UK Migration Newswire Archive
Learning Without Limits – A Call for Autonomous Education
19-06-2005 10:04
This is a call to build an non-hierarchial/anti-authoritarian/libertarian/autonimous Education Network replacing for some the failed and collapsing system that indoctrinates in capitalist mode - Education With No LimitsDover Memorial Stone Service for 58 Chinese
18-06-2005 13:10
An eye witness reports on today's moving act of commemoration on Dover seafrontNO ONE IS ILLEGAL MARCH ON OTTAWA
18-06-2005 11:06

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Asylum Profiteers 'The Angel Group' sponsor Celebrating Sanctuary in Brum
17-06-2005 14:47

Asylum seekers take stand against destitution during refugee week
17-06-2005 13:05

During last year’s refugee week over 40 people, most of them asylum seekers and refugees, took part in an all-night sleep-out in the grounds of St. Philips Cathedral in protest at the unfair treatment of asylum seekers in Birmingham and throughout the UK.
Organised by Birmingham's Anti-racist Campaign (ARC), the sleep-out was aimed at raising public awareness about the destitution and homelessness thousands of asylum seekers face in the UK because of the government’s immigration policies.
A year later the position is worse, and shows no signs of improving. That is why ARC is organising ASYLUM SLEEP-OUT 2 in the cathedral grounds during refugee week.
16-06-2005 18:20
A 10-month Scotland Yard study has documented ongoing Christian human child sacrifices in London, and a Christian theologian Dr. Richard Hoskins of Kings College acknowledges that this is true but asks that it be dealt with "sensitively". Contrast this demand for sensitivity with the everyday psychotic mistreatment of Muslims over "issues" like polygamy.Stop deportations of Roma (Gypsies) from Kosovo
16-06-2005 16:27

Dover Removal Centre Detainees 'Riot'
16-06-2005 09:01
Source: Dover Express 16 June 2005 "Failed refugees clash on Western Heights" allegedly.Dover-Sat.Memorial to 58 Chinese dead opens
15-06-2005 15:13
A memorial to the 58 Chinese who died in a lorry at Dover will be unveiled on Sat.Indymedia Screening showing NO LAGER, Sunday 19th june
14-06-2005 10:15
Two films about detention centres for refugees, andinspiring actions that have taken place outside and inside them across the world and in Oxford
10-06-2005 05:05 stop the process of deportation of A. Hossain, the representative of KCTU/MTUa few thoughts on detention politics
08-06-2005 08:36
a few simple reasonings abouts the wrongs in a greedy , uncreative detention politics.A Call out for a Walking tour of links to Migration Control.
31-05-2005 21:25

We need Tour guides, Music makers and performers of all variety.
YMCA drops slave labour scheme for asylum seekers!
31-05-2005 16:38
The YMCA have dropped section 10 - Hooray!Just announced on Radio Merseyside
31 May 2005

Detained and threatened with deportation
29-05-2005 10:36
As a Zimbabwean detainee who fled for fear of persecution in my home country I find the situation so stressfull. If you could tell me the difference between Zimbabwe and Britain I would be glad to know because at present Britain is also breaking its human rights, locking innocent people up in detention centres, deporting them back to Zimbabwe to the same ruling government they fled from.STOP DEPORTATIONS EMERGENCY PROTEST in Trafalgar Square
27-05-2005 12:43
Saturday 28th May at 2pm Trafalgar Squareto be followed by further protests outside the Home Office
Sanctuary for Zahrieh, Alirezah and Navid
27-05-2005 10:14
'Sanctuary for Zahrieh, Alirezah and Navid'The Rahimi Larki family Zahrieh, Alirezah and Navid; nationals of Iran, were taken from their Wolverhampton home on Monday 16th May and taken to Yarl's Wood Removal Centre, where the are today. Most of their belongings were left behind. One of the Immigration officers packed their son, Navid's, belongings, bundling a lot of useless stuff into the bag, such as a blanket and toy puppets.
Motorcycle demonstration to support Kurdish hungerstriker Bahoz in Greece
26-05-2005 13:33
On Tuesday, the 24th of May, a motorcycle demonstration took place in Thessaloniki, Greece, to support the anarchist hungerstriker Bahoz in his fight for political asylum.Political asylum is nearly unknown in Greece as from 2000 to 3000 applications each year only 2-3 individual’s applications get approved.
Stop the YMCA using Asylum Seekers as Slave Labour
26-05-2005 10:45

Protest against the slave labour of failed asylum seekers
25-05-2005 23:21

The Home Office and YMCA are pledging that this scheme will be under section 10 of the Asylum & Immigration Act 1999.
The demonstration was small but effective. The 8 protestors stood their ground outside Millennium House (Liverpool City Council building) and were joined in solidarity by those invited to the meeting on their way in and out of the meeting and by those few who ’gate crashed’ - Councillors!