UK Migration Newswire Archive
Campsfield demo on Saturday
29-06-2005 23:05
Demo to support the Zimbabwean hunger strikers and all detaineesCampsfield Detention Centre, Kidlington
Saturday 2nd July 12pm - 2pm
Report on No One Is Illegal conference
28-06-2005 17:45
90-100 people attended the second No One Is Illegal conference in Manchester on 25/06/05. There were a mixture of people threatened with deportation, anti-racist activists and those people who, having won their own anti-deportation campaigns, had become activists for others.NO BORDER ACTION IN GREECE!
28-06-2005 17:12

28-06-2005 17:10
Oxfordshire residents went to Campsfield House Removal Centre near Kidlington today to offer support for the detainees who are on hunger strike over conditions inside and are grieving the suicide of one Zimbabwean man yesterday morning. They will go there again tomorrow.Photos of demonstration at Campsfield
28-06-2005 16:36

New Warning on Climate Change
28-06-2005 10:35
New Warning on Climate Change [from Prof. Bill McGuire, Benfield Hazard Research Centre, University College London’s] The UK could be transformed into a string of different islands due to climate change and rapidly rising sea levels, according to new research.In the Aftermath of Ethnic Cleansing
27-06-2005 22:14
Continued persecution of Roma, Ashkalis, Egyptians and others perceived as "Gypsies" in KosovoRethink policy of deporting failed Zimbabwean asylum seekers
27-06-2005 22:11
Officials in the Zimbabwe government have publicly said Britain is training spies, mercenaries and agents to destabilise the country and is sending them into Zimbabwe under the guise of returning failed asylum seekers.On arrival the deportees are invariably met by Mugabe’s secret police, detained, tortured and interrogated. Some of the deportees have not been heard of since. Their families, both in Zimbabwe and in Britain, report that the last they heard of them was that they had been picked up by the secret police.
make borders history poster
27-06-2005 20:59

Chris Ntirandekura - request to stay
27-06-2005 15:54

Medical update kurdish hungerstriker
25-06-2005 22:12
The hunger striker Zulkuf Murat Bora on 18/06/2005, 33rd day of his hunger strike was transfered into hospital. His condition is critical, since there is danger of irreversible physical damage.Political Asylum for the Kurdish fighter Zulkuf Murat BORA
25-06-2005 21:55
Bahoz has been on hunger strike since the 17th of May. The Greek Minister of Public Order promised to grant him asylum for one year due to “humanitarian reasons”, as long as he gave up his hunger strike and his right to claim political asylum. Bahoz has refused such “humanitarian” help from the State and continues his struggle for political asylum. Since the 19th of June he has stopped taking any sugar or salt in his water. As a result, he is now in the hospital in a very critical condition.Edinburgh-Solidarity Action with political asylum seekers Bahoz and Temiz
23-06-2005 18:16
Edinburgh-Solidarity Action with political asylum seekers Bahoz and Temiz//GreeceAmnesty International slams migrant holding centres in Italy
23-06-2005 16:02
A new report by Amnesty International suggests migrants held in Italian holding centres are subject to abuse. The Berlusconi government has denied the organization access to the centresDetention policy: Change Your Mind
22-06-2005 09:37

Qasim's possible release a 'worrying precedent': Labor
21-06-2005 00:27

New Amnesty Report on Detention Centres (20th june)
20-06-2005 09:56
UK: New Amnesty report calls on government to reveal annual asylum detention figures.Amnesty also asserts that detaining children at Dungavel is unlawful.
A protest at Dungavel detention centre is planned during the G8 Summit for Tuesday 5th July.
ON HUNGERSTRIKE. Against immigration detention and deportations.
19-06-2005 11:59
Mafungasei Maikokera, Patricia Mukandara and Esthery Murumbi have been on hungerstrike for two weeks now. The three women are from Zimbabwe and they are terrified to be sent back. The Archbishiop Pius Ncube has warned the British Government Zimbabweans face 'certain death' if returned to Zimbabwe. Mafungasei, Patricia and Esthery are also very upset with the conditons at Yarl's Wood IRC.