' controllers, based [until end of June 2007] at the London Muslim Centre in Whitechapel Road london E1, declared that they were going into liquidation. That was followed by widespread demonstrations o anger, outrage, anguish and frustration by people who have lost money.Home office reps roasted by angry, well-informed Campsfield detainees
02-08-2007 15:45
Following Tuesday night's large, disciplined yard-protest and Wednesday morning's hunger strike, two Home Office representatives were called to Campsfield on Wednesday afternoon to hear the detainees' grievances. The pair, including the Assistant Director of Escorting Services at the Borders and Immigration Authority (Philip Schoelenberger?) were confronted by an angry, articulate, multi-national delegation of 22 detainees in a meeting that lasted 2 and a half hours.Urgent Action Needed for Ikram Family
02-08-2007 15:37
The Ikram Family - Mohammed Kashif, his wife Ansa Kashif and their three children, Farid Ali, Abdul Rehman and Abdul Momin - were detained on Tuesday 31st July at the Home Office in Glasgow when they went to sign on.The Family were taken to Dungavel Immigration Removal Centre. On Wednesday, after a check up by the doctor at Dungavel, Mohammed was transferred to hospital. Mohammed suffers from high blood pressure and in the past has had to be admitted into hospital in emergencies as a result. They're due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Saturday 4th July at 20:30hrs on a Gulf Air flight number GF006 to Pakistan.
Campsfield Detentainees Confront Home Office Officals
02-08-2007 12:35
Following Tuesday night's large, disciplined yard-protest and Wednesday morning's hunger strike, two Home Office representatives were called to Campsfield on Wednesday afternoon to hear the detainees' grievances. The pair, including the Assistant Director of Escorting Services at the Borders and Immigration Authority (Philip Schoelenberger?) were confronted by an angry, articulate, multi-national delegation of 22 detainees in a meeting that lasted 2 and a half hours.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Weekend demo outside 'London Muslim Centre' for victims - 'First Solution'
01-08-2007 15:01
The ACTION COMMITTEE TO GET THE PEOPLE THEIR MONEY BACK 2007Which was set up at the start of July [2007] to take action to get the money back to the people who have been robbed via ‘First Solution’ is now holding the first demonstration outside the London Muslim Centre this weekend.
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Solidarity at Campsfield
31-07-2007 18:12
The following statement was read out to a representative of the Campaign to Close Campsfield this afternoon at 5.30 with the request that it be distributed to the media. There will possibly be asolidarity demo outside Campsfield House detention centre, Oxfordshire, tomorrow at 6pm.
Big raid against refugees in Oujda (Morocco)
31-07-2007 16:31
Moroccan security forces carried out a raid on the campus of Oujda university, which has served as a space to live for the migrants for quite some time, in the early morning of 26 July 2007. This searching and raid action was very vigorous and the biggest of its kind since the well-known incidents of Ceuta and Melilla. More than 450 persons have been arrested.Migrants Escape from Detention Centre
30-07-2007 23:06
Some inspiring news....Last night a revolt in a detention centre in Bari led to at least 35 migrants escaping, mainly of Egyptian nationality.Benefit gig for the Gatwick No Border Camp Aug 11th
29-07-2007 09:38
Benefit gig for the Gatwick No Border Camp