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Calais activist sentenced for crimes of giving shelter and food to refugees

Press release of Salam part of Comité de soutien de refugies à Calais | 11.12.2005 21:45 | Anti-racism | Migration | Social Struggles

Two Calais activists have been sentenced . The 'crime' they have committed handing out food and sheltering undocumented people in this case, homeless refugees, which is against the law in France.

This is what Borders really mean !

Csur is a group of local volunteers in Calais who have tried since 2002 when the Sangatte Red cross centre was forced to close, to provide basic nourishment and medical care to men, women and children from Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and many other conflict zones.
They are volunteers who do their work at their own expense and on the donations and generosity of local people . The heavy fines that have been incurred, will clearly have a big impact on their capacity to do their urgent work .

Please think of the refugees that are supported through their work and give as generously as you can to avoid the possibly very negative impact of these fines . In the freezing cold months of Winter the work that these local people do is providing a real lifeline to very vulnerable people.

received from SALAM part of the comité de soutien de refugies de Calais C’SUR

Translated from French

In Calais hundreds of migrants Iraqis, Somali’s, and Afghans sleep outside in the cold since the closure of the red cross centre at Sangatte in November 2002
In that context only local volunteers groups have brought a minimum of dignity to which every human being should have a right.

Among the volunteers Jean Claude Lenoir and Charles Frammezelle have been taken as a target by the public powers and unjustly condemned to very heavy fines , more than 8000 euros in fines and suspended sentences.

so we must react,

-against this new attack against activists from associations
-when they are taken against volunteers who defend just humanitarian causes
-when a procurer pretends that we should condemn men who "perhaps haven’t been told that they -have been reproached, but may think it”
-when the procurer has condemned for racist injuries an activist who spends most of his time and energy to support refugees of all nationalities who sleep outside in our towns
-when they condemn activists who have taken on a job that the state actually should be providing
-to stop at once all intimidation against the trade union and association movement

contribute to the payment of fines

send your financial contribution to

Par chèque à l’ordre de
By cheque :
SALAM Calais - Soutien Militant
(Salam Calais activist support)
Association SALAM Calais
Maison Pour Tous
81 Bd Jacquard
62100 CALAIS

Par virement :
Caisse d'épargne
Agence Calais Rue Paul Bert
Etab. Guich. Compte (account) clé
16275 20500 04031270486 51

en lutte>>>coordination nationale

received from SALAM part of the ‘Comité de soutien de refugies de Calais C’SUR’
A Calais, des centaines de migrants (irakiens, somaliens, afghans...) dorment dehors dans le froid depuis la fermeture du centre de la croix rouge de Sangatte en novembre 2002.

Dans ce contexte, seules les associations apportent le minimum de dignité auquel chaque être humain a pourtant droit.

Parmi les bénévoles, Jean-Claude Lenoir et Charles Frammezelle ont été pris pour cible par les pouvoirs publics et injustement condamnés à de très lourdes amendes : plus de 8000 € au total et de la prison avec sursis.

Parce qu'il faut réagir :

- face à une nouvelle attaque contre des militants associatifs
- quand on s'en prend à des bénévoles qui défendent des causes humanitaires justes
- quand un procureur prétend qu’on doit condamner des hommes " qui n'ont peut-être pas dit ce qu'on leur reproche, mais qui l'ont pensé "
- quand on condamne pour injures racistes un militant qui mobilise l’essentiel de son énergie pour soutenir les migrants de toutes origines qui dorment dehors dans nos villes
- quand on condamne des associatifs qui assument une mission que l'Etat devrait remplir
- pour que cessent une fois pour toutes les intimidations contre les mouvements syndicaux et associatifs.


Press release of Salam part of Comité de soutien de refugies à Calais
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