UK Migration Newswire Archive
Asylum betrayed
16-12-2005 11:06
The Home Office asylum system is corrupt, with applications prejudged and lawyers prevented from properly representing their clients. By Peter TatchellAmanda & Thando 39th day of Hunger Strike
15-12-2005 22:53
On Tuesday in the House of Lords, Lord Avebury raised the issue of Amanda he said: "On Sunday I spoke on the telephone to Miss Amanda Sibiya, a Zimbabwean who has been in Yarl's Wood detention centre since 8 April, and on hunger strike in protest against her detention since the beginning of November. She has lost 10 kilograms and the doctor from the Medical Foundation who examined her last week recommended that she be transferred to hospital, but the authorities declined to do that. A system that holds people in custody for eight months and ignores medical advice to release them is manifestly in need of regular judicial oversight, and we hope that if the Government are not prepared to implement Part 3 of the 1999 Act, they will come up with equivalent safeguards for vulnerable asylum seekers being held in detention indefinitely."tonight : Auzzy good neighbours night at rampART
15-12-2005 16:34
It's back, the free community cinema at rampART relaunches tonight with a auzzy neighbours special...STARTS 8 PM SHARP!
15 rampart street, London E1 2LA
Direct action against deportations in Glasgow
15-12-2005 13:20
For two days running, no Immigration Service snatch squads have been able to leave the Scottish Enforcement Unit at Brand Street in Glasgow to carry out their dawn raids on people facing deportation.Glasgow Immigration Center "dawn raided"
14-12-2005 17:19

Glasgow's Brand Street Immigration Centre was the target of another early morning protest today [report].
Around 30 Anarchists, Christians, Communists, Clowns, liberals, muslims, pagans, refugee support workers, socialists and people of no particular allegiance descended on Brand St at 5am with the aim of preventing a dawn raid for one day at least.
An informal candlelit vigil was held outside.
After a while, a distraction of clowns arrived and the mood lightened a little. They declared themselves to be from Elsewhere and attempted to turn themselves in for deportation to Denmark, Jamaica, any country more sane than this one [report].
Around 8.30 the protesters left, satisfied that no raids would or could take place that day.
Another Dawn Raid on Brand Street Immigration Centre
14-12-2005 14:29

14-12-2005 10:02
PROTECT DARFUR DEMO Friday 16/12/0512 Noon Opposite Downing Street
Aegis Trust, Darfur Union - 200 Darfuri refused asylum seekers + Thousands of Brits (hopefully)
Act against inhuman refugee policy
12-12-2005 23:12
Globally, refugees are rarely given an easy time. And national government is stepping up its ongoing campaign against the unfortunate. So for those who think the destitute and homeless should be supported, or that borders themselves should be fought, now may be a good time to take action.
Calais activist sentenced for crimes of giving shelter and food to refugees
11-12-2005 21:45
Two Calais activists have been sentenced . The 'crime' they have committed handing out food and sheltering undocumented people in this case, homeless refugees, which is against the law in France.This is what Borders really mean !
Save INCA cultural center Timisoara - Romania
11-12-2005 20:47
This is Tavi from city of Timisoara, Romania writing on behalf of the INCA Center in Timisoara.INCA stands for International Network of Contemporary Artisans and the Center is the only alternative place of this kind in Romania.
Troble flares in Sydney
11-12-2005 15:32
Following the gathering of a large drunken mob on Cronella beach trouble continues in SydneyLeeds stops evictions of Iraqi Kurds - more cities must follow
08-12-2005 12:43
Over 400 Iraqi Kurds have been made destitute over the last three month in Britain because they refused to accept "volontary return" into the war zone of Iraq. Hunger, Homelessness and possibile employment in the informal labour market at wages around 1 Pound are the results of a Home Office Policy that increasingly evokes resistance in local communities all over Britain.New NoBorders group set up in Birmingham
07-12-2005 20:07

Get involved!
From the Outside In: Reflections of Lebanon in European Eyes
07-12-2005 11:39
As a Brit, I'm constantly asked why I chose to live in Beirut by people who are desperate to leave Lebanon. I have my reasons, but others have a very different experience here.Press Conference: An investigation into Yarl’s Wood Removal Centre
05-12-2005 14:18
Press Conference: A “Bleak House” for Our TimesAn investigation into Yarl’s Wood Removal Centre
by Legal Action for Women
Thursday 15 December 11am,
Trinity United Reformed Church, Buck Street,
Camden Town, London NW1
Contact: 020 7482 2496, 07958 171 152
Manchester, Sat 17 December 2005, Three Anti-Deportation Campaigns
05-12-2005 01:01

The theme for this will be "Defence of all asylum seekers and refugees on an anti-racist and anti-imperialist basis. Opposition to all immigration controls, all deportations" We invite all asylum seekers who can make it into town and all anti-deportation campaigns to come along (bring a stall if you can!), and support the action.
Sheffield: Organising against deportation of Iraqui Kurds
04-12-2005 19:34
The UK Government has started to deport people back to Iraq, claiming that the country is now "safe". 15 men, Iraqui Kurds, were deported from Sheffield on November 19th. A first demo took place in Birmingham on December 1st. A call to demonstrate in Sheffield on December 17th went out to the North of Britain.Demonstrate: Stop Deportations of Iraqi Kurds
04-12-2005 18:52

Saturday 17th Dec. 12 noon
Peace Gardens Sheffield city centre
Called by the Campaign Against Detention and Deportation of Iraqis
Ugandan deportee faces imprisonment and torture
04-12-2005 14:21
Another Female Ugandan hunger striker faces imprisonment and torture if returned to Uganda tonight at 7pm on a BA flight from Gatwick.Prol-Position-News #4 out now!
04-12-2005 10:28
The contents of this issue:Editorial
Strike at Gate Gourmet in Düsseldorf/Germany
Spread Cheese against Scabs
Interview with Polish Tesco Worker in Ireland
Polish Work Gangs in Britain
Lodz/Poland: Household Appliance Industry
Razor Attack
Polish Workers in France
French Investments in Eastern Europe
Washing Machine Factory in Berlin/Germany
hp-Warehouse Duisburg/Germany
Mobilizations in the Greek Textile Industry
Strike at Honda in Gurgaon/India
Car-Update: More strikes
Social Earthquake in Iran
US: Katrina and After
Less Black People want to join the US-Army
Wildcat-Poster: Which way to the revolution?