UK Migration Newswire Archive
British Airways profit from deporting refugees facing torture & death
22-07-2005 14:26

BA ferries failed asylum seekers
LONDON - British Airways is one of last airlines still prepared to fly home failed Zimbabwe asylum seekers from the UK. Speaking at a joint news conference with several members of both houses of parliament across the benches, Labour MP Kate Hoey last week urged members of the public to write to British Airways protesting the airline’s continued willingness to carry failed asylum seekers to Zimbabwe where they face possible arrest and torture.
Liverpool UNISON healthworker and her husband fight deportation to Afghanistan
21-07-2005 09:17
Heather Bullen, a British citizen and UNISON health worker, and her Afghan husband Shah have launched a campaign to stay in Britain. Although they are happily married and settled, the Home Office have refused to grant permission for Shah to stay in the UK. They plan to send him back to Afghanistan where he could face persecution and danger. A hearing is set for 9 August.Refugees to face 5 years of doubt and insecurity
20-07-2005 12:53
posted from
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"an unparalleled digest of asylum, immigration, anti-racism and human rights issues"
The government announced today that from 30 August 2005 people given refugee status will no longer qualify automatically for indefinite leave to remain but instead will be given leave for 5 years.
Jack Straw on Saudi gays under threat + EU Conv against people Trafficking.
19-07-2005 11:39
Jack Straw replies via Micheal Howard to constituencts 'concerns' on the safety of gay men in Saudi Arabia and also signing the EU Conv Against people trafficking.FUNDRAISER FOR ASYLUM SEEKING YOUTH
18-07-2005 14:20

SWARM the minutemen and EDT Virtual Sit-In
15-07-2005 20:53

Disturbance Theater
Virtual Sit-In Against Anti-Immigrant Websites,
from Tuesday July 20th -Thursday, July 22nd
To join, click here:

Aust-Gov't Failure Card: Community
14-07-2005 22:40

STOP British Airways Flight BA302 at 6:20am Thursday 14 July
13-07-2005 09:48
re-posted from NCADC News ServiceCharles Pouaha must stay!
Urgent: Please help stop the removal of Charles Beaudelaire Pouaha On British Airways Flight BA302 at 6:20am Thursday 14 July "I escaped Cameroon and came to England on the 26th of November 2002, but instead of finding refuge here I have been drowning in problems; since I came to this country and presented myself to immigration as an asylum-seeker, I have suffered the evils that I was trying to forget yet again. I have been held in detention since the 29th August 2003. Because I know my situation is very dangerous in Cameroon, and I know how failed asylum seekers who are deported to Cameroon are treated, I resisted deportation." Charles Pouaha
This will be the sixth attempt to remove Charles.
Charles has been fighting for two and half years for the right to asylum in Britain. Charles survived detention & torture in Cameroon only to have his case for asylum refused at every turn, despite all the evidence he has provided of what happened to him and how much he is at risk if he is returned.
Sheffield No Borders Meeting
10-07-2005 17:12
On Tuesday 12th July there is a meeting to set up a "No Borders" group in Sheffield.Dungavel No Borders Demo. Pics
06-07-2005 19:27

Photos From Dungavel Prison Protest
05-07-2005 20:57

Video: Make Borders History - 3rd July Glasgow - A walking tour of Migration
05-07-2005 06:30

Dungavel Protest, Tues July 5
04-07-2005 16:49
The international day of protest at Dungavel, Immigrant Removal Centre, goes ahead tomorrow Tuesday July 5. This will be a day of action, including noise protest, music, information stalls and more.The protest happens as hundreds of Zimbabwean's detained in Britain and threatened with deportation are on hunger strike.
Glasgow - Make Borders History Pictures #2
04-07-2005 08:47

Glasgow - Make Borders History Pictures #1
04-07-2005 08:38

Supporters harassed by odd copper, as detainees starve at Campsfield.
03-07-2005 14:55

02-07-2005 16:57
The free movement of workers is claimed within the EU but now with reduced, curtailed rights, workers moving from one country to another find themselves discriminated against. In effect they are being recast as second class EU citizens, only achieving first class status when it comes to pay taxes.Dover's Multicultural Festival Success
02-07-2005 15:52
An eye witness's account of a splendid afternoon of solidarity with refugees.Irish buses arriving in Scotland stopped for one hour by cops
01-07-2005 18:45
The Irish buses have been stopped by poice coming off the ferry for one hour for intensive search and so they can videotape everyone.See for blog
For audio interviews with Irish dissent crew on the buses see
Day 9 of UK Detained Zimbabweans Hunger Strike
30-06-2005 12:20
Hunger strikers 'bullied' by centre staffImmigration officials were accused last night of bullying Zimbabwean detainees in an attempt to break their hunger strike. Alleged ringleaders of the protest have apparently been moved into solitary confinement.